日期:2006-10-19 作者:distrowatch 来自:distrowatch
Vidalinux Desktop操作系统是一份强大的、稳定的、易用的Linux发行。其桌面组件基于开源社区的最出色项目,包括GNOME桌面环境、 OpenOffice Ximian产品套件、Mozilla浏览器、Evolution邮件及日历客户端,Gentoo Linux系统及portage包管理器。Vidalinux Desktop操作系统是面向家庭用户而包含额外多媒体应用软件的最合适的系统,这包括了媒体播放软件、浏览器Flash插件、RealPlayer、 PDF阅读器、媒体及图像创作和管理工具。
A new stable version of , a user-friendly, Gentoo-based distribution for desktop computers, has been released: "Today we are proud to announce the release of VLOS 1.3 as stable. Changes and fixes from beta3: updated to GCC 4.1.1, glibc 2.4, XGL and Compiz Quinstorm; fixed KDE problems with Compiz; updated to latest base layout, kernel and portage 2.1.1. Also, today I want to announce the open-community development of VLOS; the full version will be free of charge and the community will manage the project and development of VLOS. We are recruiting volunteers, developers and enthusiasts who want to participate and help us." More details in the . (): (602MB) or (MB). The CD and DVD images are also available from the project's (US$24.99).
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