AMGAUSS Generate gaussian amplitude modulation.
Y=AMGAUSS(N,T0,T) generates a gaussian amplitude modulation
centered on a time T0, and with a spread proportional to T.
This modulation is scaled such that Y(T0)=1
and Y(T0+T/2) and Y(T0-T/2) are approximately equal to 0.5 .
N : number of points. 序列点数
T0 : time center (default : N/2).中心坐标
T : time spreading (default : 2*sqrt(N)). 拐点
Y : signal.返回信号
z=amgauss(160); plot(z);
z=amgauss(160,90,40); plot(z);
z=amgauss(160,180,50); plot(z);
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