Linux 2009.1 has been released: "
announces today the launch of the final version of Mandriva Linux
2009.1. Quicker, easier and even more secure, this new version brings
you a host of innovative features. Main components: KDE 4.2.2, GNOME
2.26, X.Org Server 1.6, Linux kernel 2.6.29, Xfce 4.6. Mandriva Linux
2009.1 comes with a big improvement in boot time and the Mandriva
Control Center tools have been also optimized. Network center is now
supporting advanced network configuration, together with additional
pre-configured Internet providers, integration with new network devices
and support for different wireless regulatory domains. The Mandriva
security framework, msec, has been also redesigned. The ext4 file
system is now supported in stable version and available during
installation." Read the
release announcement, and for further details. Quick links to the installable "One" live CDs and the "Free" installation DVDs: (686MB, , ), (682MB, , ), (4,452MB, , ), (4,458MB, , ).
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