2009-10-02 15:57:10
Andreas Jaeger has announced the availability of the 8th milestone release of 11.2: "The openSUSE project is happy to announce that the last openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 8 (M8) is available for download. Test now and give feedback via our Bugzilla since this is the last milestone before the first release candidate. Milestone 8 includes the final version of the openSUSE 11.2 branding, fixes the most annoying bugs of Milestone 7. And, of course, it includes many updated packages: Linux kernel 2.6.31, GNOME 2.28 RC, OpenOffice.org 3.1.1, openSUSE 11.2 theme is in place, PulseAudio 0.9.17, Samba 3.4.1, PostgreSQL 8.4.1." Refer to the for further details. Download (): (645MB, , ), (630MB, , ), (659MB, , ), (648MB, , ). |
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