BEA Tuxedo服务启动时可能遇到的问题:
1、 服务启动时报错“No space in Bulletin Board”
2、 Tuxedo应用程序在初始化时失败:”Application server failed or dumped core during initialization”
3、 Tuxedo应用程序可执行文件没找到或无法运行: “Application server file not found or not executable”
4、 server group的自动迁移
Automatic migration of server group
5、 缺省的启动顺序可能不是最佳的
Default boot sequence may not be optimal
6、 环境变量没有设置或设置不正确
Environment variable not set or not set properly
7、 IPCKEY以被使用:”IPCKEY is already in use”
8、 无效NETADDRESSS 。Invalid network address
9、 Met upper bound limits specified in the UBBCONFIG file
10、Network port 被占用 Network port is in use already
11、达到系统资源的限制 Reached limit on system resources
12、Server boot dependency
13、没有建立TLOG文件。TLOG file is not created
四、BEA Tuxedo服务shutdown时可能遇到的问题:
1、Clients still attached 。客户端仍然保持连接
2、Dead servers。应用服务程序Dead
3、Shutdown sequence
五、BEA Tuxedo常用命令
l、buildclient:BEA Tuxedo Client端应用程序编译命令
buildclient [ -C ] [ -v ] [ {-r rmname | -w } ] [ -o name]
[ -f firstfiles] [ -l lastfiles]
-C specifies COBOL compilation.COBOL语言的编译方式
-v specifies that buildclient should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the compilation command to its standard output.
Buildclient 的编译信息详细的输出到标准输出设备
-w specifies that the client is to be built using the workstation libraries.
指出Client程序编译时连接Workstation 相应的动态库
-r rmname specifies the resource manager associated with this client.
-o 输出文件名
-f 输入文件名称,一个或多个,多个以-f 分离
-l specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and link edit phases of buildclient last, after the BEA Tuxedo libraries.
需要连接的非BEA Tuxedo的动态库,可以为多个,多个时以-l 分离
buildtms(transaction manager server):
* tmboot -- activates the application that is referenced in the specified configuration file. Depending on the options used, the entire application or parts of the application are started.
* tmloadcf -- parses the UBBCONFIG file and loads the binary TUXCONFIG
2、configuration file.
* tmunloadcf -- unloads the TUXCONFIG configuration file.
* tmconfig -- dynamically updates and retrieves information about the
3、configuration for a running system.
* dmadmin -- updates the compiled DMCONFIG (binary domain configuration file) while the system is running.
* tmadmin -- produces information about configuration parameters. Once invoked, you can enter many administrative commands that duplicate the s of other commands. For example, the tmadmin shutdown command is identical to the tmshutdown command.
* tmshutdown -- shuts down a set of specified BEA WebLogic Enterprise or BEA Tuxedo servers, or removes a set of BEA WebLogic Enterprise interfaces or BEA Tuxedo services listed in a configuration file.
tmloadcf ubbsimple
>boot -B simple (simple为ubbsimple中指定的MASTER,注意B大写!)
>boot -M (单独启动BBL服务)
>boot -i serApp1 (serApp1为ubbsimpel中定义的JSL的SRVID)
>boot -i serApp2 (serApp2为ubbsimpel中定义的JREPSVR的SRVID)
>boot -i serApp3 (serApp3为ubbsimpel中定义的simpserv的SRVID)
>shutdown -i serApp1 (serApp1为ubbsimpel中定义的simpserv的SRVID)
>boot -g GROUP1
>shutdown -g GROUP1
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