The second release candidate of Linux 3.2 is out: "
v3.2RC2 is now ready for testing. Cumulative changelog: added
wpasupplicant; new mouse configuration Lua GUI; added default tone
generator for XMMS; improved MyDSL download via the Lua GUI; moved
powerdown to use standard RC scripts; new dsl-dpkg.unc and adjustments
to core; dsl-pendrive.bat for QEMU to detect booted pen drive; dsl2unc
converter; updated madwifi-ng modules; updated BusyBox with >2GB
file support; new cron - a Perl cron, with new boot option 'cron' and
toggle from control panel; new boot option 'checkfs'; new mkmydsl -
simplified custom ISO maker now even easier; updated MyDSL to support
direct downloading to all supported and mounted drives and directories;
added volume setting to persist via .umix...." There is more in the . : (49.9MB, ).
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