公司因工作需要,要安装远程图形界面。本来打算弄VNC的,后来google到FreeNX,看介绍不错:NX is an exciting new technology for remote display. It provides near local speed application responsiveness over high latency, low bandwidth links. The core libraries for NX are provided by under the GPL. FreeNX is a GPL implementation of the NX Server and NX Client Components. 这几天搞FreeNX&NXserver搞得头大。Fedora10的环境,yum安装的freenx-server&freenx-client,设置好了就是连接不上。看官网上文档介绍说是要安装NoMachine的client,安上后问题依旧(其实给的文档是FC4之前的)。网上给的解决方法在我这都不凑效。换成NoMachine 自己的Server和Client,在CentOS release 5.2 ( 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5)上倒是可以。但换回Fedora10(就不行了。客户端连接NoMachine的Test server没问题,那只能是NX Server有问题了. 同样的配置,最后认证都过了,最后提示NetWork问题:the connection with the remote server was shutdown,please check the state of you network connection,让我检查网路,但我网络是好的阿。客户端得到错误信息为:
NXPROXY - Version 3.3.0
Copyright (C) 2001, 2007 NoMachine.
See for more information.
Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '30854'.
Session: Starting session at 'Fri Jan 16 20:36:08 2009'.
Info: Connection with remote proxy completed.
Info: Using LAN link parameters 1536/24/1/0.
Info: Using pack method 'adaptive-9' with session 'gnome'.
Info: Using product 'LFE/None/LFEN/None'.
Info: Not using NX delta compression.
Info: Not using ZLIB data compression.
Info: Not using ZLIB stream compression.
Info: Not using a persistent cache.
Info: Forwarding X11 connections to display ':0.0'.
Info: Listening to font server connections on port '11004'.
Session: Session started at 'Fri Jan 16 20:36:08 2009'.
Info: Established X server connection.
Info: Using shared memory parameters 1/2048K.
Error: Connection with remote peer broken.
Error: Please check the state of your network and retry.
Session: Terminating session at 'Fri Jan 16 20:36:12 2009'.
Session: Session terminated at 'Fri Jan 16 20:36:12 2009'.
Y的,为啥相同的配置我在Fedora上我用不了呢。 我怀疑是不是的内核比较新,屏蔽或者加入了某些东西? 不去参考网上给的解决方案,还是去看官方文档吧
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