分类: Oracle
2008-02-19 16:29:25
action: 使用此方法,有些表空间不能shrink , db_block_size=8192 举例:tsp_equipment表空间 ,
conn internal/oracle
set pagesize 200
col "表空间名" for a20
SELECT upper(f.tablespace_name) "表空间名",
d.Tot_grootte_Mb "表空间大小(M)",
d.Tot_grootte_Mb - f.total_bytes "已使用空间(M)",
to_char(round((d.Tot_grootte_Mb - f.total_bytes) / d.Tot_grootte_Mb * 100,2),'990.99') "使用比",
f.total_bytes "空闲空间(M)",
f.max_bytes "最大块(M)"
(SELECT tablespace_name,
round(SUM(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) total_bytes,
round(MAX(bytes)/(1024*1024),2) max_bytes
FROM sys.dba_free_space
GROUP BY tablespace_name) f,
(SELECT dd.tablespace_name, round(SUM(dd.bytes)/(1024*1024),2) Tot_grootte_Mb
sys.dba_data_files dd
GROUP BY dd.tablespace_name) d
WHERE d.tablespace_name = f.tablespace_name
2. 首先查询出max(block_id),这个是hwm的临近点
conn internal/oracle
col segment_name for a30
select segment_name, max(block_id)
from dba_extents
where tablespace_name=upper('tsp_equipment')
group by segment_name order by 2 ;
3.使用以下命令resize 表空间大小
alter database datafile 'D:\Oracle\oradata\ora816\APequipment .DBF' resize 473m; [resize后的数字为max(block_id)*8192/1024/1024要大点]
select 'alter table '||object_name||' move tablespace data;'
from dba_objects
where owner=upper('scott') and object_type='TABLE';
select 'alter index '||index_name||' rebuild;' from dba_indexes
where owner=upper('scott') ;
you have extents of a segment that are beyond the value you want to resizeto.
i have a tablespace with 1 datafile, 10mb large.
my blocksize is 8192 bytes, so i have 1280 blocks
select blocks, bytes/1024/1024
from dba_data_files
where tablespace_name=tools
sql> /
blocks bytes/1024/1024
---------- ---------------
1280 10
now, what is the largest minimum size i can shrink my datafile to?
i have to query dba_extents for that:
select segment_name, max(block_id)
from dba_extents
where tablespace_name=tools
group by segment_name order by 2
rcver_version_unique 769
this means i have data in block 769 of 1280 blocks, so i can shrink back to
769 * 8196 (blocksize) = 6,3 mb
you can of course use file_id instead of tablespace_name...
sql> alter database datafile c:\oracle\oradata\ora920\tools01.dbf resize 6m;
alter database datafile c:\oracle\oradata\ora920\tools01.dbf resize 6m
ora-03297 file contains used data beyond requested resize value
sql> alter database datafile c:\oracle\oradata\ora920\tools01.dbf resize 7m;
--> succeeded
if this segment is an index segment you can try to rebuild the index:
alter index
if this segment is a table you can move it around:
alter table
and back
alter table
do not forget to rebuild the indexes after this, they will be in an unusable
you can also move the table by exporting/importing it.
resize只能减小到 高位 以上的大小