A second alpha build of 1.1.0 "Cub" edition has been released: "
second alpha release of Wolvix Cub 1.1.0 is ready. The most notable
change in this release from the first alpha is the addition of SLiM -
Simple Login Manager, which is started by default unless you use the
new 'noslim' cheat code. Some bugs has been fixed, such as the PS/2
mouse bug and HAL should be working a lot better now. Some bugs in the
Wolvix Control Panel have also been fixed, all installers should work
now. We are still at Linux-Live scripts 5.5.0 and the kernel,
since the new 6.0.x live scripts are still undergoing a lot of
development and testing. While I'm waiting for the new live scripts to
stabilize, I'll start building an alpha of Desktop Edition and focus on
the package repository." More details in the . Download via BitTorrent:
wolvix-cub-1.1.0-alpha2.iso (241MB).
from distrowatch.com
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