用iostat命令发现磁盘util%接近100%,用下面的脚本查看,发现kjournald一直在写。请问是什么原因造成的,该怎么处理,谢谢! #!/usr/bin/python # Monitoring per-process disk I/O activity # written by import sys, os, time, signal, re class DiskIO: def __init__(self, pname=None, pid=None, reads=0, writes=0): self.pname = pname = pid self.reads = 0 self.writes = 0 def main(): argc = len(sys.argv) if argc != 1: print "usage: ./iotop" sys.exit(0) if os.getuid() != 0: print "must be run as root" sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) os.system('echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump') print "TASK PID READ WRITE" while True: os.system('dmesg -c > /tmp/diskio.log') l = [] f = open('/tmp/diskio.log', 'r') line = f.readline() while line: m = re.match(\ '^(\S+)\((\d+)\): (READ|WRITE) block (\d+) on (\S+)', line) if m != None: if not l: l.append(DiskIO(, line = f.readline() continue found = False for item in l: if == found = True if == "READ": item.reads = item.reads + 1 elif == "WRITE": item.writes = item.writes + 1 if not found: l.append(DiskIO(, line = f.readline() time.sleep(1) for item in l: print "%-10s %10s %10d %10d" % \ (item.pname,, item.reads, item.writes) def signal_handler(signal, frame): os.system('echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/block_dump') sys.exit(0) if __name__=="__main__": main()
1:调整一下文件系统的jounal模式,默认为ordered ,改成writeback会提高一些效率。 Despite writing some data more than once, ext3 is often faster (higher throughput) than ext2 because ext3's journaling optimizes hard drive head motion. You can choose from three journaling modes to optimize speed, optionally choosing to trade off some data integrity. * One mode, data=writeback, limits the data integrity guarantees, allowing old data to show up in files after a crash, for a potential increase in speed under some circumstances. (This mode, which is the default journaling mode for most journaling file systems, essentially provides the more limited data integrity guarantees of the ext2 file system and merely avoids the long file system check at boot time.) * The second mode, data=ordered (the default mode), guarantees that the data is consistent with the file system; recently-written files will never show up with garbage contents after a crash. * The last mode, data=journal, requires a larger journal for reasonable speed in most cases and therefore takes longer to recover in case of unclean shutdown, but is sometimes faster for certain database operations. The default mode is recommended for general-purpose computing needs. To change the mode, add the data=something option to the mount options for that file system in the /etc/fstab file, as documented in the mount man page (man mount).