分类: 信息化
2013-10-29 08:10:18
YN801型铅志夹钳 MODEL YN801 Lead seals tongs
YN801型铅志夹钳用印模 Seals model for MODEL YN801 lead seals tongs
包裹、印刷品、总包设备噪声测量方法 Measurement methods of noise for parcel equipment flat equipment & bag equipment
包裹粗分机 Primary parcel sorting machine
包裹收寄电子秤 Electronic weighing instrument for parcel posting
包裹细分机技术条件 Specifications for secondary parcel sorting machines
多媒体邮电业务查询台技术条件 Specifications of the multimedia inquiry system of post and telecomunucation services
给据邮件条码签 国际挂号函件部分 Bar code label for record mail International registered correspondence
滚筒式邮袋除尘机邮电专用汽车标志挂式邮政信箱 Wall mail box
国际包裹五联单 Bill in five parts for international postal parcels
国际明信片 International postcard
国际业务用航空公司代码 Codification of air carriers for postal services
国际业务用机场代码 Codification of airports for postal services185
国际邮件袋牌 International label of mail bags
国际邮件互换局代码 Codification of international mail exchange offices
国内邮件袋牌 Bag-label for domestic mail
国内邮件单据通用技术条件 General specifications for domestic mail documents
贺卡信封 Congratulatory card envelope
红框理信机技术条件 Specifications of red box letter facing machines
金属按扣式封志 Metal button seal
全国邮政管理和生产机构代码编制规则 Rules of coding for nationwide postal establishments
双孔铅志 Lead seal with double holes
信函分拣机测试卡片 Testcard of letter sorting machines
信函分拣设备电磁兼容性 静电放电和电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度要求 Electromagnetic compatibility of letter sorting equipment Immunity technical requirements of electrostatic discharge & electrical fast transient burst
信函分拣设备技术词汇 Technical vocabulary for letter sorting equipment
信函过戳机技术条件 Specifications of letter letter stamping machine
信函邮票盖销机技术条件 Specifications for letter stamp-cancelling machine
信筒 Pillar box
用户服务中心技术要求 Technical requirement of 185 customer care
邮袋 Mail bag
邮袋封扎带 Plastic tying string for mail bag
邮袋封扎绳 Closing string for mail bags
邮电日戳技术条件 Specifications for date-stamps of post and telecommunication
邮简 Letter-card
邮件封面书写规范 国际信函 Writing specifications on mail envelopes international letters
邮件封面书写规范 国内信件 Writing specifications on mail envelopes domestic letters
邮政包裹包装箱(国内) Packing boxes for parcels
邮政带式输送机 固定式胶带机 Belt conveyor for mail processing fixed fabric belt conveyor
邮政日戳用铅字钉 Type for post date-stamp
邮政特快专递详情单 Detail bill for express mail service
邮政特快专递业务单据 国际特快专递邮件封发清单 EMS operational forms Express mall service manifest
邮政特快专递业务单据 国内特快专递邮件封发清单 EMS operational forms Dispatch list for domestic EMS
邮政特快专递业务单据 国内特快专递邮件收发路单 EMS operational forms Delivery bill for domestic EMS
邮政特快专递业务单据 收发航空邮件总包路单 EMS operational forms Delivery bill airmails
邮政条码生成器技术条件 Specifications of postal bar-code producers
邮政业务词汇 特快专递部分 Postal service vocabulary EMS part
邮政营业电子秤准确度等级 Accuracy class of postal counter electronic weighing instrument
邮资票品和集邮品的分类与编码规则 the classification and the principle of coding of postage item and pgilatelic item
住宅楼房信报箱 Private letter box for multi-storey and high-rise block of flets
磅秤 scale
包裹 parcel
包裹吊牌 parcel tag
包裹附单 despatch note
包裹营业台 parcel counter
包裹邮件 parcel post
包装纸 brown paper; parcel paper
报值邮件 insured letter
报纸 newspaper
背面 back
本地邮件 local mail
本国大宗包裹 domestic mail in bulk
本国邮件 domestic mail
本人不在 addressee absent
本人拒收 refused by addressee
玻璃橱窗 showcase
玻璃柜 showcase
齿孔 perforation
储蓄利息表 interest rate table
船运邮件 sea mail
1 Letter-post items 函件
2 bulk mail 大宗邮件
3 the insured letter 保价信函
4 registered letter 挂号信
5 the surface mail 平信
6 return receipt 邮件回执
7 the speed post 邮政快件
8 the electronic mail 电子邮件
9 all kinds of correspondence 各类函件
10 EMS(Express Mail Service) 特快专递
11 print matter/papers 印刷品
12 the small packet 小包
13 package/parcel 包裹
14 post code 邮政编码
15 letter telegrams 书信电报
16 the telegraph service 电报业务
17 public telex 公众用户电报
18 urgent telegrams 加急电报
19 ordinary telegrams 普通电报
20 stamp collector 集邮者
21 the Souvenir Folder 纪念邮折
22 the First Day Cover 首日封
23 miniature sheets 小型张
24 the block of postage stamps 四方连邮票
25 the pair of postage stamps 双连邮票
26 ordinary stamps 普通邮票
27 special stamps 特种邮票
28 stamp album 集邮册
29 picture cards 美术明信片
30 Christmas cards 圣诞贺卡
31 postal savings 邮政储蓄
32 the money order 邮政汇票
1 opening tables with dust absorption 除尘开拆台
2 letter dust removal machines 信函除尘机
3 cancelling machines 盖销机
4 franking machines 邮资机
5 stamping machines 过戳机
6 parcel posting machines 包裹收寄机
7 automatic parcel delivery machines 自动取包机
8 automated registration machines 自动挂号登单机
9 the pillar-box/postbox [英]邮筒,信筒
10 the mailbox [美]邮筒,信筒
1 the General Post Office in the Provincial Capital 省会邮政局
2 the Postal Hub 邮政枢纽
3 the Station Branch Office 车站支局
4 an information desk 问讯处、咨询服务台
5 a retail shop 零售店、亭或柜台
6 a packing counter 包装柜台
7 the office of destination 寄达局
8 retail shops for newspapers and periodicals 报刊零售亭、店
9 self-run mail routes 自办邮路
10 the quickest route 最快邮路
1 UPU(The Universal Postal Union) 万国邮联
2 UPU Consultant 邮联专家
3 The Asian-Pacific Postal Union 亚洲太平洋邮政联盟(亚太邮联)
4 the member country
1 the insured value 保价金额
2 the insurance charge 保价费
3 the highest limit 最高限额
4 the sealing wax 封蜡;火漆
5 private marks 私人印志
6 draft paper 牛皮纸
7 adhesive tapes 胶带
8 block letter 大写印刷体
9 on the top of the right-hand 右上角