Joe Brockmeier has announced the availability of the sixth milestone release of 11.2: "
openSUSE project is happy to announce that openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 6
(M6) is available for download. This release includes new packages on
the GNOME and KDE live CDs, Python 3.1, and Linux kernel 2.6.31-rc6.
Changes Since openSUSE 11.2 Milestone 5: new packages on the KDE live
CD (Choqok, KNode, Kompare, KSystemlog, Okteta); Transmission is now on
the GNOME live CD; PackageKit 0.5.1; a number of updated packages,
including Firefox 3.5.2, GIMP 2.6.7, GNOME 2.28 Beta, Konversation 1.2
Alpha 6, OpenOffice.org 3.1.1 Beta 2, VirtualBox 3.0.4, WINE 1.1.27." Please refer to the full for more details and known issues.
Download (): (669MB, , ), (683MB, , ), (659MB, , ), (686MB, , ).
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