+. Clear the BNE Cache
To clear BNE cache login into E-business Suite as System Administrator and once the Home Page is up, paste the U
RL below into the same Browser
(replace hostname,domain and portnu
mber as applicable)
--> click the "clear-cache" link.
+ Set the following System Profile Options to enable Debug:
o BNE Server Log Filename : BneLogger.log (make sure it doesn't exist and if it does, delete it)
o BNE Server Log Level : TRACE
o BNE Server Log Path : free to choose, eg. in the IAS_TOP/Apache/Jserv/logs (use the full path)
Note: In some versions, you may need to enable debug by setting following profiles instead of above :
"BNE Debug Log Filename","BNE Debug Log Level" and "BNE Debug Log Path"
+. Restart the Apache Server for changes to take effect
o Got to $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/..
o Execute adapcctl.sh stop
o Execute adapcctl.sh start
+. Follow the Steps to reproduce the problem.
+. Afterwards, set the BNE Server Log Level to INFORMATION to avoid excessive growth of the log file.
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