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2011-12-26 15:58:59


    本示例中交换机的IOS系统是采用12.2(25)系列,CatOS 系列采用的是8.5(8)系列。

    下面先来回顾一下与Rapid-PVST+生成树模式相关的主要基础知识。IEEE 802.1D STP具有收敛性能差的不足,Cisco支持三种生成树模式:PVST+Rapid-PVST+ MSTPPVST+是基于IEEE802.1D STP而改进开发的,支持BackboneFastUplinkFastPortFast增强特性。Rapid-PVST+是基于IEEE 802.1w RSTP而改进开发的,比STP具有更快的收敛速度。IEEE 802.1w RSTP支持Cisco开发的PVST+中的STP增强特性,如BackboneFastUplinkFast。但Cisco自己开发的Rapid-PVST+有以下惟一特性:

l  使用兼容IEEE 802.1D STP BPDU版本0BPDU版本2

l  所有交换机产生BPDU,并每隔2秒在所有端口发送BPDU,而IEEE 802.1D STP仅在根交换机上发送配置BPDU

l  四种Port Roles(端口角色)—Root port(根端口)、designated port(指定端口)、alternate port(替代端口)和backup port(备份端口)。

l  三种Port States(端口状态)—Discarding(丢弃)、Learning(学习)和Forwarding(转发)。

l  三种Port Types(端口类型)—Edge Port (边缘端口)Point-to-Point Port(点对点端口)和Shared port(共享端口)。

    Rapid-PVST+使用RSTP来提供更快的收敛。当RSTP端口从接收到来自邻接交换机早期的802.1D BPDU时,它将转换成IEEE 802.1D STP模式,这样就失去了RSTP所具有的快速收敛性能。


12-3  PVST+模式迁移到Rapid-PVST+模式的拓扑示例

    在这个拓扑结构中,包括以下交换机:两台分布层交换机Distribution1Distribution2,两台接入层交换机Access1(使用IOS系统)和Access2(使用CatOS系统),两台汇聚层交换机Services1Services2。其中的VLANs 1030100承载数据通信,而VLANs 2040200承载语通信。另外,需要在两台分布层交换机之间,以及两台汇聚层交换机之间的互联双链路中,一条承载数据VLAN中的通信,另一条承载语VLAN中的通信,以实现负载负载均衡。


12.6.1 两台分布层交换机的原始PVST+生成树配置


    在Distribution1交换机上通过spanning-tree vlan 10,30,100 root primary全局配置模式命令配置作为VLANs 1030100的根交换机,同时把此台交换机在这些VLAN中的交换机优先级值设为8192;通过spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 root secondary全局配置模式命令配置作为VLANs 2040200的从根交换机,同时把此台交换机在这些VLAN中的交换机优先级值设为16384

    在Distribution2交换机上通过spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 root primary全局配置模式命令配置作为VLANs 2040200的根交换机,把此台交换机在这些VLAN中的交换机优先级值设为8192(注意,优先级数值越小,优先级别越高);通过spanning-tree vlan 10,30,100 root secondary全局配置模式命令配置作为VLANs 1030100的从根交换机,把此台交换机在这些VLAN中的交换机优先级值设为16384

    在所有交换机上配置spanning-tree backbonefast接口配置模式命令,使得它们支持backbonefast特性,在间接链路失效时进行快速生成树收敛;在所有接入层交换机上配置spanning-tree uplinkfast接口配置模式命令,使它们支持生成树特性,实现在直接连接失效时的快速生成树生成树收敛。

    Distribution1交换机上的原始PVST+配置(可通过show running-config特权模式命令查看):

Distribution1#show running-config

 Building configuration...

spanning-tree mode pvst

spanning-tree extend system-id

spanning-tree backbonefast

!---以下两条配置是通过为该交换机针对不同VLAN设置不同的优先级来实现该交换机担当VLAN 1030100的根交换机,担当VLAN 2040200的从根交换机

spanning-tree vlan 10,30,100 priority 8192 root primary 

spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 priority 16384 root secondary


vlan 10,20,30,40,100,200


interface FastEthernet1/0/1

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20


interface FastEthernet1/0/3

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,40


interface FastEthernet1/0/5

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet1/0/23

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,100,200


interface FastEthernet1/0/24

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,100,200




    Distribution2交换机上的原始PVST+配置(可通过show running-config特权模式命令查看):

Distribution2#show running-config

 Building configuration...


spanning-tree mode pvst

spanning-tree extend system-id

spanning-tree backbonefast

!---以下两条配置是通过为该交换机针对不同VLAN设置不同的优先级来实现该交换机担当VLAN 2040200的根交换机,担当VLAN 1030100的从根交换机

spanning-tree vlan 10,30,100 priority 16384 root secondary

spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 priority 8192 root primary


vlan 10,20,30,40,100,200


interface FastEthernet1/0/2

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20


interface FastEthernet1/0/4

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 30,40


interface FastEthernet1/0/6

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet1/0/23

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,100,200


interface FastEthernet1/0/24

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 port-priority 64

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20,30,40,100,200



    Distribution2被配置作为VLAN 2040200这三个VLAN的根交换机,它通过fa1/0/23 fa1/0/24两个端口与Distribution1进行连接。这两个端口都是作为VLAN 2040200这三个VLAN的指定端口,因为Distribution2是作为这些VLAN的根交换机。而且这两个端口都是采用默认的优先级值(128),所以这两个端口到达Distribution1上的fa1/0/23fa1/0/24端口的开销值(因为它们具有相同的接口类型)也是一样的。Distribution1交换机会选择这两个端口中最低端口号的端口——fa1/0/23置于转发状态。但是按照要求,语音VLAN 2040200是要允许通过两交换机上的fa1/0/24端口进行传输,所以你可以通过以下方法之一来实现:

l  降低Distribution1上的fa1/0/24端口的开销值,提高其优先级别;

l  降低Distribution2上的fa1/0/24端口的端口优先级值,提高其优先级别。

    在本示例中是通过降低Distribution2上的fa1/0/24端口的端口优先级值为64(就是“spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 port-priority 64”这句配置),以此来提高该端口的优先级别,实现VLAN 2040200中的通信在fa1/0/24端口上通过。所在在Distribution2交换机的fa1/0/24端口上就有spanning-tree vlan 20,40,200 port-priority 64这样一条配置。

【经验之谈】看到这里,细心的朋友可能会提出这样一个疑问,那就是从拓扑结构中可以看出,是希望在两交换机的fa1/0/23端口链路上优先传输VLAN 1030100数据VLAN中的通信(在fa1/0/24端口链路上优先传输VLAN 2040200证音VLAN中的通信),可为什么在以上的Distribution1交换机配置中没有像Distribution2交换机上那样为fa1/0/23端口配置更高的优先级呢?那是因为Distribution1已是作为VLAN 1030100的根交换机,对于VLAN 1030100来说,它上面的端口(包括fa1/0/23端口和fa1/0/24端口等)都是指定端口,都是呈转发状态的。再加上fa1/0/23端口与fa1/0/24端口相比,开销值一样,但端口ID更小,所以VLAN 1030100中的通信自动会优先选择fa1/0/23端口进行传输的,所以无需另外配置高的优先级别。其实也正如此,在Distribution2交换机上才需要要提高fa1/0/24端口在VLAN 2040100语音VLAN通信,至于原因这在前面都有说明。

12.6.2 两台汇聚层交换机上的原始PVST+生成树配置

   Services1交换机的原始PVST+配置(可通过show running-config特权模式命令查看):

Services1#show running-config

 Building configuration...

spanning-tree mode pvst

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default

spanning-tree extend system-id

spanning-tree backbonefast


vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet0/5

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 spanning-tree vlan 100 cost 18  !---降低FastEthernet0/5VLAN 200中的路径开销(相当于提高了它在VLAN 200中的优先级别)

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet0/47

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet0/48

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200




    Services2交换机的原始PVST+配置(可通过show running-config特权模式命令查看):

Services2#show running-config

 Building configuration...

spanning-tree mode pvst

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default

spanning-tree extend system-id

spanning-tree backbonefast


vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet0/6

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 spanning-tree vlan 200 cost 18   !---降低FastEthernet0/6VLAN 200中的路径开销(相当于提高了它在VLAN 200中的优先级别)

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet0/47

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200


interface FastEthernet0/48

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 spanning-tree vlan 200 port-priority 64  !---提高FastEthernet0/48VLAN 200中的优先级别

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 100,200




    从以上可以看出,已在Services1交换机上的fa0/5Services2交换机上的fa0/6端口配置了生成树端口开销,在Services2交换机上fa0/48端口上配置优先级值。同时,通过在这两台交换机上的中继端口上配置VLAN中继修剪配置,使得Services1Services2交换机中的VLAN 100VLAN 200通信分别在这两台交换机间的中继链路上通过。如果没有为两个端口应用这些生成树配置,则Services1Services2交换机不会在它们之间的中继链路上有通信通过,而是会选择通过Distribution1 Distribution2分布层交换机通过。

从如图12-3中可以看出,Services2有两条相等开销的路径到达VLAN 100的根交换机——Distribution1。一条是通过Services1,而另一条是通过Distribution2。这显然不行,得阻塞其中一条,生成树协议会按以下顺序选择最佳的路径:





    在本示例中,通过配置,虽然Services2到达VLAN 100的根(Distribution1)的两条路径具有相同的开销,但是在VLAN 100中,Distribution216384)比Services1(默认的32768)具有更低的优先级值(也就是优先级别更高),所以Services2会选择Distribution2来到达Distribution1。但这里又要注意了,在Services1交换机上fa0/5的端口开销值更低(是通过示例中手动配置实现的),又使得Services2选择Services1。这样一来,最终Services2会选择Services1到达Distribution1,而覆盖了前面所说的Distribution2Services1更具优先级的设置,因为根据前面介绍,STP在选择最佳路径时首先考虑的是端口开销大小,网桥优先级是在它后面考虑的项目。而且是按照默认的优先级从fa0/47端口转发的(因为fa0/47端口的端口ID小于fa0/4端口)VLAN 100中的通信,这也符合我们的实际要求,所以无需对这个中继端口做任何配置。

    同样,对于Services1会选择Services2来到达VLAN 200的根交换机——Distribution2。在Services2上降低fa0/6端口在VLAN 200中的开销值后(相当于提高了其优先级别,也是在示例中手动配置的),Services1会选择fa0/47端口来转发VLAN 200中的通信(因为fa0/47端口的端口ID小于fa0/4端口),然后再从Services2fa0/6端口转发。但是,现在要求通过fa0/48端口来转发VLAN 200中的通信,则同样有两种方法来实现:

l  降低Services1交换机上fa0/48的端口开销值,提高其优先级别;

l  降低Services2交换机上fa0/48的端口优先级值,提高其优先级别。

本示例中采用的是“spanning-tree vlan 200 port-priority 64”命令来降低Services2交换机上fa0/48的端口优先级值(从默认的128降低为64,相当于提高了优先级别)方法来实现在fa0/48端口上转发VLAN 200通信的。

12.6.3 两台接入层交换机上的原始PVST+生成树配置


Access1交换机的原始PVST+配置(可通过show running-config特权模式命令查看):

Access1#show running-config

 Building configuration...


spanning-tree mode pvst

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default

spanning-tree extend system-id

spanning-tree uplinkfast

spanning-tree backbonefast


vlan 10,20


interface FastEthernet0/1

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20


interface FastEthernet0/2

 switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

 switchport mode trunk

 switchport trunk allowed vlan 10,20



    Access2交换机的原始PVST+配置(注意,这是台CatOS操作系统的交换机,可通过show config all特权模式命令查看):

Access2> (enable)show config all


#mac address reduction

set spantree macreduction enable


#stp mode

set spantree mode pvst+


#uplinkfast groups

set spantree uplinkfast enable rate 15 all-protocols off



set spantree backbonefast enable


#vlan parameters

set spantree priority 49152  1

set spantree priority 49152  30

set spantree priority 49152  40



set spantree enable  1,30,40

set spantree fwddelay 15     1,30,40

set spantree hello    2      1,30,40

set spantree maxage   20     1,30,40



set vlan 1,30,40


#module 3 : 48-port 10/100BaseTX Ethernet

set trunk 3/3  on dot1q 30,40

set trunk 3/4  on dot1q 30,40



12.6.4 两台接入层交换机的UplinkFastBackboneFast原始配置


    以下就是通过几个show spanning-tree命令查看PVST+特性在两台交换机上的配置应用情况。从中可以看出,这两种特性在该交换机上都是启用的,参见输出信息中的粗体字部分。

Access1#show spanning-tree vlan 10



  Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee

  Root ID    Priority    24586

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Cost        3019

             Port        107 (FastEthernet3/0/1)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    49162  (priority 49152 sys-id-ext 10)

             Address     000f.f794.3d00

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300

  Uplinkfast enabled


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa3/0/1          Root FWD 3019      128.107  P2p

Fa3/0/2          Altn BLK 3019      128.108  P2p


Access1#show spanning-tree summary

Switch is in pvst mode

Root bridge for: none

Extended system ID           is enabled

Portfast Default             is disabled

PortFast BPDU Guard Default  is enabled

Portfast BPDU Filter Default is disabled

Loopguard Default            is disabled

EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled

UplinkFast                   is enabled

BackboneFast                 is enabled

Configured Pathcost method used is short


Name                   Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------


VLAN0010                     1         0        0          1          2

VLAN0020                     1         0        0          1          2

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------

2 vlans                      2         0        0          2          4

show spanning-tree summary命令的输出可以看出,在Access1交换机上是同时启用了UplinkFastBackboneFast增强特性的。但是,它们对于Rapid-PVST+模式是无效的,所以在迁移时要删除这两项配置。当然,如果你不删除,也不会影响Rapid-PVST+模式的任何操作。如果你使用no spanning-tree uplinkfast命令禁止UplinkFast特性,则该交换机上的交换机优先级和端口开销设置将恢复到默认值。




3Services1 and Services2

4Distribution1 and Distribution2



    Rapid-PVST+生成树模式使用与IEEE 802.1D STP一样的BPDU,并且向后兼容IEEE 802.1D STP生成树模式。但是要使整个网络在同一时间迁移为Rapid-PVST+模式比较困难,就是因为它的向后兼容性,只好分段进行,否则可能会引起网络中的通信流丢失。UplinkFastBackboneFastPVST+的增强特性,在启用Rapid-PVST+模式后是禁止的,因为这些特性已在Rapid-PVST+模式中内置。所以在迁移时,你可以删除原来所配置的对应命令。像PortFastBPDUguardBPDUfilterRoot guardLoopguard增强特性在Rapid-PVST+模式中也是可用的,并且它们的用途与在PVST+模式中一样。如果你已在PVST+模式中启用了这些特性,这些特性在迁移到Rapid-PVST+模式后仍将保持激活。


Access1(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst   !---PVST+模式迁移到Rapi-PVST+模式

Access1(config)#no spanning-tree uplinkfast   !---禁止原来PVST+模式中的Uplinkfast特性

Access1(config)#no spanning-tree backbonefast    !---禁止原来PVST+模式中的Backbonefast特性

    使用show spanning-tree vlan 10特权模式命令查看Access1交换机上VLAN 10的生成树配置。从输出信息中可以看出,它的Fa3/0/1Fa3/0/2接口所连接的对端交换机仍是使用PVST+生成树模式,参见输出信息中粗体字部分。

Access1#show spanning-tree vlan 10



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24586

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Cost        19

             Port        107 (FastEthernet3/0/1)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    32778  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 10)

             Address     000f.f794.3d00

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa3/0/1          Root FWD 19        128.107  P2p Peer(STP)

Fa3/0/2          Altn BLK 19        128.108  P2p Peer(STP)


    如果没有配置no spanning-tree uplinkfastno spanning-tree backbonefast命令,整个网络中交换机都迁移完毕,查看Access1交换机上的生成树配置就如下所示了。其中显示这两项特性仍然启用,但对于Rapid-PVST+模式无效。并且不会显示“P2p Peer(STP)”,只会显示“P2P”,参见输出信息中的粗体字部分。

Access1#show spanning-tree vlan 10



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24586

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Cost        3019

             Port        107 (FastEthernet3/0/1)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    49162  (priority 49152 sys-id-ext 10)

             Address     000f.f794.3d00

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300

  UplinkFast enabled but inactive in rapid-pvst mode


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa3/0/1          Root FWD 3019      128.107  P2p

Fa3/0/2          Altn BLK 3019      128.108  P2p


Access1#show spanning-tree summary

Switch is in rapid-pvst mode

Root bridge for: none

Extended system ID           is enabled

Portfast Default             is disabled

PortFast BPDU Guard Default  is enabled

Portfast BPDU Filter Default is disabled

Loopguard Default            is disabled

EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled

UplinkFast                   is enabled but inactive in rapid-pvst mode

BackboneFast                 is enabled but inactive in rapid-pvst mode

Configured Pathcost method used is short


Name                   Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------


VLAN0010                     1         0        0          1          2

VLAN0020                     1         0        0          1          2

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------

2 vlans                      2         0        0          2          4

    如果在网络中所有交换机上都迁移完毕,并且禁止了UplinkFast特性,再查Access1上的生成树配置,就是如下输出了,不会显示“P2p Peer(STP) ,只会显示“P2P”,参见输出信息中的粗体字部分。

Access1#show spanning-tree vlan 10



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24586

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Cost        19

             Port        107 (FastEthernet3/0/1)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    32778  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 10)

             Address     000f.f794.3d00

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa3/0/1          Root FWD 19        128.107  P2p

Fa3/0/2          Altn BLK 19        128.108  P2p

12.6.6 接入层Access2交换机上的迁移配置


Access2> (enable) set spantree backbonefast disable   !---禁止PVST+模式下的Backbonefast特性

Backbonefast disabled for all VLANs.


Access2> (enable) set spantree mode rapid-pvst+   !---把生成树模式从PVTS+迁移到Rapid-PVST+模式

PVST+ database cleaned up.

Spantree mode set to RAPID-PVST+.


Access2> (enable) clear spantree uplinkfast    !---清除原来PVST+模式下的Uplinkfast特性配置,使交换机上端口所有端口开销、交换机优先级设置恢复到默认设置

This command will cause all portcosts, portvlancosts, and the

bridge priority on all vlans to be set to default.

Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]? y

VLANs 1-4094 bridge priority set to 32768.

The port cost of all bridge ports set to default value.

The portvlancost of all bridge ports set to default value.

uplinkfast all-protocols field set to off.

uplinkfast disabled for bridge.


Access1#show spanning-tree summary

Switch is in rapid-pvst mode

Root bridge for: none

Extended system ID           is enabled

Portfast Default             is disabled

PortFast BPDU Guard Default  is enabled

Portfast BPDU Filter Default is disabled

Loopguard Default            is disabled

EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled

UplinkFast                   is disabled

BackboneFast                 is enabled but inactive in rapid-pvst mode

Configured Pathcost method used is short


Name                   Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------


VLAN0010                     1         0        0          1          2

VLAN0020                     1         0        0          1          2

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------

2 vlans                      2         0        0          2          4


12.6.7 Services1Services2两汇聚层交换机的迁移配置


Services1(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

Services1(config)#no spanning-tree backbonefast

Services2(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

Services2(config)#no spanning-tree backbonefast

12.6.8 Distribution1Distribution2两分布层交换机上的迁移配置


Distribution1(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst

2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan10, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan20, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan30, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan40, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan100, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan200, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan40, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan30, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan40, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan30, changed state to



Distribution1(config)#no spanning-tree backbonefast


Distribution2(config)#spanning-tree mode rapid-pvst


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan1, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan10, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan20, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan30, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan40, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan100, changed state t


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan200, changed state t


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan30, changed state to


2d02h: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Vlan30, changed state to


Distribution2(config)#no spanning-tree backbonefast


    在大型的网络中,整个迁移过程可能要耗时几天。在这个迁移过程中,你的网络运行在混合生成树模式中。这样,你就不能使整个网络都接受Rapid-PVST+广告。想要了解在混合模式下的生成树行为,可以使用debug spanning-tree特权模式命令来查看。下面是几个执行该调试命令的输出示例。从中可以看出当前交换机正运行的生成树模式。

Access1Distribution1之间的链路失效时,在Access1上执行debug spanning-tree命令的输出示例。

00:55:13: RSTP(10): updt roles, root port Fa0/1 going down

00:55:13: RSTP(10): Fa0/2 is now root port

00:55:13: RSTP(10): Fa0/2 received a tc ack

00:55:15: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface FastEthernet0/1, changed state to adminis

tratively down

00:55:16: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/1, cha

nged state to down

Access1Distribution1之间的链路失效时,在Distribution1上执行debug spanning-tree命令的输出示例。

00:55:20: STP: VLAN0010 Topology Change rcvd on Fa1/0/23

00:55:20: STP: VLAN0020 sent Topology Change Notice on Fa1/0/24

00:55:21: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet1/0/1,

changed state to down

00:55:22: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet1/0/1, changed state to down

12.6.10 迁移后的配置校验


下面先来验证Distribution1已作为了VLANs 103100这三个VLAN的根交换机。然后验证网络中各条转发路径是否满足你的要求(主要检查各VLAN中的各端口转发状态,参见输出信息中的粗体字部分)。

Distribution1#show spanning-tree vlan 10



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24586

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             This bridge is the root

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    24586  (priority 24576 sys-id-ext 10)

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa1/0/1          Desg FWD 19        128.1    P2p

Fa1/0/3          Desg FWD 19        128.3    P2p

Fa1/0/5          Desg FWD 19        128.5    P2p

Fa1/0/23         Desg FWD 19        128.23   P2p

Fa1/0/24         Desg FWD 19        128.24   P2p


Access1#show spanning-tree summary

Switch is in rapid-pvst mode

Root bridge for: none

Extended system ID           is enabled

Portfast Default             is disabled

PortFast BPDU Guard Default  is enabled

Portfast BPDU Filter Default is disabled

Loopguard Default            is disabled

EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled

UplinkFast                   is disabled

BackboneFast                 is disabled

Configured Pathcost method used is short

Name                   Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------


VLAN0010                  1         0        0          1          2

VLAN0020                  1         0        0          1          2

---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ----------

2 vlans                      2         0        0          2          4


Access2> (enable) show spantree 30


Spanning tree mode          RAPID-PVST+

Spanning tree type          ieee

Spanning tree enabled


Designated Root             00-15-63-f6-b7-00

Designated Root Priority    24606

Designated Root Cost        19

Designated Root Port        3/3

Root Max Age   20 sec   Hello Time 2  sec   Forward Delay 15 sec


Bridge ID MAC ADDR          00-d0-00-50-30-1d

Bridge ID Priority          32768

Bridge Max Age 20 sec   Hello Time 2  sec   Forward Delay 15 sec


Port                     State         Role Cost      Prio Type

------------------------ ------------- ---- --------- ---- --------------------

 3/3                     forwarding    ROOT        19   32 P2P

 3/4                     blocking      ALTR        19   32 P2P


Access2> (enable) show spantree 40


Spanning tree mode          RAPID-PVST+

Spanning tree type          ieee

Spanning tree enabled


Designated Root             00-15-c6-c1-30-00

Designated Root Priority    24616

Designated Root Cost        19

Designated Root Port        3/4

Root Max Age   20 sec   Hello Time 2  sec   Forward Delay 15 sec


Bridge ID MAC ADDR          00-d0-00-50-30-27

Bridge ID Priority          32768

Bridge Max Age 20 sec   Hello Time 2  sec   Forward Delay 15 sec


Port                     State         Role Cost      Prio Type

------------------------ ------------- ---- --------- ---- --------------------

 3/3                     blocking      ALTR        19   32 P2P

 3/4                     forwarding    ROOT        19   32 P2P


Services1#show spanning-tree vlan 100



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24676

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Cost        18

             Port        7 (FastEthernet0/5)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    32868  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 100)

             Address     0003.fd63.bb80

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa0/5            Root FWD 18        128.7    P2p

Fa0/46           Desg FWD 19        128.50   P2p

Fa0/47           Desg FWD 19        128.51   P2p


Services1#show spanning-tree vlan 200



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24776

             Address     0015.c6c1.3000

             Cost        37

             Port        51 (FastEthernet0/47)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    32968  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 200)

             Address     0003.fd63.bb80

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa0/5            Altn BLK 19        128.7    P2p

Fa0/46           Altn BLK 19        128.50   P2p

Fa0/47           Root FWD 19        128.51   P2p


Services2#show spanning-tree vlan 100



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24676

             Address     0015.63f6.b700

             Cost        37

             Port        42 (GigabitEthernet0/42)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    32868  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 100)

             Address     00d0.2bfc.7d80

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa0/6            Altn BLK 19        128.6    P2p

Fa0/42           Root FWD 19        128.42   P2p

Fa0/43           Altn BLK 19        128.43   P2p


Services2#show spanning-tree vlan 200



  Spanning tree enabled protocol rstp

  Root ID    Priority    24776

             Address     0015.c6c1.3000

             Cost        18

             Port        6 (GigabitEthernet0/6)

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec


  Bridge ID  Priority    32968  (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 200)

             Address     00d0.2bfc.7d80

             Hello Time   2 sec  Max Age 20 sec  Forward Delay 15 sec

             Aging Time 300


Interface        Role Sts Cost      Prio.Nbr Type

---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------

Fa0/6            Root FWD 18        128.6    P2p

Fa0/42           Desg FWD 19        128.42   P2p

Fa0/43           Desg FWD 19         64.43   P2p

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