日期:2006-10-31 作者:distrowatch 来自:distrowatch
pfSense是源自于m0n0wall的操作系统。它使用的技术包括Packet Filter,FreeBSD 6.x(或DragonFly BSD,假如ALTQ和CARP完成了的话)的ALTQ(以出色地支持分组队列),集成的包管理系统(以为其环境扩展新的特性)。
A bug-fix update to the recently released 1.0, a FreeBSD-based firewall distribution, is out: "
1.0.1 is now making its way to the mirrors and here is a rundown of the bugs fixed: set maximum cache size for APC to 7 MB; re-start 'check reload status' if it exits; miscellaneous syslog.conf fixes; Snort now blocks traffic correctly; PF does not know about congestion flags, remove from shaper; miscellaneous OpenNTPD system logging tab fixes; removes states from a user when disconnected by Captive Portal; fix FTP helper when strict LAN or Optional LAN rules are in place; ZoneEdit now works; filter reloads rules correctly after changes; faster, snappier webConfigurator and console." Here is the full
release announcement. : (26.3MB, ).
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