这是qmail的发行版本---- netqmail-1.05。它是由qmail-1.03的补丁、一些文档、和一个编译补丁的脚本文件组成。更多的信息见
This is the netqmail-1.05 distribution of qmail. It is comprised
of qmail-1.03 plus a patch file, some documentation, and a shell
script which prepares the files for compilation. More information
is available at
To collate the sources, run ./collate.sh
It will create a netqmail-1.05 directory
and apply the patch. Continue the install with:
Note that we couldn't get the Solaris version of patch to work. You
will have more happiness if you download patch from .
如果想检验这里使用的补丁文件的md5sum值,运行md5sum -c md5sums命令。
If you want to verify the md5sums of the files as patch wrote
them here, run 'md5sum -c md5sums'.
Russ Nelson
Charles Cazabon ;
Dave Sill ;
Peter Samuel ;
Henning Brauer ;
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