I am trying to summarize questions asked during interview.
Testing and function design:1. Given a function that does date sorting, date in format 07/22/2009, please come up with some testing cases.
2. A function takes 3 integers as input and identify whether those values can form a equilateral triangle, or isosceles triangle, or right triangle. come up with some test cases.

3. Given a none-blocking multi-concurrent connection enabled app, for example a SMTP server, how to make sure data sent back and forth are between correct pair, not mixed,
Programming:1. regular expression for identify a valid IP address
2. reverse words in a sentence, try to use minimum buffer
3. replace white spaces in source code with TAB, and need keep the format intact,
4. write a function that takes an integer array, return 1 when numbers are consecutive, return 0 when not.
5. write a function that takes amount of money, and then list all possible combination of changes
OS and Computer Science:- How the dead lock happens? How to avoid?
- Interrupt, IRQ
- What happens next after calling CreateProcess?
- How to trouble shoot when CPU usage is high?
- How to identify a program leaking memory or not?
- What is file descriptor leaking?
- How to close a socket connection? What does those status mean in netstat?
- What is TCP backlog?
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