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2007-05-27 09:25:11

2007-05-26 NEW
Urs Beyerle has announced the availability of a live CD edition of Linux 5.0: "Scientific Linux Live CD 5.0 has been released for i386 and x86_64 architectures. The Scientific Linux Live CD is a bootable CD that runs Scientific Linux directly from CD without installing. New feature: Live CD can be installed to local hard disk. Major software updates compared to Scientific Linux 4 Live CD: Linux kernel 2.6.18, OpenAFS client 1.4.4, X.Org 7.1, 3D desktop with Compiz and AIGLX, GNOME 2.16.0, 2.0.4, Firefox 1.5. Additional features: can be installed on USB key; can be mounted over NFS (as diskless client)." Read the full and visit the live CD for further information. : (693MB, ), (696MB, ).
2007-05-26 NEW
The second pre-release of 2007-02 is out for testing: "Five days later than planned, but now that KDE 3.5.7 has settled in Debian Sid, it is time to announce the second and last KDE Lite preview for sidux 2007-02. Barring unforeseeable problems, the full-featured final release of sidux-2007-02 will be released early next week. Now to the interesting topics, like what's on the menu: Debian Sid, up-to-date as of 2007-05-25; kernel; minimal, but fully functional KDE 3.5.7 (en, de); completely overhauled early boot sequence; largely adapted installer and graphical installer front-end; enhanced installer for meta tasks; new artwork; fixed xawtv configuration frontend...." More details in the . Download: (422MB, ), (428MB, ).
2007-05-24 NEW
An updated version of Linux Basic, now based on the latest Kubuntu 7.04, has been released: "Technalign, Inc. has released Pioneer Basic 2.1 of its base Linux operating system. Pioneer Basic 2.1 is being released on DVD. Technalign will continue to ship Pioneer Basic 2.0 for those users who do not wish to purchase a DVD drive for their systems. Pioneer Basic 2.1 is similar to Basic 2.0 with several exceptions. The biggest exception is that Pioneer 2.1 is based on Feisty and not Edgy while it continues to be based on Kubuntu. Adept is no longer incorporated as the update manager, but is now replaced with Synaptic per the business and consumer communities. Also notable are the Guarddog Firewall as well as the KlamAV anti-virus utilities that have been added and 2.2." Read the full for further details. : (848MB, ).
2007-05-24 NEW
Miklós Vajna has announced the first pre-release of Linux 0.7, code name "Sayshell": "The Frugalware Developer Team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Frugalware 0.7pre1, the first technical preview release of the upcoming 0.7 stable release. A short and list of changes since 0.6: the package manager (pacman-g2) now supports checking the integrity of your database; a live CD called FwLive is now available; a new web interface has been added to help translating Frugalware; support for X.Org 6.x has been dropped; new Romanian and Swedish translations; package updates - Linux kernel 2.6.21, GCC 4.2.0, glibc 2.6, Pidgin replaced Gaim, 2.2 with updated localizations and dictionaries...." The . () the installation DVD: (4,273MB) or the live CD: (701MB).
2007-05-23 NEW
A new, enhanced version of , a Mandriva-based live CD distribution, has been released: "I am glad to announce MCNLive, code name 'Toronto'. What's the difference to 'Delft'? VirtualBox OSE, KOffice suite, GIMP, gThumb, gxine, gFTP, Bluefish, Quanta, KAudioCreator, Kopete, KDE Bluetooth, a bunch of networking tools and printer packages added. English only edition. Improved isolinux bootsplash, with keyboard navigation to select a boot option, different wallpapers, fixed (non-critical) error messages when shutting down the system in live CD persist mode." Visit the project's to read the release announcement. : (466MB, ).
2007-05-22 NEW
Moinak Ghosh has announced a new version of , a desktop live CD based on OpenSolaris: "BeleniX 0.6 released. After some gap due to a busy few months for many of the BeleniX folks, a new release is now available. Lots of changes have happened and here is a summary: based on OpenSolaris Build 60; full modular X.Org 7.2 based on the Solaris X consolidation sources; Compiz 0.5.0 3D manager integrated into Xfce and KDE; added the GNU Parted port to OpenSolaris and also added GParted (experimental) with the ability to resize NTFS, FAT, ext2 partitions; Usbdump integrated into the live CD; updates to various software packages, like Xfce 4.4.1, GTK+, Cairo, Pango, KOffice 0.6.2...." Read the rest of the for more information. : (694MB, ).
2007-05-22 NEW
Daniel James has announced the availability of a new development release of the upcoming 2.0: "64 Studio is a GNU/Linux distribution tailor-made for digital content creation, including audio, video, graphics and publishing tools. A remix of Debian testing, it comes in both AMD64/Intel64 and 32-bit flavours, to run on nearly all PC hardware. Our latest development version (1.4.0) is the first release candidate for the forthcoming 64 Studio 2.0, which will retain compatibility with Debian Etch. Known bugs in 1.4.0 include: KToon requires rebuilding with an old version of Qt; Inkscape cannot print unless cupsys-bsd is installed...." Read the rest of the for full details. Download: (770MB, ), (739MB, ).
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