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2008-02-19 16:05:57

You can use the nfso command to configure NFS attributes.
It sets or displays NFS-related options associated with the currently running kernel and NFS kernel extension. See The nfso Command in AIX 5L Version 5.3 Commands Reference, Volume 4 for a detailed description of the command and its output.
Note: The nfso command performs no range-checking. If it is used incorrectly, the nfso command can make your system inoperable.
The nfso parameters and their values can be displayed by using the nfso -a command, as follows:

# nfso -a
                   portcheck = 0
                 udpchecksum = 1
              nfs_socketsize = 60000
          nfs_tcp_socketsize = 60000
           nfs_setattr_error = 0
        nfs_gather_threshold = 4096
         nfs_repeat_messages = 0
nfs_udp_duplicate_cache_size = 5000
nfs_tcp_duplicate_cache_size = 5000
    nfs_server_base_priority = 0
         nfs_dynamic_retrans = 1
            nfs_iopace_pages = 0
         nfs_max_connections = 0
             nfs_max_threads = 3891
      nfs_use_reserved_ports = 0
    nfs_device_specific_bufs = 1
           nfs_server_clread = 1
                 nfs_rfc1323 = 1
          nfs_max_write_size = 65536
           nfs_max_read_size = 65536
       nfs_allow_all_signals = 0
                 nfs_v2_pdts = 1
                 nfs_v3_pdts = 1
              nfs_v2_vm_bufs = 1000
              nfs_v3_vm_bufs = 1000
   nfs_securenfs_authtimeout = 0
   nfs_v3_server_readdirplus = 1
           lockd_debug_level = 0
           statd_debug_level = 0
           statd_max_threads = 50
             utf8_validation = 1
                 nfs_v4_pdts = 1
              nfs_v4_vm_bufs = 1000

Most NFS attributes are run-time attributes that can be changed at any time. Load time attributes, such as nfs_socketsize, need NFS to be stopped first and restarted afterwards. The nfso -L command provides more detailed information about each of these attributes, including the current value, default value, and the restrictions regarding when the value changes actually take effect:

# nfso –L

NAME                      CUR    DEF    BOOT   MIN    MAX    UNIT           TYPE     DEPENDENCIES
portcheck                 0      0      0      0      1      On/Off            D
udpchecksum               1      1      1      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_socketsize            600000 600000 600000 40000  1M     Bytes             D
nfs_tcp_socketsize        600000 600000 600000 40000  1M     Bytes             D
nfs_setattr_error         0      0      0      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_gather_threshold      4K     4K     4K     512    8193   Bytes             D
nfs_repeat_messages       0      0      0      0      1      On/Off            D
                          5000   5000   5000   5000   100000 Req               I
                          5000   5000   5000   5000   100000 Req               I
nfs_server_base_priority  0      0      0      31     125    Pri               D
nfs_dynamic_retrans       1      1      1      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_iopace_pages          0      0      0      0      65535  Pages             D
nfs_max_connections       0      0      0      0      10000  Number            D
nfs_max_threads           3891   3891   3891   5      3891   Threads           D
nfs_use_reserved_ports    0      0      0      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_device_specific_bufs  1      1      1      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_server_clread         1      1      1      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_rfc1323               1      0      0      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_max_write_size        64K    32K    32K    512    64K    Bytes             D
nfs_max_read_size         64K    32K    32K    512    64K    Bytes             D
nfs_allow_all_signals     0      0      0      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_v2_pdts               1      1      1      1      8      PDTs              M
nfs_v3_pdts               1      1      1      1      8      PDTs              M
nfs_v2_vm_bufs            1000   1000   1000   512    5000   Bufs              I
nfs_v3_vm_bufs            1000   1000   1000   512    5000   Bufs              I
nfs_securenfs_authtimeout 0      0      0      0      60     Seconds           D
nfs_v3_server_readdirplus 1      1      1      0      1      On/Off            D
lockd_debug_level         0      0      0      0      10     Level             D
statd_debug_level         0      0      0      0      10     Level             D
statd_max_threads         50     50     50     1      1000   Threads           D
utf8_validation           1      1      1      0      1      On/Off            D
nfs_v4_pdts               1      1      1      1      8      PDTs              M
nfs_v4_vm_bufs            1000   1000   1000   512    5000   Bufs              I

n/a means parameter not supported by the current platform or kernel

Parameter types:
    S = Static: cannot be changed
    D = Dynamic: can be freely changed
    B = Bosboot: can only be changed using bosboot and reboot
    R = Reboot: can only be changed during reboot
    C = Connect: changes are only effective for future socket connections
    M = Mount: changes are only effective for future mountings
    I = Incremental: can only be incremented

Value conventions:
    K = Kilo: 2^10       G = Giga: 2^30       P = Peta: 2^50
    M = Mega: 2^20       T = Tera: 2^40       E = Exa: 2^60

To display or change a specific parameter, use the nfso -o command. For example:

# nfso -o portcheck
portcheck= 0
# nfso -o portcheck=1

The parameters can be reset to their default value by using the -d option. For example:

# nfso -d portcheck
# nfso -o portcheck
portcheck= 0

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