Theo de Raadt has announced the release of 4.5: "
are pleased to announce the official release of OpenBSD 4.5. This is
our 25th release on CD-ROM (and 26th via FTP). As in our previous
releases, 4.5 provides significant improvements, including new
features, in nearly all areas of the system: Initial ports to the
xscale-based gumstix platform and the ARM-based OpenMoko; improved
hardware support and several new or improved drivers for sensors; new
tools - ypldap, an YP server using LDAP as a backend; malloc has gained
new attack mitigation measures; install now allows multiple interfaces
to be configured with DHCP; OpenSSH 5.2; over 5,500 ports, minor
robustness improvements in package tools; major components - Xenocara
(based on X.Org 7.4), GCC 2.95.3 and 3.3.5, Perl 5.10.0; our improved
and secured version of Apache 1.3, with SSL/TLS...." Read the rest of the for a detailed list of all changes and improvements. : (229MB, ), (251MB, , ).
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