下面的程序在TC2.0环境下编译运行能输出‘≥’ 和 ‘≤’字符,但在VC++6.0环境下编译运行却只能输出两个问号。请问在VC++6.0环境下怎么才能正常输出显示ASCII码值大于127的字符?谢谢!
main( )
char c1, c2;
unsigned char u1, u2;
c1 = 242; c2 = 243;
u1 = 242; u2 = 243;
printf( "%c %c\n", c1, c2 );
printf( "%c %c\n", u1, u2 );
[[i] 本帖最后由 jerom 于 2007-3-15 17:16 编辑 [/i]]
2007-3-15 17:19 vanter
控制面板->区域和语言选项->高级->非Unicode程序的语言 修改成英语(美国)
另外,_tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("chs")); 可能也有关系,可以尝试一下。
2007-3-15 17:46 jerom
回复 2楼 vanter 的帖子
Thank you very much!
I just tried as you instructed.
The program can output '≥' and '≤' correctly.
But now I can't see and type chinese.
And I can't understand how to use _tsetlocale(LC_ALL, _T("chs"));
You are an expert. Please help me!
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