#ifdef RCSID
static char *RCSid =
"$Header: cdemodr1.c 14-jul-99.13:07:43 mjaeger Exp $ ";
#endif /* RCSID */
/* Copyright (c) 1997, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
cdemord1.c - C DEMO program for DML with RETURNING clause - #1.
This Demo program demonstrates the use of INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE
statements with a RETURNING clause in it.
Adopted from tkp8rv1.c; need to run cdemodr1.sql before running
this demo program.
svedala 10/18/99 -
mjaeger 07/14/99 - bug 808870: OCCS: convert tabs, no long lines
svedala 09/09/98 - lines longer than 79 chars reformatted - bug 722491
azhao 08/19/97 - remove explicit bindhp allocation
echen 07/30/97 - fix bug 516406
azhao 05/30/97 - Creation
#include <cdemodr1.h>
/*------------------------ Global Variables -------------------------------*/
static boolean logged_on = FALSE;
/* TAB1 columns */
static int in1[MAXITER]; /* for INTEGER */
static text in2[MAXITER][40]; /* for CHAR(40) */
static text in3[MAXITER][40]; /* for VARCHAR2(40) */
static float in4[MAXITER]; /* for FLOAT */
static int in5[MAXITER]; /* for DECIMAL */
static float in6[MAXITER]; /* for DECIMAL(8,3) */
static int in7[MAXITER]; /* for NUMERIC */
static float in8[MAXITER]; /* for NUMERIC(7,2) */
static ub1 in9[MAXITER][7]; /* for DATE */
static ub1 in10[MAXITER][40]; /* for RAW(40) */
/* output buffers */
static int *p1[MAXITER]; /* for INTEGER */
static text *p2[MAXITER]; /* for CHAR(40) */
static text *p3[MAXITER]; /* for VARCHAR2(40) */
static float *p4[MAXITER]; /* for FLOAT */
static int *p5[MAXITER]; /* for DECIMAL */
static float *p6[MAXITER]; /* for DECIMAL(8,3) */
static int *p7[MAXITER]; /* for NUMERIC */
static float *p8[MAXITER]; /* for NUMERIC(7,2) */
static ub1 *p9[MAXITER]; /* for DATE */
static ub1 *p10[MAXITER]; /* for RAW(40) */
static short *ind[MAXCOLS][MAXITER]; /* indicators */
static ub2 *rc[MAXCOLS][MAXITER]; /* return codes */
static ub4 *rl[MAXCOLS][MAXITER]; /* return lengths */
/* skip values for binding TAB1 */
static ub4 s1 = (ub4) sizeof(in1[0]);
static ub4 s2 = (ub4) sizeof(in2[0]);
static ub4 s3 = (ub4) sizeof(in3[0]);
static ub4 s4 = (ub4) sizeof(in4[0]);
static ub4 s5 = (ub4) sizeof(in5[0]);
static ub4 s6 = (ub4) sizeof(in6[0]);
static ub4 s7 = (ub4) sizeof(in7[0]);
static ub4 s8 = (ub4) sizeof(in8[0]);
static ub4 s9 = (ub4) sizeof(in9[0]);
static ub4 s10= (ub4) sizeof(in10[0]);
/* Rows returned in each iteration */
static ub2 rowsret[MAXITER];
/* indicator skips */
static ub4 indsk[MAXCOLS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* return length skips */
static ub4 rlsk[MAXCOLS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
/* return code skips */
static ub4 rcsk[MAXCOLS] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static int lowc1[MAXITER], highc1[MAXITER];
static ub4 pos[MAXCOLS];
static OCIError *errhp;
/*------------------------end of Global variables--------------------*/
/*========================== UTILITY FUNCTIONS ======================*/
* These functions are generic functions that can be used in any
* OCI program.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Initialize environment, allocate handles */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
sword init_handles(envhp, svchp, errhp, srvhp, authp, init_mode)
OCIEnv **envhp;
OCISvcCtx **svchp;
OCIError **errhp;
OCIServer **srvhp;
OCISession **authp;
ub4 init_mode;
(void) printf("Environment setup ....\n");
/* Initialize the OCI Process */
if (OCIInitialize(init_mode, (dvoid *)0,
(dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, size_t)) 0,
(dvoid * (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *, size_t))0,
(void (*)(dvoid *, dvoid *)) 0 ))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIInitialize()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Inititialize the OCI Environment */
if (OCIEnvInit((OCIEnv **) envhp, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT,
(size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0 ))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIEnvInit()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Allocate a service handle */
if (OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) *envhp, (dvoid **) svchp,
(ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIHandleAlloc() on svchp\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Allocate an error handle */
if (OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) *envhp, (dvoid **) errhp,
(ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIHandleAlloc() on errhp\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Allocate a server handle */
if (OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) *envhp, (dvoid **) srvhp,
(ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SERVER, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIHandleAlloc() on srvhp\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Allocate a authentication handle */
if (OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *) *envhp, (dvoid **) authp,
(ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, (size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIHandleAlloc() on authp\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Attach to server with a given mode. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
sword attach_server(mode, srvhp, errhp, svchp)
ub4 mode;
OCIServer *srvhp;
OCIError *errhp;
OCISvcCtx *svchp;
text *cstring = (text *)"";
if (OCIServerAttach(srvhp, errhp, (text *) cstring,
(sb4) strlen((char *)cstring), (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIServerAttach()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Set the server handle in the service handle */
if (OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) svchp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
(dvoid *) srvhp, (ub4) 0, (ub4) OCI_ATTR_SERVER, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIAttrSet() server attribute\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Logon to the database using given username, password & credentials*/
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
sword log_on(authp, errhp, svchp, uid, pwd, credt, mode)
OCISession *authp;
OCIError *errhp;
OCISvcCtx *svchp;
text *uid;
text *pwd;
ub4 credt;
ub4 mode;
/* Set attributes in the authentication handle */
if (OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) authp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
(dvoid *) uid, (ub4) strlen((char *) uid),
(ub4) OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIAttrSet() userid\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
if (OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) authp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
(dvoid *) pwd, (ub4) strlen((char *) pwd),
(ub4) OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIAttrSet() passwd\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
(void) printf("Logging on as %s ....\n", uid);
if (OCISessionBegin(svchp, errhp, authp, credt, mode))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIAttrSet() passwd\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
(void) printf("%s logged on.\n", uid);
/* Set the authentication handle in the Service handle */
if (OCIAttrSet((dvoid *) svchp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX,
(dvoid *) authp, (ub4) 0, (ub4) OCI_ATTR_SESSION, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIAttrSet() session\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Allocate all required bind handles */
sword init_bind_handle(stmthp, bndhp, nbinds)
OCIStmt *stmthp;
OCIBind *bndhp[];
int nbinds;
int i;
* This function init the specified number of bind handles
* from the given statement handle.
for (i = 0; i < nbinds; i++)
bndhp[i] = (OCIBind *) 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Print the returned raw data. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
void print_raw(raw, rawlen)
ub1 *raw;
ub4 rawlen;
ub4 i;
ub4 lim;
ub4 clen = 0;
if (rawlen > 120)
ub4 llen = rawlen;
while (llen > 120)
lim = clen + 120;
for(i = clen; i < lim; ++i)
(void) printf("%02.2x", (ub4) raw[i] & 0xFF);
(void) printf("\n");
llen -= 120;
clen += 120;
lim = clen + llen;
lim = rawlen;
for(i = clen; i < lim; ++i)
(void) printf("%02.2x", (ub4) raw[i] & 0xFF);
(void) printf("\n");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Free the specified handles */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
void free_handles(envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp, stmthp)
OCIEnv *envhp;
OCISvcCtx *svchp;
OCIServer *srvhp;
OCIError *errhp;
OCISession *authp;
OCIStmt *stmthp;
(void) printf("Freeing handles ...\n");
if (srvhp)
(void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) srvhp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SERVER);
if (svchp)
(void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) svchp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX);
if (errhp)
(void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) errhp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
if (authp)
(void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) authp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_SESSION);
if (stmthp)
(void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) stmthp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_STMT);
if (envhp)
(void) OCIHandleFree((dvoid *) envhp, (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ENV);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Print the error message */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
void report_error(errhp)
OCIError *errhp;
text msgbuf[512];
sb4 errcode = 0;
(void) OCIErrorGet((dvoid *) errhp, (ub4) 1, (text *) NULL, &errcode,
msgbuf, (ub4) sizeof(msgbuf), (ub4) OCI_HTYPE_ERROR);
(void) printf("ERROR CODE = %d\n", errcode);
(void) printf("%.*s\n", 512, msgbuf);
/* Logout and detach from the server */
void logout_detach_server(svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp, userid)
OCISvcCtx *svchp;
OCIServer *srvhp;
OCIError *errhp;
OCISession *authp;
text *userid;
if (OCISessionEnd(svchp, errhp, authp, (ub4) 0))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCISessionEnd()\n");
(void) printf("%s Logged off.\n", userid);
if (OCIServerDetach(srvhp, errhp, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCISessionEnd()\n");
(void) printf("Detached from server.\n");
/* Finish demo and clean up */
sword finish_demo(loggedon, envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp, stmthp, userid)
boolean loggedon;
OCIEnv *envhp;
OCISvcCtx *svchp;
OCIServer *srvhp;
OCIError *errhp;
OCISession *authp;
OCIStmt *stmthp;
text *userid;
if (loggedon)
logout_detach_server(svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp, userid);
free_handles(envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp, stmthp);
/*===================== END OF UTILITY FUNCTIONS ======================*/
/*========================= MAIN ======================================*/
int main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
text *username = (text *)"scott";
text *password = (text *)"tiger";
OCIEnv *envhp;
OCIServer *srvhp;
OCISvcCtx *svchp;
OCISession *authp;
OCIStmt *stmthp = (OCIStmt *) NULL;
OCIBind *bndhp[MAXBINDS];
int i;
/* Initialize the Environment and allocate handles */
if (init_handles(&envhp, &svchp, &errhp, &srvhp, &authp, (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT))
(void) printf("FAILED: init_handles()\n");
return finish_demo(logged_on, envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp,
stmthp, username);
/* Attach to the database server */
if (attach_server((ub4) OCI_DEFAULT, srvhp, errhp, svchp))
(void) printf("FAILED: attach_server()\n");
return finish_demo(logged_on, envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp,
stmthp, username);
/* Logon to the server and begin a session */
if (log_on(authp, errhp, svchp, username, password,
(void) printf("FAILED: log_on()\n");
return finish_demo(logged_on, envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp,
stmthp, username);
logged_on = TRUE;
/* Allocate a statement handle */
if (OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp, (dvoid **) &stmthp,
(ub4)OCI_HTYPE_STMT, (CONST size_t) 0, (dvoid **) 0))
(void) printf("FAILED: alloc statement handle\n");
return finish_demo(logged_on, envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp,
stmthp, username);
/* bind handles will be implicitly allocated in the bind calls */
/* need to initialize them to null prior to first usage in bind calls */
for (i = 0; i < MAXBINDS; i++)
bndhp[i] = (OCIBind *) 0;
/* Demonstrate INSERT with RETURNING clause */
if (demo_insert(svchp, stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: demo_insert()\n");
(void) printf("SUCCESS: demo_insert()\n");
/* Demonstrate UPDATE with RETURNING clause */
if (demo_update(svchp, stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: demo_update()\n");
(void) printf("SUCCESS: demo_update()\n");
/* Demonstrate DELETE with RETURNING clause */
if (demo_delete(svchp, stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
(void) printf("FAILED: demo_delete()\n");
(void) printf("SUCCESS: demo_delete()\n");
/* clean up */
return finish_demo(logged_on, envhp, svchp, srvhp, errhp, authp,
stmthp, username);
/* =================== End Main =====================================*/
/* ===================== Local Functions ============================*/
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind all the columns of TAB1 by positions. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_pos(OCIStmt *stmthp, OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
if (OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[0], errhp, (ub4) 1,
(dvoid *) &in1[0], (sb4) sizeof(in1[0]), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[1], errhp, (ub4) 2,
(dvoid *) in2[0], (sb4) sizeof(in2[0]), SQLT_AFC,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[2], errhp, (ub4) 3,
(dvoid *) in3[0], (sb4) sizeof(in3[0]), SQLT_CHR,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[3], errhp, (ub4) 4,
(dvoid *) &in4[0], (sb4) sizeof(in4[0]), SQLT_FLT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[4], errhp, (ub4) 5,
(dvoid *) &in5[0], (sb4) sizeof(in5[0]), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[5], errhp, (ub4) 6,
(dvoid *) &in6[0], (sb4) sizeof(in6[0]), SQLT_FLT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[6], errhp, (ub4) 7,
(dvoid *) &in7[0], (sb4) sizeof(in7[0]), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[7], errhp, (ub4) 8,
(dvoid *) &in8[0], (sb4) sizeof(in8[0]), SQLT_FLT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[8], errhp, (ub4) 9,
(dvoid *) in9[0], (sb4) sizeof(in9[0]), SQLT_DAT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByPos(stmthp, &bndhp[9], errhp, (ub4) 10,
(dvoid *) in10[0], (sb4) sizeof(in10[0]), SQLT_BIN,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIBindByPos()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind all the columns of TAB1 by name. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_name(OCIStmt *stmthp, OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
if (OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[10], errhp,
(text *) ":out1", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out1"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) sizeof(int), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[11], errhp,
(text *) ":out2", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out2"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) MAXCOLLEN, SQLT_AFC,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[12], errhp,
(text *) ":out3", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out3"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) MAXCOLLEN, SQLT_CHR,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[13], errhp,
(text *) ":out4", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out4"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) sizeof(float), SQLT_FLT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[14], errhp,
(text *) ":out5", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out5"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) sizeof(int), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[15], errhp,
(text *) ":out6", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out6"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) sizeof(float), SQLT_FLT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[16], errhp,
(text *) ":out7", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out7"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) sizeof(int), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[17], errhp,
(text *) ":out8", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out8"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) sizeof(float), SQLT_FLT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[18], errhp,
(text *) ":out9", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out9"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) DATBUFLEN, SQLT_DAT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[19], errhp,
(text *) ":out10", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":out10"),
(dvoid *) 0, (sb4) MAXCOLLEN, SQLT_BIN,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DATA_AT_EXEC))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIBindByName()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind array structs for TAB1 columns. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_array(OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
if (OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[0], errhp, s1, indsk[0], rlsk[0], rcsk[0])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[1], errhp, s2, indsk[1], rlsk[1], rcsk[1])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[2], errhp, s3, indsk[2], rlsk[2], rcsk[2])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[3], errhp, s4, indsk[3], rlsk[3], rcsk[3])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[4], errhp, s5, indsk[4], rlsk[4], rcsk[4])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[5], errhp, s6, indsk[5], rlsk[5], rcsk[5])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[6], errhp, s7, indsk[6], rlsk[6], rcsk[6])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[7], errhp, s8, indsk[7], rlsk[7], rcsk[7])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[8], errhp, s9, indsk[8], rlsk[8], rcsk[8])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[9], errhp, s10, indsk[9], rlsk[9], rcsk[9]))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIBindArrayOfStruct()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind dynamic for returning TAB1 columns. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_dynamic(OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
* Note here that both IN & OUT BIND callback functions have to be
* provided. However, since the bind variables in the RETURNING
* clause are pure OUT Binds the IN callback fuctions (cbf_no_data)
* is essentially a "do-nothing" function.
* Also note here that although in this demonstration the IN and OUT
* callback functions are same, in practice you can have a different
* callback function for each bind handle.
ub4 i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXCOLS; i++)
pos[i] = i;
if (OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[10], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[0], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[0], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[11], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[1], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[1], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[12], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[2], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[2], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[13], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[3], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[3], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[14], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[4], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[4], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[15], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[5], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[5], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[16], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[6], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[6], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[17], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[7], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[7], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[18], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[8], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[8], cbf_get_data)
|| OCIBindDynamic(bndhp[19], errhp, (dvoid *) &pos[9], cbf_no_data,
(dvoid *) &pos[9], cbf_get_data))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIBindDynamic()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind input variables. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_input(OCIStmt *stmthp, OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
/* bind the input data by positions */
if (bind_pos(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* bind input array attributes*/
return (bind_array(bndhp, errhp));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind output variables. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_output(OCIStmt *stmthp, OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
/* bind the returning bind buffers by names */
if (bind_name(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* bind the returning bind buffers dynamically */
return (bind_dynamic(bndhp, errhp));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* bind row indicator variables. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword bind_low_high(OCIStmt *stmthp, OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
if (OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[23], errhp,
(text *) ":low", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":low"),
(dvoid *) &lowc1[0], (sb4) sizeof(lowc1[0]), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT)
|| OCIBindByName(stmthp, &bndhp[24], errhp,
(text *) ":high", (sb4) strlen((char *) ":high"),
(dvoid *) &highc1[0], (sb4) sizeof(highc1[0]), SQLT_INT,
(dvoid *) 0, (ub2 *)0, (ub2 *)0,
(ub4) 0, (ub4 *) 0, (ub4) OCI_DEFAULT))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIBindByName()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
if (OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[23], errhp, s1, indsk[0], rlsk[0], rcsk[0])
|| OCIBindArrayOfStruct(bndhp[24], errhp, s1, indsk[0], rlsk[0], rcsk[0]))
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIBindArrayOfStruct()\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Demontrate INSERT with RETURNING clause. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword demo_insert(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt *stmthp,
OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
int i, j;
* This function inserts values for 10 columns in table TAB1 and
* uses the RETURN clause to get back the inserted column values.
* It inserts MAXITER (10) such rows. Thus it expects MAXITER values
* for each column to be returned.
/* The Insert Statement with RETURNING clause */
text *sqlstmt = (text *)
"INSERT INTO TAB1 VALUES (:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10) \
RETURNING C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10 \
INTO :out1, :out2, :out3, :out4, :out5, :out6, \
:out7, :out8, :out9, :out10";
/* Prepare the statement */
if (OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, sqlstmt, (ub4)strlen((char *)sqlstmt),
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIStmtPrepare() insert\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Initialise the buffers for update */
for (i = 0; i < MAXITER; i++)
in1[i] = i + 1;
memset((void *)in2[i], (int) 'A'+i%26, (size_t) 40);
memset((void *)in3[i], (int) 'a'+i%26, (size_t) 40);
in4[i] = 400.555 + (float) i;
in5[i] = 500 + i;
in6[i] = 600.250 + (float) i;
in7[i] = 700 + i;
in8[i] = 800.350 + (float) i;
in9[i][0] = 119;
in9[i][1] = 185 + (ub1)i%10;
in9[i][2] = (ub1)i%12 + 1;
in9[i][3] = (ub1)i%25 + 1;
in9[i][4] = 0;
in9[i][5] = 0;
in9[i][6] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 40; j++)
in10[i][j] = (ub1) (i%0x10);
rowsret[i] = 0;
/* Bind all the input buffers to place holders (:1, :2. :3, etc ) */
if (bind_input(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Bind all the output buffers to place holders (:out1, :out2 etc */
if (bind_output(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Execute the Insert statement */
if (OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4) MAXITER, (ub4) 0,
(CONST OCISnapshot*) 0, (OCISnapshot*) 0,
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIStmtExecute() insert\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Commit the changes */
(void) OCITransCommit(svchp, errhp, (ub4) 0);
/* Print out the values in the return rows */
(void) printf("\n\n DEMONSTRATING INSERT....RETURNING \n");
(void) print_return_data((int)MAXITER);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Demonstrate UPDATE with RETURNING clause. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword demo_update(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt *stmthp,
OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
int i, j;
int range_size = 3; /* iterations */
* This function updates columns in table TAB1, for certain rows
* depending on the values of the :low and :high values in
* in the WHERE clause. It executes this statement 3 times, (3 iterations)
* each time with a different set of values for :low and :high
* Thus for each iteration, multiple rows are returned depending
* on the number of rows that matched the WHERE clause.
* The rows it updates here are the rows that were inserted by the
* cdemodr1.sql script.
/* The Update Statement with RETURNING clause */
text *sqlstmt = (text *)
"UPDATE TAB1 SET C1 = C1 + :1, C2 = :2, C3 = :3, \
C4 = C4 + :4, C5 = C5 + :5, C6 = C6 + :6, \
C7 = C7 + :7, C8 = C8 + :8, C9 = :9, C10 = :10 \
WHERE C1 >= :low AND C1 <= :high \
RETURNING C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10 \
INTO :out1, :out2, :out3, :out4, :out5, :out6, \
:out7, :out8, :out9, :out10";
/* Prepare the statement */
if (OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, sqlstmt, (ub4)strlen((char *)sqlstmt),
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIStmtPrepare() update\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Initialise the buffers for insertion */
for (i = 0; i < MAXITER; i++)
in1[i] = 300 + i;
memset((void *)in2[i], (int) 'a'+i%26, (size_t) 40);
memset((void *)in3[i], (int) 'A'+i%26, (size_t) 40);
in4[i] = 400.555 + (float)i;
in5[i] = 500 + i;
in6[i] = 600.280 + (float)i;
in7[i] = 700 + i;
in8[i] = 800.620 + (float)i;
in9[i][0] = 119;
in9[i][1] = 185 - (ub1)i%10;
in9[i][2] = (ub1)i%12 + 1;
in9[i][3] = (ub1)i%25 + 1;
in9[i][4] = 0;
in9[i][5] = 0;
in9[i][6] = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 40; j++)
in10[i][j] = (ub1) (i%0x08);
rowsret[i] =0;
/* Bind all the input buffers to place holders (:1, :2. :3, etc ) */
if (bind_input(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Bind all the output buffers to place holders (:out1, :out2 etc */
if (bind_output(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* bind row indicator low, high */
if (bind_low_high(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* update rows
between 101 and 103; -- expecting 3 rows returned (update 3 rows)
between 105 and 106; -- expecting 2 rows returned (update 2 rows)
between 109 and 113; -- expecting 5 rows returned (update 5 rows)
lowc1[0] = 101;
highc1[0] = 103;
lowc1[1] = 105;
highc1[1] = 106;
lowc1[2] = 109;
highc1[2] = 113;
(void) printf("\n\n DEMONSTRATING UPDATE....RETURNING \n");
if (OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4) range_size, (ub4) 0,
(CONST OCISnapshot*) 0, (OCISnapshot*) 0,
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIStmtExecute() update\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Commit the changes */
(void) OCITransCommit(svchp, errhp, (ub4) 0);
/* Print out the values in the return rows */
(void) print_return_data(range_size);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Demonstrate DELETE with RETURNING clause. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword demo_delete(OCISvcCtx *svchp, OCIStmt *stmthp,
OCIBind *bndhp[], OCIError *errhp)
int i, range_size = 3; /* iterations */
sword retval;
* This function deletes certain rows from table TAB1
* depending on the values of the :low and :high values in
* the WHERE clause. It executes this statement 3 times, (3 iterations)
* each time with a different set of values for :low and :high
* Thus for each iteration, multiples rows are returned depending
* on the number of rows that matched the WHERE clause.
* The rows it deletes here are the rows that were inserted by the
* cdemodr1.sql script.
/* The Delete Statement with RETURNING clause */
text *sqlstmt = (text *)
"DELETE FROM TAB1 WHERE C1 >= :low AND C1 <= :high \
RETURNING C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, C10 \
INTO :out1, :out2, :out3, :out4, :out5, :out6, \
:out7, :out8, :out9, :out10";
/* Prepare the statement */
if (OCIStmtPrepare(stmthp, errhp, sqlstmt, (ub4)strlen((char *)sqlstmt),
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIStmtPrepare() delete\n");
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Bind all the output buffers to place holders (:out1, :out2 etc */
if (bind_output(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* bind row indicator low, high */
if (bind_low_high(stmthp, bndhp, errhp))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* delete rows
between 201 and 203; -- expecting 3 rows returned (3 rows deleted)
between 205 and 209; -- expecting 5 rows returned (2 rows deleted)
between 211 and 213; -- expecting 3 rows returned (5 rows deleted)
lowc1[0] = 201;
highc1[0] = 203;
lowc1[1] = 205;
highc1[1] = 209;
lowc1[2] = 211;
highc1[2] = 213;
for (i=0; i<MAXITER; i++)
rowsret[i] = 0;
(void) printf("\n\n Demonstrating DETELE....RETURNING \n");
if ((retval = OCIStmtExecute(svchp, stmthp, errhp, (ub4) range_size, (ub4) 0,
(CONST OCISnapshot*) 0, (OCISnapshot*) 0,
(void) printf("FAILED: OCIStmtExecute() delete, retval = %d\n", retval);
/* Commit the changes */
(void) OCITransCommit(svchp, errhp, (ub4) 0);
/* Print out the values in the return rows */
(void) print_return_data(range_size);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* IN bind callback that does not do any data input. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sb4 cbf_no_data(dvoid *ctxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index,
dvoid **bufpp, ub4 *alenpp, ub1 *piecep, dvoid **indpp)
* This is a dummy input callback function that provides input data
* for the bind variables in the RETURNING clause.
*bufpp = (dvoid *) 0;
*alenpp = 0;
*indpp = (dvoid *) 0;
*piecep = OCI_ONE_PIECE;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Outbind callback for returning data. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sb4 cbf_get_data(dvoid *ctxp, OCIBind *bindp, ub4 iter, ub4 index,
dvoid **bufpp, ub4 **alenp, ub1 *piecep,
dvoid **indpp, ub2 **rcodepp)
* This is the callback function that is called to receive the OUT
* bind values for the bind variables in the RETURNING clause
static ub4 rows = 0;
ub4 pos = *((ub4 *)ctxp);
/* For each iteration the OCI_ATTR_ROWS_RETURNED tells us the number
* of rows returned in that iteration. So we can use this information
* to dynamically allocate storage for all the returned rows for that
* bind.
if (index == 0)
(void) OCIAttrGet((CONST dvoid *)bindp, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, (dvoid *)&rows,
(ub4 *) sizeof(ub4), OCI_ATTR_ROWS_RETURNED, errhp);
rowsret[iter] = (ub2)rows;
/* Dynamically allocate storage */
if (alloc_buffer(pos, iter, rows))
return OCI_ERROR;
/* Provide the address of the storage where the data is to be returned */
case 0:
rl[pos][iter][index] = sizeof(int);
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p1[iter]+ index);
case 1:
rl[pos][iter][index] = (ub4) MAXCOLLEN;
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p2[iter]+(index * MAXCOLLEN));
case 2:
rl[pos][iter][index] = (ub4) MAXCOLLEN;
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p3[iter]+(index * MAXCOLLEN));
case 3:
rl[pos][iter][index] = sizeof(float);
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p4[iter]+ index);
case 4:
rl[pos][iter][index] = sizeof(int);
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p5[iter]+index);
case 5:
rl[pos][iter][index] = sizeof(float);
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p6[iter]+index );
case 6:
rl[pos][iter][index] = sizeof(int);
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p7[iter]+ index);
case 7:
rl[pos][iter][index] = sizeof(float);
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p8[iter]+index);
case 8:
rl[pos][iter][index] = DATBUFLEN;
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p9[iter]+(index * DATBUFLEN));
case 9:
rl[pos][iter][index] = (ub4) MAXCOLLEN;
*bufpp = (dvoid *) (p10[iter]+(index * MAXCOLLEN));
*bufpp = (dvoid *) 0;
*alenp = (ub4 *) 0;
(void) printf("ERROR: invalid position number: %d\n", *((ub2 *)ctxp));
*piecep = OCI_ONE_PIECE;
/* provide address of the storage where the indicator will be returned */
ind[pos][iter][index] = 0;
*indpp = (dvoid *) &ind[pos][iter][index];
/* provide address of the storage where the return code will be returned */
rc[pos][iter][index] = 0;
*rcodepp = &rc[pos][iter][index];
* provide address of the storage where the actual length will be
* returned
*alenp = &rl[pos][iter][index];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* allocate buffers for callback. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword alloc_buffer(ub4 pos, ub4 iter, ub4 rows)
case 0:
p1[iter] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * rows);
case 1:
p2[iter] = (text *) malloc(rows * MAXCOLLEN);
case 2:
p3[iter] = (text *) malloc(rows * MAXCOLLEN);
case 3:
p4[iter] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * rows);
case 4:
p5[iter] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * rows);
case 5:
p6[iter] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * rows);
case 6:
p7[iter] = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * rows);
case 7:
p8[iter] = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * rows);
case 8:
p9[iter] = (ub1 *) malloc(rows * DATBUFLEN);
case 9:
p10[iter] = (ub1 *) malloc(rows * MAXCOLLEN);
(void) printf("ERROR: invalid position number: %d\n", pos);
return OCI_ERROR;
ind[pos][iter] = (short *) malloc(rows * sizeof(short));
rc[pos][iter] = (ub2 *) malloc(rows * sizeof(ub2));
rl[pos][iter] = (ub4 *) malloc(rows * sizeof(ub4));
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* print the returned data. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
static sword print_return_data(iters)
int iters;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < iters; i++)
(void) printf("\n*** ITERATION *** : %d\n", i);
(void) printf("(...returning %d rows)\n", rowsret[i]);
for (j = 0; j < rowsret[i] ; j++)
/* Column 1 */
(void) printf("COL1 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[0][i][j], rc[0][i][j], rl[0][i][j]);
if (ind[0][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL1 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL1 [%d]: %d\n", j, *(p1[i]+j) );
/* Column 2 */
(void) printf("COL2 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[1][i][j], rc[1][i][j], rl[1][i][j]);
if (ind[1][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL2 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL2 [%d]: %.*s\n",j, rl[1][i][j], p2[i]+(j*MAXCOLLEN));
/* Column 3 */
(void) printf("COL3 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[2][i][j], rc[2][i][j], rl[2][i][j]);
if (ind[2][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL3 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL3 [%d]: %.*s\n",j, rl[2][i][j], p3[i]+(j*MAXCOLLEN));
/* Column 4 */
(void) printf("COL4 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[3][i][j], rc[3][i][j], rl[3][i][j]);
if (ind[3][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL4 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL4 [%d]: %8.3f\n", j, *(p4[i]+j) );
/* Column 5 */
(void) printf("COL5 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[4][i][j], rc[4][i][j], rl[4][i][j]);
if (ind[4][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL5 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL5 [%d]: %d\n", j, *(p5[i]+j) );
/* Column 6 */
(void) printf("COL6 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[5][i][j], rc[5][i][j], rl[5][i][j]);
if (ind[5][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL6 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL6 [%d]: %8.3f\n", j, *(p6[i]+j) );
/* Column 7 */
(void) printf("COL7 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[6][i][j], rc[6][i][j], rl[6][i][j]);
if (ind[6][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL7 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL7 [%d]: %d\n", j, *(p7[i]+j) );
/* Column 8 */
(void) printf("COL8 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[7][i][j], rc[7][i][j], rl[7][i][j]);
if (ind[7][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL8 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL8 [%d]: %8.3f\n", j, *(p8[i]+j) );
/* Column 9 */
(void) printf("COL9 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[8][i][j], rc[8][i][j], rl[8][i][j]);
if (ind[8][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL9 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL9 [%d]: %u-%u-%u%u\n", j,
*(p9[i]+(j*DATBUFLEN+0)) - 100,
*(p9[i]+(j*DATBUFLEN+1)) - 100 );
/* Column 10 */
(void) printf("COL10 [%d]: ind = %d, rc = %d, retl = %d\n",
j, ind[9][i][j], rc[9][i][j], rl[9][i][j]);
if (ind[9][i][j] == -1)
(void) printf("COL10 [%d]: NULL\n", j);
(void) printf("COL10 [%d]: ", j);
print_raw(p10[i]+(j*MAXCOLLEN), rl[9][i][j]);
(void) printf("\n");
/* end of file cdemodr1.c */