Linux-NTFS Project发布了经过详细测试的NTFS驱动ntfs-3g
From: Szakacsits Szabolcs
[announcement] ntfs-3g: open source read-write driver
2006-07-14 10:39
As part of the Linux-NTFS project, I'm happy to announce my contribution
to ntfsmount and libntfs which resulted ntfs-3g, a read-write ntfs driver,
capable for unlimited file creation and deletion.
The driver was successfully tested very exhaustively for a longer period of
time by many ways and methods, creating and destroying millions of files and
directories on newly created images, and on over 40 real, very diverse NTFS
images collected over the last four years.
The README file is copied below which includes more general,performance and
quality information with answers and future plans.
Please make a backup of your NTFS volume by ntfsclone and try to reproducible
break ntfs-3g, if you can. If you are able to do so then please let us know,
preferable providing your NTFS metadata image, if it couln't be reproduced by other ways.
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