2012-03-11 23:09:57
Cannot found MIPS SDE-GCC tool chains on MIPS FTP any more, but, luckily, we can download from staff university website.
Install MIPS SDE-lite
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Before installing this software, you must have agreed to the terms and conditions of the license agreement. WINDOWS LINUX
See for instructions and the files to do this. Alternatively you can use the included on this CD.
The contains more information.
To use the software, create a new folder without any spaces in the name and extract the contents of this archive into the folder. Then execute the script "bin/sdesetup.sh" using the Cygwin shell.
To use the software, extract the contents of this archive into a good location (e.g."/usr/local/sdelite" or "/home/myname/sdelite" and then execute the script "bin/sdesetup.sh".