3.3 has been released. Here is a brief excerpt from the list of new features: "
kernel sources based on 2.6.20 featuring Unionfs, Squashfs 3.0, Afatech
9005 support, MacTel enhanced support; completely recompiled with new
LDFLAGS that give an extra performance boost; complete artwork
redesign; faster boot time; created the basis of the experimental eINIT
support; X.Org 7.2 featuring AIGLX and composite support; Beryl
0.2.0rc2 supporting Xgl, AIGLX and NVIDIA composite extension; NVIDIA
drivers 1.0-9755 and 1.0-9631, ATI drivers 8.34.8; Metisse 0.4
technology preview; outstanding wireless networking support; fonts
rendering highly improved; KDE 3.5.6 and GNOME 2.16.2; new games on the
DVD; new virtualization support stack featuring KVM...." Read the complete for further details. the DVD images via BitTorrent: (3,194MB), (3,477MB).
from distrowatch.com
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