Brian Brazil has announced the release of 1.1, an Ubuntu-based distribution containing Free Software only: "
am pleased to announce the 1.1 release of the gNewSense distribution
and tools. This release brings a number of improvements: support for
arbitrary meta packages; added optional support for updates and
backports; added support for multiple live CDs; produce torrent files
for live CDs; support for tracking mirror freshness; KDE variant live
CD; fixed NTPL issue; enabled eepro100 driver (e100 was non-free);
recompiled and rebranded Firefox so we could disable the offering of
non-free plugins; new artwork; various other minor fixes and
improvements." Read the rest of the for further information. (
MD5) or directly from these mirror servers:
gnewsense-livecd-deltad-1.1.iso (633MB),
gnewsense-kde-livecd-deltad-1.1.iso (608MB).
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