2008-08-01 22:18:38
external send_an_int: int -> unit = "get_an_int"
CAMLprim value
and its parameter type has to be value
All parameters given to C functions from OCaml are of type value
The include header
provides conversion
macros to convert the type value
to C native types.
In this case to convert to a C integer, that macro is Int_val()
Then as the return value of the OCaml function is unit
, the C
function have to return a unit, which is done with the macro Val_unit
CAMLprim value
get_an_int( value v )
int i;
i = Int_val(v);
printf("%d\n", i);
return Val_unit;
ocamlc -i funs.ml > funs.mli
ocamlc -c funs.mli
ocamlc -c funs.ml
ocamlc -c wrap.c
ocamlmklib -o _wrap_stubs wrap.o
ocamlc -a -custom -o funs.cma funs.cmo -dllib dll_wrap_stubs.so
wrap.o: wrap.c
ocamlc -c $<
dll_wrap_stubs.so: wrap.o
ocamlmklib -o _wrap_stubs $<
funs.mli: funs.ml
ocamlc -i $< > $@
funs.cmi: funs.mli
ocamlc -c $<
funs.cmo: funs.ml funs.cmi
ocamlc -c $<
funs.cma: funs.cmo dll_wrap_stubs.so
ocamlc -a -o $@ $< -dllib -l_wrap_stubs
funs.cmx: funs.ml funs.cmi
ocamlopt -c $<
funs.cmxa: funs.cmx dll_wrap_stubs.so
ocamlopt -a -o $@ $< -cclib -l_wrap_stubs
rm -f *.[oa] *.so *.cm[ixoa] *.cmxa
ocamlc -c wrap.c
you can replace this line by one of the line below for cases when
you wish to give extra arguments to gcc:
ocamlc -c -cc "gcc -o wrap.o" wrap.c
gcc -c -I"`ocamlc -where`" wrap.c
% ocaml funs.cma
# open Funs;;
# send_an_int 9 ;;
- : unit = ()
#load "funs.cma" ;;
open Funs ;;
let () =
send_an_int 5;
external send_a_float: float -> unit = "get_a_float"
external send_a_string: string -> unit = "get_a_string"
CAMLprim value
get_a_float( value v )
float f;
f = Double_val(v);
printf("%f\n", f);
return Val_unit;
CAMLprim value
get_a_string( value v )
char *s;
s = String_val(v);
printf("%s\n", s);
return Val_unit;
conversion macro can be used both for
C floats and C doubles.
external get_an_int: unit -> int = "send_an_int"
CAMLprim value
send_an_int( value unit )
int i;
i = 2.6;
return Val_int(i);
is similar to the macros seen
before, it converts a C integer into an OCaml integer value.
just use Long_val()
, and a C integer to an OCaml boolean with
. For convenience there are also
macros Val_true
and Val_false
statement, all is fine. But notice that in other cases which will be seen below,
additional statements have to be used.
external get_a_float: unit -> float = "send_a_float"
external get_a_string: unit -> string = "send_a_string"
CAMLprim value
send_a_float( value unit )
double d;
d = 2.6;
return caml_copy_double(d);
CAMLprim value
send_a_string( value unit )
char *s = "the walking camel";
return caml_copy_string(s);
(where N is the number of parameters) at the beginning of the function
and at the end instead of return
use CAMLreturn()
And for local allocated values, use the declaration
. For example you could write the previous
functions "send_a_float" and "send_a_string" in this way:
CAMLprim value
send_a_float( value unit )
double d;
d = 2.6;
ml_f = caml_copy_double(d);
CAMLprim value
send_a_string( value unit )
char *s = "the walking camel";
ml_s = caml_copy_string(s);
macro is
provided to access each piece of the tuple. Then each field is as usual of
type value which needs to be converted to native C types.
external inspect_tuple: int * float * string -> unit = "inspect_tuple"
CAMLprim value
inspect_tuple( value ml_tuple )
CAMLparam1( ml_tuple );
CAMLlocal3( vi, vf, vs );
vi = Field(ml_tuple, 0);
vf = Field(ml_tuple, 1);
vs = Field(ml_tuple, 2);
printf("%d\n", Int_val(vi));
printf("%f\n", Double_val(vf));
printf("%s\n", String_val(vs));
CAMLreturn( Val_unit );
# inspect_tuple (3, 2.4, "functional") ;;
- : unit = ()
CAMLprim value
inspect_tuple( value ml_tuple )
printf("%d\n", Int_val(Field(ml_tuple,0)));
printf("%f\n", Double_val(Field(ml_tuple,1)));
printf("%s\n", String_val(Field(ml_tuple,2)));
return Val_unit;
type rec_t = { a:int; b:float; c:string }
external inspect_record: rec_t -> unit = "inspect_record"
CAMLprim value
inspect_record( value ml_record )
printf("%d\n", Int_val(Field(ml_record, 0)));
printf("%g\n", Double_val(Field(ml_record, 1)));
printf("%s\n", String_val(Field(ml_record, 2)));
return Val_unit;
# inspect_record {a=26; b=4.3; c="camelids folks" } ;;
camelids folks
- : unit = ()
external inspect_int_array: int array -> unit = "inspect_int_array"
CAMLprim value
inspect_int_array( value ml_array )
CAMLparam1( ml_array );
int i, len;
len = Wosize_val(ml_array);
for (i=0; i < len; i++)
printf("%d\n", Int_val(Field(ml_array, i)));
CAMLreturn( Val_unit );
float array
the macros to
get the number of elements and to access the content are a bit different:
external inspect_float_array: float array -> unit = "inspect_float_array"
CAMLprim value
inspect_float_array( value ml_float_array )
CAMLparam1( ml_float_array );
int i, len;
len = Wosize_val(ml_float_array) / Double_wosize;
for (i=0; i < len; i++)
printf("%g\n", Double_field(ml_float_array, i));
CAMLreturn( Val_unit );
# inspect_int_array [| 2; 4; 3; 1; 9 |] ;;
- : unit = ()
# inspect_float_array [| 2.4; 5.8; 6.9; 12.2; 32.8 |] ;;
- : unit = ()
external inspect_list: string list -> unit = "inspect_list"
CAMLprim value
inspect_list( value ml_list )
CAMLparam1( ml_list );
CAMLlocal1( head );
while ( ml_list != Val_emptylist )
head = Field(ml_list, 0); /* accessing the head */
printf("%s\n", String_val(head));
ml_list = Field(ml_list, 1); /* point to the tail for next loop */
CAMLreturn( Val_unit );
# inspect_list ["hello"; "you"; "world"; "camelids"] ;;
- : unit = ()
on the OCaml side, and
on the C side.
# external trans: (int * (int * (int * (int * int)))) -> int list = "%identity" ;;
external trans : int * (int * (int * (int * int))) -> int list = "%identity"
# trans (1, (2, (3, (4, 0)))) ;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4]
header that
is defined as Val_int(0)
external create_tuple: 'a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a * 'b * 'c = "create_tuple"
CAMLprim value
create_tuple( value a, value b, value c )
CAMLparam3( a, b, c );
CAMLlocal1( abc );
abc = caml_alloc(3, 0);
Store_field( abc, 0, a );
Store_field( abc, 1, b );
Store_field( abc, 2, c );
CAMLreturn( abc );
# create_tuple 38 'G' "" ;;
- : int * char * string = (38, 'G', "")
is the number of fields,
and the second one indicates the tag of the value, here it is 0 because
for ordinary ocaml values like tuples there is no tags needed.
float array
s that have a different internal representation.
# type rec_b = { i:int; c:char; s:string } ;;
type rec_b = { i : int; c : char; s : string; }
# external trans: rec_b -> int * char * string = "%identity" ;;
external trans : rec_b -> int * char * string = "%identity"
# trans { i=38; c='G'; s="" } ;;
- : int * char * string = (38, 'G', "")
# external create_rec_b: int -> char -> string -> rec_b = "create_tuple" ;;
external create_rec_b : int -> char -> string -> rec_b = "create_tuple"
# create_rec_b 38 'G' "" ;;
- : rec_b = {i = 38; c = 'G'; s = ""}
external string_explode: string -> char list = "create_list"
CAMLprim value create_list( value ml_str )
CAMLparam1( ml_str );
CAMLlocal2( cli, cons );
char *str = String_val(ml_str);
int len = caml_string_length(ml_str);
int i;
cli = Val_emptylist;
for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
cons = caml_alloc(2, 0);
Store_field( cons, 0, Val_int(str[i]) ); // head
Store_field( cons, 1, cli ); // tail
cli = cons;
CAMLreturn( cli );
# string_explode "OCaml" ;;
- : char list = ['O'; 'C'; 'a'; 'm'; 'l']
float_array = caml_alloc(length * Double_wosize, Double_array_tag);
in stead of
, and there's no need to use the caml_copy_double
in it.
the method is the same.
Both can be wrapped on OCaml enumerated variants with constants constructors
without parameters. From the C site the constructors is represented as integers
ordered from 0 to (N - 1) (where N is the number of constructors in the variant type).
So basically you can just use a switch
or an array containing all these
values make match the C value. For instance:
type moving =
external send_enum: moving -> unit = "wrapping_enum_ml2c"
typedef enum _moving {
} moving;
CAMLprim value
wrapping_enum_ml2c( value v )
moving param;
switch (Int_val(v)) {
case 0: param = WALKING; break;
case 1: param = RUNNING; break;
case 2: param = SWIMMING; break;
case 3: param = FLYING; break;
switch (param) {
case WALKING: puts("Walking"); break;
case RUNNING: puts("Running"); break;
case SWIMMING: puts("Swimming"); break;
case FLYING: puts("Flying"); break;
return Val_unit;
with its corresponding index.
static const moving table_moving[] = {
CAMLprim value
wrapping_enum_ml2c( value v )
moving param;
param = table_moving[Long_val(v)];
switch (param) {
case WALKING: puts("Walking"); break;
case RUNNING: puts("Running"); break;
case SWIMMING: puts("Swimming"); break;
case FLYING: puts("Flying"); break;
return Val_unit;
#define ShiftMask (1<<0)
#define LockMask (1<<1)
#define ControlMask (1<<2)
#define Mod1Mask (1<<3)
type state =
| ShiftMask
| LockMask
| ControlMask
| Mod1Mask
type state_mask = state list
static const int state_mask_table[] = {
static inline int
state_mask_val( value mask_list )
int c_mask = 0;
while ( mask_list != Val_emptylist )
value head = Field(mask_list, 0);
c_mask |= state_mask_table[Long_val(head)];
mask_list = Field(mask_list, 1);
return c_mask;
#define Val_ShiftMask Val_int(0)
#define Val_LockMask Val_int(1)
#define Val_ControlMask Val_int(2)
#define Val_Mod1Mask Val_int(3)
static value
Val_state_mask( int c_mask )
CAMLlocal2(li, cons);
li = Val_emptylist;
if (c_mask & ShiftMask) {
cons = caml_alloc(2, 0);
Store_field( cons, 0, Val_ShiftMask );
Store_field( cons, 1, li );
li = cons;
if (c_mask & LockMask) {
cons = caml_alloc(2, 0);
Store_field( cons, 0, Val_LockMask );
Store_field( cons, 1, li );
li = cons;
if (c_mask & ControlMask) {
cons = caml_alloc(2, 0);
Store_field( cons, 0, Val_ControlMask );
Store_field( cons, 1, li );
li = cons;
if (c_mask & Mod1Mask) {
cons = caml_alloc(2, 0);
Store_field( cons, 0, Val_Mod1Mask );
Store_field( cons, 1, li );
li = cons;
external lots_of_params: p1:int -> p2:int -> p3:int ->
p4:int -> p5:int -> p6:int -> p7:int -> unit
= "lotprm_bytecode"
CAMLprim value
lotprm_native( value p1, value p2, value p3,
value p4, value p5, value p6, value p7 )
printf("1(%d) 2(%d) 3(%d) 4(%d) 5(%d) 6(%d) 7(%d)\n",
Int_val(p1), Int_val(p2), Int_val(p3),
Int_val(p4), Int_val(p5), Int_val(p6), Int_val(p7) );
return Val_unit;
CAMLprim value
lotprm_bytecode( value * argv, int argn )
return lotprm_native( argv[0], argv[1], argv[2],
argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6] );
CAMLprim value
lotprm_native( value p1, value p2, value p3,
value p4, value p5, value p6, value p7 )
CAMLparam5(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5);
CAMLxparam2(p6, p7);
printf("1(%d) 2(%d) 3(%d) 4(%d) 5(%d) 6(%d) 7(%d)\n",
Int_val(p1), Int_val(p2), Int_val(p3),
Int_val(p4), Int_val(p5), Int_val(p6), Int_val(p7) );
CAMLprim value
lotprm_bytecode( value * argv, int argn )
return lotprm_native( argv[0], argv[1], argv[2],
argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6] );
the C function is:
caml_invalid_argument("Error message");
caml_failwith("Error message");
which can handle pointers.typedef struct _obj_st {
double d;
int i;
char c;
} obj_st;
typedef obj_st *obj_p;
CAMLprim value
wrapping_ptr_ml2c( value d, value i, value c )
obj_p my_obj;
my_obj = malloc(sizeof(obj_st));
my_obj->d = Double_val(d);
my_obj->i = Int_val(i);
my_obj->c = Int_val(c);
return (value) my_obj;
CAMLprim value
dump_ptr( value ml_ptr )
obj_p my_obj;
my_obj = (obj_p) ml_ptr;
printf(" d: %g\n i: %d\n c: %c\n",
my_obj->c );
return Val_unit;
CAMLprim value
free_ptr( value ml_ptr )
obj_p my_obj;
my_obj = (obj_p) ml_ptr;
return Val_unit;
type t
external abs_get: float -> int -> char -> t = "wrapping_ptr_ml2c"
external print_t: t -> unit = "dump_ptr"
external free_t: t -> unit = "free_ptr"
# let ty = abs_get 255.9 107 'K' in
print_t ty;
free_t ty;
d: 255.9
i: 107
c: K
- : unit = ()
like this:
let abs_get f i c =
let t = abs_get f i c in
Gc.finalise free_t t; (* doesn't work *)
type u = {t:t; s:string}
let free_t v = free_t v.t ;;
let print_t v = print_t v.t ;;
let abs_get f i c =
let t = abs_get f i c in
let u = {t=t; s=" "} in
Gc.finalise free_t u;
to store datas of a given size.
The size of this data is given as the second parameter of this function.
The first parameter is a custom_operations
structure, which can be used
to provide functions associated with this ocaml value.
In the example below no functions are associated, so the
structure is filled with the default functions
(which are in fact defined as NULL
static struct custom_operations objst_custom_ops = {
identifier: "obj_st handling",
finalize: custom_finalize_default,
compare: custom_compare_default,
hash: custom_hash_default,
serialize: custom_serialize_default,
deserialize: custom_deserialize_default
static inline value copy_obj( obj_st *some_obj )
v = caml_alloc_custom( &objst_custom_ops, sizeof(obj_st), 0, 1);
memcpy( Data_custom_val(v), some_obj, sizeof(obj_st) );
CAMLprim value
get_finalized_obj( value d, value i, value c )
CAMLparam3( d, i, c );
obj_st my_obj;
my_obj.d = Double_val(d);
my_obj.i = Int_val(i);
my_obj.c = Int_val(c);
ml_obj = copy_obj( &my_obj );
CAMLprim value
access_obj( value v )
obj_st * my_obj;
my_obj = (obj_st *) Data_custom_val(v);
printf(" d: %g\n i: %d\n c: %c\n",
my_obj->c );
return Val_unit;
type obj
external new_obj: float -> int -> char -> obj = "get_finalized_obj"
external dump_obj: obj -> unit = "access_obj"
won't need
an explicite free as in the previous paragraph
OCaml will finalise these values when the garbage collection will occur.
# let a = Array.init 20 (fun i -> new_obj (float i) i 'A') in
dump_obj a.(9);
d: 9
i: 9
c: A
- : unit = ()
of the C structure is allocated, and needs
to be freed in the custom finalisation function:
typedef struct _fobj {
double d;
int i;
char * str;
} fobj;
void finalize_fobj( value v )
fobj * my_obj;
my_obj = (fobj *) Data_custom_val(v);
free( my_obj->str );
puts("fobj freed done");
static struct custom_operations fobj_custom_ops = {
identifier: "fobj handling",
finalize: finalize_fobj,
compare: custom_compare_default,
hash: custom_hash_default,
serialize: custom_serialize_default,
deserialize: custom_deserialize_default
static inline value copy_fobj( fobj *some_obj )
v = caml_alloc_custom( &fobj_custom_ops, sizeof(fobj), 0, 1);
memcpy( Data_custom_val(v), some_obj, sizeof(fobj) );
CAMLprim value
get_finalized_fobj( value d, value i, value str )
CAMLparam3( d, i, str );
int len;
fobj my_obj;
my_obj.d = Double_val(d);
my_obj.i = Int_val(i);
len = caml_string_length(str) + 1;
my_obj.str = malloc( len * sizeof(char) );
memcpy( my_obj.str, String_val(str), len );
ml_obj = copy_fobj( &my_obj );
CAMLprim value
access_fobj( value v )
fobj * my_obj;
my_obj = (fobj *) Data_custom_val(v);
printf(" d: %g\n i: %d\n str: %s\n",
my_obj->str );
return Val_unit;
type fobj
external new_fobj: float -> int -> string -> fobj = "get_finalized_fobj"
external dump_fobj: fobj -> unit = "access_fobj"
In the script below calling Gc.full_major
will produce the finalisation:
let () =
let f = function i -> new_fobj (float i) i (String.make i '.') in
let a = Array.init 20 f in
dump_fobj a.(9);
print_endline "end test";
type pvar =
| P0_a
| P1_a of int
| P2_a of int * int
| P0_b
| P1_b of int
| P2_b of int * int
external handle_pvar: pvar -> unit = "param_variant"
CAMLprim value
param_variant( value v )
if (Is_long(v))
switch (Int_val(v))
case 0: printf("P0_a\n"); break;
case 1: printf("P0_b\n"); break;
default: caml_failwith("variant handling bug");
else // (Is_block(v))
switch (Tag_val(v))
case 0: printf("P1_a(%d)\n", Int_val(Field(v,0)) ); break;
case 1: printf("P2_a(%d, %d)\n", Int_val(Field(v,0)), Int_val(Field(v,1)) ); break;
case 2: printf("P1_b(%d)\n", Int_val(Field(v,0)) ); break;
case 3: printf("P2_b(%d, %d)\n", Int_val(Field(v,0)), Int_val(Field(v,1)) ); break;
default: caml_failwith("variant handling bug");
return Val_unit;
. Also be careful with the numbers to switch on, scalars
and blocks are numbered separately as you can see in this example.
#load "funs.cma" ;;
open Funs ;;
let () =
handle_pvar(P2_a(30, 34));
handle_pvar(P2_b(70, 74));
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a
'a option
is nothing more than a variant with one argument
(as seen in the previous section), but here is the code as quick reference:
#define Val_none Val_int(0)
static inline value
Val_some( value v )
CAMLparam1( v );
CAMLlocal1( some );
some = caml_alloc(1, 0);
Store_field( some, 0, v );
CAMLreturn( some );
CAMLprim value
rand_int_option( value unit )
int d = random() % 4;
if (d)
return Val_some( Val_int(d) );
return Val_none;
external rand_int: unit -> int option = "rand_int_option"
# Array.init 10 (fun _ -> rand_int()) ;;
[|Some 3; None; Some 1; None; Some 3; Some 3; Some 2; None; None; Some 3|]
external say: string option -> unit = "maybe_say"
#define Some_val(v) Field(v,0)
CAMLprim value
maybe_say( value speech )
if (speech == Val_none)
printf("Something: %s\n", String_val(Some_val(speech)) );
return Val_unit;
# say None ;;
- : unit = ()
# say (Some "Camelus bactrianus") ;;
Something: Camelus bactrianus
- : unit = ()
type plm_var =
[ `plm_A
| `plm_B
| `plm_C ]
external plm_variant: plm_var -> unit = "polymorphic_variant"
CAMLprim value
polymorphic_variant( value v )
if (v == caml_hash_variant("plm_A")) puts("polymorphic variant A");
if (v == caml_hash_variant("plm_B")) puts("polymorphic variant B");
if (v == caml_hash_variant("plm_C")) puts("polymorphic variant C");
return Val_unit;
let () =
plm_variant `plm_A;
plm_variant `plm_B;
plm_variant `plm_C;
each time, what you can do is to get its result for each variant, and create
constants which you use in a switch:
int main()
printf("#define MLVAR_plm_A (%d)\n", caml_hash_variant("plm_A") );
printf("#define MLVAR_plm_B (%d)\n", caml_hash_variant("plm_B") );
printf("#define MLVAR_plm_C (%d)\n", caml_hash_variant("plm_C") );
return 0;
> empty.ml
ocamlc -o empty.o -output-obj empty.ml
ocamlc -c variant.c
gcc -o variant.exe variant.o empty.o -L"`ocamlc -where`" -lcamlrun -lm -lcurses
will output this result:
#define MLVAR_plm_A (-1993467801)
#define MLVAR_plm_B (-1993467799)
#define MLVAR_plm_C (-1993467797)
CAMLprim value
polymorphic_variant( value v )
switch (v)
case MLVAR_plm_A: puts("polymorphic variant A"); break;
case MLVAR_plm_C: puts("polymorphic variant B"); break;
case MLVAR_plm_D: puts("polymorphic variant C"); break;
caml_failwith("unrecognised polymorphic variant");
return Val_unit;
CAMLprim value
print_polymorphic_variant_val( value v )
printf("%d", (long) v );
return Val_unit;
external pmvar_print_i: pmvar -> unit = "print_polymorphic_variant_val"
let () =
let p = Printf.printf in
p "#define MLVAR_plm_A \t %!"; (pmvar_print_i `plm_A); p "\n%!";
p "#define MLVAR_plm_B \t %!"; (pmvar_print_i `plm_B); p "\n%!";
p "#define MLVAR_plm_C \t %!"; (pmvar_print_i `plm_C); p "\n%!";
this is because the stdout of OCaml and C are two different channels that
are not synchronised.
cc -o my_prog -L/lib/path -lMyLib my_prog.c
will have to be
inserted while compiling the module, as shown below:
dll_wrap_stubs.so: wrap.o
ocamlmklib -o _wrap_stubs $< \
-L/lib/path -lMyLib
funs.cmxa: funs.cmx dll_wrap_stubs.so
ocamlopt -a -o $@ $< -cclib -l_wrap_stubs \
-ccopt -L/lib/path \
-cclib -lMyLib
funs.cma: funs.cmo dll_wrap_stubs.so
ocamlc -a -o $@ $< -dllib -l_wrap_stubs \
-ccopt -L/lib/path \
-cclib -lMyLib
for the linker, and -ccopt
the compiler and linker.-dllib
for ocamlc.
You can then retrieve this caml function from C with
And you can cache the call to caml_named_value()
as you can see in the C code below, with a static
But you still have to test if it is equal to NULL
in case
the caml garbage collector has freed it.
let print_hello () =
print_endline "Hello World";
let () =
Callback.register "Hello callback" print_hello;
void hello_closure()
static value * closure_f = NULL;
if (closure_f == NULL) {
closure_f = caml_named_value("Hello callback");
caml_callback(*closure_f, Val_unit);
let print_hello () =
print_endline "Hello World";
let () =
Callback.register "Hello callback" print_hello;
void hello_closure()
static value * closure_f = NULL;
if (closure_f == NULL) {
closure_f = caml_named_value("Hello callback");
caml_callback(*closure_f, Val_unit);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
return 0;
function the first instruction have to be
in order to init the caml part of the program.
All the caml instructions at the root level (for exemple
print_endline "something" ;;
, and everything defined under
let () = (* code *) ;;
will be evaluated and executed at this moment.
ocamlopt -output-obj ml_part.ml -o ml_part_obj.o
gcc -c main.c -I"`ocamlc -where`"
gcc -o prog.opt \
main.o ml_part_obj.o \
-L"`ocamlc -where`" \
-lm -ldl -lasmrun
and -ldl
as can be found by:grep NATIVECCLIBS `ocamlc -where`/Makefile.config
-lm -ldl
by the variable $(NATIVECCLIBS)
To achieve this you just need to include the
file `ocamlc -where`/Makefile.config
as below:
prog.opt: main.o ml_part_obj.o
gcc -o $@ $^ \
-L"`ocamlc -where`" \
$(NATIVECCLIBS) -lasmrun
-include $(shell ocamlc -where)/Makefile.config