col event format a32
col name format a32
select sid,event,p1 as file_id,p2 as "block_id/latch" ,p3 as blocks ,l.name
from v$session_wait sw ,v$latch l
where event not like '%SQL%' and event not like '%rdbms%'
and event not like '%mon%' and sw.p2=l.latch#(+);
col owner format a18
col segment_name format a32
col segment_type format a32
select owner,segment_name,segment_type
from dba_extents
where file_id=&file_id and &block_id between block_id
and block_id+&blocks-1;
select sw.sid,event,l.name,de.segment_name
from v$session_wait sw,v$latch l,dba_extents de
where event not like '%SQL%' and event not like '%rdbms%'
and event not like '%mon%' and sw.p2=l.latch#(+) and sw.p1=de.file_id(+) and p2 between
de.block_id and de.block_id +de.blocks -1;
select sql_text from v$sqltext_with_newlines st ,v$session se
where st.address=se.sql_address and st.hash_value=se.sql_hash_value
and se.sid=&wait_sid order by piece;
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