mmy the Weasel
100 Pleasant Drive
San Francisco, CA 12345
Big Tony
200 Incognito Ave.
Suburbia, WA 67890
Cousin Vinnie
Vinnie's Auto Shop
300 City Alley
Sosueme, OR 76543
mmy the Weasel 100 Pleasant Drive San Francisco, CA 12345
Big Tony 200 Incognito Ave. Suburbia, WA 67890
Cousin Vinnie Vinnie's Auto Shop 300 City Alley Sosueme, OR 76543
- awk 'BEGIN{FS="\n";RS="";OFS="\t"}NF+=0' file
- sed -n ':a;/\n$/!{$bb;N;ba};:b;s/\n/\t/g;p' file
把文本都读入pattern space,当匹配到空行的时候,进行替换然后打印。
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