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2008-07-08 22:18:10

(*                straight-line program interpreter in OCaml                *)
(* Ch
.1 Programming excercise in Modern Compiler Implementation in ML *)

(* straight-line program abstract grammar tree definition *)
type id = string;;

type binop = Plus | Minus | Times | Div;;

(* Notes: OCaml support the following grammar
type-definition ::= type
typedef { and typedef } *)
type stm = CompoundStm of stm * stm
| AssignStm of id * exp
| PrintStm of exp list

and exp = IdExp of id
| NumExp of
| OpExp of exp * binop * exp
| EseqExp of stm * exp;;

(* symbol table definition and operations implementation on symbol table *)
(* exception defintion *)
exception Not_Found;;

table in linked-list, a list of id *
int pairs.
Notes: I am familar with the name 'symbol table' than table.
type table = Table of (id *
int) list;;

update function
val update : table -> id ->
int -> table =
this function put a new cell at the head of the linked list,
assume that the first occurrence of i in the list takes precedence
over any later occurrence.
maybe it is much better to call it insert function.
let update t i v = match t with
Table(x) -> Table((i,v)::x);;

lookup function
val lookup : table -> id ->
int =
let rec lookup t i =
match t with
Table((id, v)::rest) ->
if id = i then v else lookup (Table rest) i
| Table([]) -> raise Not_Found

(* interpreter function implementation *)
(* val interpStm : stm -> table -> table = *)
(* val interpExp : exp -> table ->
int * table = *)

let rec interpStm stm table =
match stm with
CompoundStm(x, y) ->
let table = interpStm x table in interpStm y table
| AssignStm(id, e) ->
let (i, table) = interpExp e table in update table id i
| PrintStm(exps) ->
let rec loop exps =
match exps with
| [] -> print_newline(); table
| exp::rest ->
let (i, table) = interpExp exp table in
print_int i;
print_char ' ';
interpStm (PrintStm rest) table
in loop exps

and interpExp exp table =
match exp with
IdExp(id) -> ((lookup table id), table)
| NumExp(i) -> (i, table)
| OpExp(a, op, b) ->
let (i, table) = interpExp a table in
let (j, table) = interpExp b table in
((match op with
Plus -> i+j
| Minus -> i-j
| Times -> i*j
| Div -> i/j), table)
| EseqExp(stm, exp) ->
let table = interpStm stm table in
interpExp exp table

let interp stm = interpStm stm (Table []); () ;;

(* test program: AST
for a := 5+3; b := (print(a, a - 1), 10*a); print (b) *)
let prog =
"a",OpExp(NumExp 5, Plus, NumExp 3)),
"a"; OpExp(IdExp "a", Minus, NumExp 1)],
10, Times, IdExp "a"))),

interp prog;;


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