linux 下的的误操作
cp xxx.c /dev/sda6
把windows下的分区数据覆盖(源文件大概1.2KB,还好没有把backup partition data 覆盖掉
Reminder: Don't forget that each FAT32 Boot Record has a Backup Copy just a few sectors beyond the original. In the case of a single FAT32 partition (or the first partition of many) on a drive, the Backup is found in Absolute Sectors 69 through 71. These correspond to Relative (or Logical) Sectors 0 through 2 and then 6 through 8 (for the Backup copy) of any FAT32 partition on your drive.
sudo dd if=/dev/sda6 bs=512 count=3 skip=6
sudo dd of=/dev/sda6 bs=512 seek=0
now everything works fine now
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