Joe Brockmeier has announced the availability of the second and final release candidate for 11.2: "
is it folks! We're almost there for openSUSE 11.2. Time to grab the
final 11.2 release candidate and shake out any remaining bugs to get
the lizard ready for release. This release includes an updated kernel,
Samba, Firefox, and more. Release Candidate 2 includes a few new
packages, and several of the 'most annoying bugs' in RC1 have been
fixed. New packages include: Linux kernel, SeaMonkey 2.0,
Firefox 3.5.4, Samba 3.4.2, X.Org Server 1.6.5." Read the rest of the for more information and known issues.
Download (): (678MB, , ), (696MB, , ), (689MB, , ), (694MB, , ).
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