2006-11-01 12:18:33
Xfld为可以从光盘驱动器引导的普通i386机器提供了一份操作系统的选择。Xfld提供了大约2GB的软件(当然被压缩了),其中你将找到如下的工具:GIMP,与MS Office部分兼容的OpenOffice.org,浏览网页用的Mozilla,Apache网页服务器,以及其他更多的内容。Xfld的特色在于以 Xfce作为缺省桌面环境,因而能使用户自如地体验这份内容繁多并富有幻想的桌面环境。
Oliver Schweissgut has announced the release of 0.3, a Xubuntu-based live and installation CD featuring the latest development build of Xfce: "The os-cillation team is happy to announce the release of Xfld 0.3. Xfld is a live demo of the Xfce desktop environment, version 4.4. Xfld boots from a CD-ROM drive and provides a complete GNU/Linux operating environment without the need to install anything. The new release features applications and tools like Xfce 4.4rc1 with Thunar, OpenOffice.org 2.0.4, GIMP 2.2.13, Firefox 2.0, Thunderbird 1.5, AbiWord 2.4.5, Wireshark 0.99.3a, Ruby, Python and Perl... Xfld 0.3 is now based on Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy), instead of plain Debian as before." Visit the project's to read the complete release announcement. the English and German editions from here (): (697MB), (697MB).