A new version of , a Slackware-based distribution and live CD, has been released: "Mutagenix is released. Features: Slackware 11.0; rescue disc (142MB), KDE 3.5 (686MB); much improved module detection using libdiscover in initrd; simple Slackware-based installer; simple CD remastering; simple USB stick install; OpenOffice.org software suite; Limewire P2P; new 'nonet' boot argument to skip network configuration during boot; new 'lang=xx_XX' locale setting option to set keyboard and language at boot; new 'nomount' boot argument to skip mounting drives during boot; new ability to set init level (1,3,4) at boot; extremely clean and fast boot." Read the full for more information about the new Mutagenix. : (686MB, ); also available .