Remote-Exploit has announced the release of 2.0, SLAX-based live CD with a comprehensive collection of security and forensics tools: "
many months of work, we're finally happy enough with BackTrack to call
it v.2.0 Final. New exciting features in BackTrack 2: updated kernel
2.6.20 with several patches; Broadcom-based wireless card support; most
wireless drivers are built to support raw packet injection; Metasploit2
and Metasploit3 framework integration; alignment to open standards and
frameworks like ISSAF and OSSTMM; re-designed menu structure to assist
the novice as well as the professional; Japanese input support -
reading and writing in Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji." Read this brief and visit the distribution's for further information. : (690MB, ). Also available .
from distrowatch.com
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