Linux And GNU 60000, a single-CD, Fedora-based distribution, has been released: "
BLAG 60000 (flout) is a new series with a new base (Fedora Core 6) and many new applications."
The new version ships with Linux kernel and includes the
latest version of the GNOME desktop environment, 2.16. Among software
applications, BLAG 60000 features a large number of multimedia
packages, such as Democracy Player, the Kino video editor, Listen audio
player and Audacity sound editor. Kiax Internet telephony software and
Gaim instant messaging client are also provided. Other popular
software, including Firefox, Thunderbird or GIMP are included on the
installation CD, while additional 8,500 packages are available from the
project's download repositories or two downloadable DVDs. Please read
the complete for more information. Download the CD image from here: (692MB, ), also available .
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