Ken Smith has announced the availability of the fourth beta release of 8.0: "The fourth and most likely final BETA build for the FreeBSD 8.0 release cycle is now available. Since BETA3 many bugs that were identified from testing done so far were addressed. Some of the bigger issues were an mbuf leak along with work done in the general IPv6, jail, and USB subsystems. Issues in other areas have been addressed as well. Due to the issues identified in this early phase of testing, the schedule for release has been pushed back. The current target for the release itself is September 29th, with two RC builds between now and then. ISO images for all supported architectures are available on the FTP sites and a 'memory stick' images are available for the amd64 and i386 architectures." Read the rest of the for additional details. : (1,773MB, ), (1,837MB, ).