The second release candidate of 5.8 is now available for download and testing: "
VectorLinux team is proud to announce the second release candidate of
VectorLinux 5.8 standard edition. This marks our third public release
of 5.8 which includes bug fixes, and updates to some software packages
since RC1. VectorLinux standard 5.8 is based on the just-released
Slackware 11.0 as well as our own Dynamite version, which helped squash
many bugs with its numerous releases. Updated software includes the
full SeaMonkey browser suite as well as Firefox and Opera. This RC has
2 additional kernels and 1 additional initrd, so it should be
installable on just about every piece of x86 hardware out there." Here is the full . Download:
VL-5.8-std-RC2.iso (528MB,
from distrowatch.com
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