分类: 系统运维
2011-10-20 08:36:36
1. PVLAN端口功能的查看你可以通过使用“show pvlan capability”命令查看PVLAN中每个端口的功能。以下示例显示了如何查看通过以下步骤新建的PLVAN中各指定端口的功能。
Console> (enable) set pvlan 10 20
Console> (enable) set pvlan mapping 10 20 3/1
Console> (enable) set pvlan mapping 10 20 5/2
Console> (enable) set trunk 5/1 desirable isl 1-1005,1025-4094
Console> (enable) show pvlan capability 5/20
Port 5/20 can be made a private vlan port.
Console> (enable) show pvlan
Primary Secondary Secondary-Type Ports
------- --------- -------------- ------------
10 20 isolated
Console> (enable) show pvlan capability 3/1
Port 3/1 cannot be made a private vlan port due to:
Promiscuous ports cannot be made private vlan ports.
要删除PVLAN,可以使用“clear vlan primary_vlan”命令。以下是一个显示如何通过删除主VLAN 7来删除PVLAN的示例。
Console> (enable) clear vlan 7
This command will de-activate all ports on vlan 7
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?y
Vlan 7 deleted
Console> (enable)
要删除交换机上的隔离/公共VLAN,可以使用“clear vlan {isolated_vlan_num | community_vlan_num}”命令。
以下示例显示如何删除公共VLAN 902。
Console> (enable) clear vlan 902
This command will de-activate all ports on vlan 902
Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?y
Vlan 902 deleted
Console> (enable)
如果你删除了PVLAN映射,则在隔离或者公共端口与混杂端口间的连接都将打破。如果你删除所有在混杂端口上的映射,混杂端口将成为非活动。当一个PVLAN端口为非活动,它将在“show port”命令输出中它的VLAN号列中显示“pvlan-”(也就没有具体的VLAN号)。
要从PVLAN中删除端口映射,可以使用“clear pvlan mapping primary_vlan {isolated | community} {mod/ports}”特权模式命令。
以下示例显示如何删除端口3/2上的VLAN 902到端口3/5上的VLAN 901的映射。
Console> (enable) clear pvlan mapping 901 902 3/2-5
Successfully cleared mapping between 901 and 902 on 3/2-5
Console> (enable)