An updated version of the OpenSolaris-based live CD has been released: "
A new release of BeleniX with several improvements is now available." What's new? "
release bundles the NVIDIA 3D accelerated driver; updated to
OpenSolaris build 52; added a new X.Org configuration utility based on
Perl-Curses; updated to Firefox 2.0 and Thunderbird; updated to
KOffice 1.6.0 which fixes some issues with the earlier KOffice version;
this release also bundles the C++ runtime libraries from the SUN Studio
Suite; fixed the problematic bug that used to cause a boot-up error
after hard disk install in the 0.5 release; fixed several other bugs
including a problem with the zone creation script." Visit the project's to read the full release announcement. : (679MB, ).
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