Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya has announced the availability of an updated release of , a Debian-based distribution with support for the Nepali language: "
new release, NepaLinux 1.1, is a relatively bug-free and revised
version of the previous beta release. Special features: Linux kernel
2.6.17; localized GNOME desktop environment 2.14, OpenOffice.org 2.0.2,
GnuCash accounting software 2.0.1 SeaMonkey suite; Pango-enabled
Firefox 1.5 and Thunderbird with complex text rendering
support; updated input system (XKB, SCIM); upgraded spellchecker and
thesaurus for Nepali; additional translations of applications (AbiWord,
Bluefish, gvim, GnomeBaker, Grip, Gnumeric, etc); better hardware
detection and compatibility; enhanced and consistent translation." Read the rest of the for further information. : (646MB, ).
from distrowatch.com
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