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2010-07-21 16:55:42

Chapter 2
Development issues

2.1 The build system

One of the biggest challenges to getting started with embedded devices is that you cannot just install a copy of Linux and expect to be able to compile a firmware. Even if you did remember to install a compiler and every development tool offered, you still would not have the basic set of tools needed to produce a firmware image. The embedded device represents an entirely new hardware platform, which is most of the time incompatible with the hardware on your development machine, so in a process called cross compiling you need to produce a new compiler capable of generating code for your embedded platform, and then use it to compile a basic Linux distribution to run on your device.


The process of creating a cross compiler can be tricky, it is not something that is regularly attempted and so there is a certain amount of mystery and black magic associated with it. In many cases when you are dealing with embedded devices you will be provided with a binary copy of a compiler and basic libraries rather than instructions for creating your own – it is a time saving step but at the same time often means you will be using a rather dated set of tools. Likewise, it is also common to be provided with a patched copy of the Linux kernel from the board or chip vendor, but this is also dated and it can be difficult to spot exactly what has been modified to make the kernel run on the embedded platform.


2.1.1 Building an image

OpenWrt takes a different approach to building a firmware; downloading, patching and compiling everything from scratch, including the cross compiler. To put it in simpler terms, OpenWrt does not contain any executables or even sources, it is an automated system for downloading the sources, patching them to work with the given platform and compiling them correctly for that platform. What this means is that just by changing the template, you can change any step in the process.


As an example, if a new kernel is released, a simple change to one of the Makefiles will download the latest kernel, patch it to run on the embedded platform and produce a new firmware image – there is no work to be done trying to track down an unmodified copy of the existing kernel to see what changes had been made, the patches are already provided and the process ends up almost completely transparent. This does not just apply to the kernel, but to anything included with OpenWrt – It is this one simple understated concept which is what allows OpenWrt to stay on the bleeding edge with the latest compilers, latest kernels and latest applications.


So let’s take a look at OpenWrt and see how this all works.


Download OpenWrt

This article refers to the "Kamikaze" branch of OpenWrt, which can be downloaded via subversion using the following command:


  $ svn checkout svn:// kamikaze

Additionally, there is a trac interface on which can be used to monitor svn commits and browse the source repository.

此外,还有一个trac界面在 上,可以被用来监控SVN的行为,浏览资源存储库。

The directory structure

There are four key directories in the base:


  • tools
  • toolchain
  • package
  • target

tools and toolchain refer to common tools which will be used to build the firmware image, the compiler, and the C library. The result of this is three new directories, build_dir/host, which is a temporary directory for building the target independent tools, build_dir/toolchain-* which is used for building the tool chain for a specific architecture, and staging_dir/toolchain-* where the resulting toolchain is installed. You will not need to do anything with the toolchain directory unless you intend to add a new version of one of the components above.

tools toolchain指用来建成软件图标,编译器和C程序库的常见工具。这一结果产生3个新的目录,build_dir/host是建成目标独立工具的一个暂时目录,build_dir/toolchain-*是建成特定构架的工具链,而staging_dir/toolchain-*是工具链结果安装指出。使用工具链目录,你将不需要做任何事情,除非你打算添加以上组件的新版本。

  • build_dir/host
  • build_dir/toolchain-*

package is for exactly that – packages. In an OpenWrt firmware, almost everything is an .ipk, a software package which can be added to the firmware to provide new features or removed to save space. Note that packages are also maintained outside of the main trunk and can be obtained from subversion using the package feeds system:


  $ ./scripts/feeds update

Those packages can be used to extend the functionality of the build system and need to be sym linked into the main trunk. Once you do that, the packages will show up in the menu for configuration. From kamikaze you would do something like this:


  $ ./scripts/feeds search nmap
  Search results in feed ’packages’:
  nmap       Network exploration and/or security auditing utility
  $ ./scripts/feeds install nmap

To include all packages, issue the following command:


  $ make package/symlinks

target refers to the embedded platform, this contains items which are specific to a specific embedded platform. Of particular interest here is the "target/linux" directory which is broken down by platform and contains the patches to the kernel, profile config, for a particular platform. There’s also the "target/image" directory which describes how to package a firmware for a specific platform.


Both the target and package steps will use the directory "build_dir/ " as a temporary directory for compiling. Additionally, anything downloaded by the toolchain, target or package steps will be placed in the "dl" directory.

目标和打包步骤都把"build_dir/ "目录当做编译的暂时目录使用。此外,从工具链,目标或打包步骤上下载的任何东西都放在"dl"目录。

  • build_dir/
  • dl

Building OpenWrt

While the OpenWrt build environment was intended mostly for developers, it also has to be simple enough that an inexperienced end user can easily build his or her own customized firmware.


Running the command "make menuconfig" will bring up OpenWrt’s configuration menu screen, through this menu you can select which platform you’re targeting, which versions of the toolchain you want to use to build and what packages you want to install into the firmware image. Note that it will also check to make sure you have the basic dependencies for it to run correctly. If that fails, you will need to install some more tools in your local environment before you can begin.

运行"make menuconfig"指令将引出OpenWrt配置菜单的外观,通过这个菜单,你可以选择你的目标平台。你打算用来构建的工具链版本以及你打算安装到软件图标的数据包。注意,它将检查以确保你已经为其正确运行设定了基本的相关性。如果检查失败了,在开始前,你将需要安装一些本地环境下的工具。

Similar to the linux kernel config, almost every option has three choices, y/m/n which are represented as follows:

LINUX 核心配置相似,几乎 每一个选项都有3个选择,y/m/n代表如下:

  • <*> (pressing y)
    This will be included in the firmware image
  • 它将包含在软件图表中。
  • (pressing m)
    This will be compiled but not included (for later install)

This will not be compiledAfter you’ve finished with the menu configuration, exit and when prompted, save your configuration changes.

If you want, you can also modify the kernel config for the selected target system. simply run "make kernel_menuconfig" and the build system will unpack the kernel sources (if necessary), run menuconfig inside of the kernel tree, and then copy the kernel config to target/linux//config so that it is preserved over "make clean" calls.


如果你愿意,你也可以为选中的目标系统修改内核配置。只需要运行"make kernel_menuconfig"创建系统就会解压内核资源(如果必需的话),在内核树内部运行menuconfig,然后把内核配置复制到target/linux//config ,这样,它才会在"make clean" 调用中保存。

To begin compiling the firmware, type "make". By default OpenWrt will only display a high level overview of the compile process and not each individual command.



   make[2] toolchain/install
  make[3] -C toolchain install
  make[2] target/compile
  make[3] -C target compile
  make[4] -C target/utils prepare


  make[2] toolchain/install
  make[3] -C toolchain install
  make[2] target/compile
  make[3] -C target compile
  make[4] -C target/utils prepare


This makes it easier to monitor which step it’s actually compiling and reduces the amount of noise caused by the compile output. To see the full output, run the command "make V=99".

这使得检测哪一个步骤真正在编制变得更加简单,而且能够减少因编制输出而造成的大量噪音。如果要观看整个输出,运行命令"make V=99"

During the build process, buildroot will download all sources to the "dl" directory and will start patching and compiling them in the "build_dir/ " directory. When finished, the resulting firmware will be in the "bin" directory and packages will be in the "bin/packages" directory.

在开发过程中,buildrootd会把所有资源下载到“dl”目录,并在"build_dir/ " 目录中开始修补和编排这些资源。完成以后,由此产生的固件会存在“bin”目录里,数据包则存在“bin/packages”目录里。
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