o = enter url
O = edit url
b = back
m = forward
S = stop
r = reload
R = reload ignoring cache
fl = spawn numbers next to each hyperlink. Type the number after typing fl to follow the link.
gh = go home
Page Movement
j = scroll up
k = scroll down
h = scroll left
l = scroll right
PgUp = scroll page up
ctrl+b = scroll page up
PgDn = scroll page down
ctrl+f = scroll page down
Home = vertical beginning of the page
<< = vertical beginning of the page
End = vertical end of the page
>> = vertical end of the page
Space = vertical end of the page
^ = horizontal beginning of the page
$ = horizontal end of the page
/ = find in page
? = find backwards in page
n = repeat find forward
N = repeat find backwards
+ = zoom_in
- = zoom_out
T = toggle_zoom_type
1 = set zoom_level = 1
2 = set zoom_level = 2
ddg = search term in DuckDuckGo
gg = search term in Google
\wiki = search term in Wikipedia
Inserting Text
i = toggle_insert_mode (Esc works to go back to command mode much like vim)
fi = go to the first input field and enter insert mode
Bookmarks and History
M = insert bookmark (bookmarks are saved in ~/.local/share/uzbl/bookmarks
U = load url from history via dmenu
u = load url from bookmarks via dmenu
Tabs (when using uzbl-tabbed)
go = load uri in new tab
gt = go to next tab
gT = go to previous tab
gn = open new tab
gi+n = goto 'n' tab
t = show/hide status bar
w = open new window
ZZ = exit
: = enter command
Esc = back to normal mode
ctrl+[ = back to normal mode
Tips and tricks
Create an alias in ~/.bashrc to start uzbl-tabbed as just uzbl:
alias uzbl='uzbl-tabbed'
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