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2007-02-02 11:38:40

 $ man iptables |col -b >iptables(man信息转化为文本文件)
 $ info iptables -o iptables

       iptables - administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT
       iptables [-t table] -[AD] chain rule-specification [options]
       iptables [-t table] -I chain [rulenum] rule-specification [options]
       iptables [-t table] -R chain rulenum rule-specification [options]
       iptables [-t table] -D chain rulenum [options]
       iptables [-t table] -[LFZ] [chain] [options]
       iptables [-t table] -N chain
       iptables [-t table] -X [chain]
       iptables [-t table] -P chain target [options]
       iptables [-t table] -E old-chain-name new-chain-name
       Iptables  is  used  to  set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP
       packet filter rules in the Linux kernel.  Several different tables may
       be  defined.   Each table contains a number of built-in chains and may
       also contain user-defined chains.
       Each chain is a list of rules which can match a set of packets.  Each
       rule  specifies what to do with a packet that matches.  This is called
       a ‘target’, which may be a jump to a user-defined chain in  the  same

       A firewall rule specifies criteria for a packet, and a target.  If the
       packet does not match, the next rule in the chain is the examined;  if
       it  does  match,  then  the next rule is specified by the value of the
       target, which can be the name of a user-defined chain or  one  of  the
       special values ACCEPT, DROP, QUEUE, or RETURN.
       ACCEPT means to let the packet through. DROP means to drop the packet
       on the floor.  QUEUE means to pass the packet to  userspace  (if  sup-
       ported  by  the kernel).  RETURN means stop traversing this chain and
       resume at the next rule in the previous (calling) chain.  If  the  end
       of a built-in chain is reached or a rule in a built-in chain with tar-
       get RETURN is matched, the target specified by the chain policy deter-
       mines the fate of the packet.
       There are currently three independent tables (which tables are present
       at any time depends on the kernel configuration options and which mod-
       ules are present).
       -t, --table table
       This  option specifies the packet matching table which the com-
       mand should operate on.  If the kernel is configured with auto-
       matic  module  loading,  an  attempt  will  be made to load the
       appropriate module for that table if it is not already there.
       The tables are as follows:
    This is the default table (if no -t option is passed).   It
    contains the built-in chains INPUT (for packets coming into
    the box itself), FORWARD (for packets being routed  through
    the box), and OUTPUT (for locally-generated packets).
    This table  is  consulted when a packet that creates a new
    connection is encountered.  It consists of three built-ins:
    PREROUTING  (for altering packets as soon as they come in),
    OUTPUT (for altering locally-generated packets before rout-
    ing),  and  POSTROUTING  (for  altering packets as they are
    about to go out).
    This table  is  used for  specialized  packet  alteration.
    Until  kernel 2.4.17 it had two built-in chains: PREROUTING
    (for altering incoming packets before routing)  and  OUTPUT
    (for altering  locally-generated  packets before routing).
    Since kernel 2.4.18, three other built-in chains  are  also
    supported:  INPUT (for packets coming into the box itself),
    FORWARD (for altering  packets  being  routed  through  the
    box),  and  POSTROUTING  (for  altering packets as they are
    about to go out).
       The options that are recognized by iptables can be divided  into  sev-
       eral different groups.
       These  options  specify the  specific action to perform.  Only one of
       them can be specified on the command line unless  otherwise  specified
       below.  For all the long versions of the command and option names, you
       need to use only enough letters to ensure that iptables can  differen-
       tiate it from all other options.
       -A, --append chain rule-specification
       Append  one  or  more  rules  to the end of the selected chain.
       When the source and/or destination names resolve to  more  than
       one  address,  a rule  will be added for each possible address
       -D, --delete chain rule-specification
       -D, --delete chain rulenum
       Delete one or more rules from the selected  chain.   There  are
       two  versions  of  this command: the rule can be specified as a
       number in the chain (starting at 1 for the  first  rule) or  a
       rule to match.
       -I, --insert chain [rulenum] rule-specification
       Insert  one  or  more  rules in the selected chain as the given
       rule number.  So, if the rule number is 1, the  rule  or rules
       are  inserted  at  the  head  of the  chain.  This is also the
       default if no rule number is specified.
       -R, --replace chain rulenum rule-specification
       Replace a rule in the selected chain.   If  the  source  and/or
       destination  names  resolve  to multiple addresses, the command
       will fail.  Rules are numbered starting at 1.
       -L, --list [chain]
       List all rules in the selected chain.  If no chain is selected,
       all  chains  are listed.   As every other iptables command, it
       applies to the specified table (filter is the default), so  NAT
       rules get listed by
        iptables -t nat -n -L
       Please  note that it is often used with the -n option, in order
       to avoid long reverse DNS lookups.  It is legal to specify  the
       -Z  (zero)  option  as well, in which case the chain(s) will be
       atomically listed and zeroed.  The exact output is affected  by
       the other arguments given. The exact rules are suppressed until
       you use
        iptables -L -v
       -F, --flush [chain]
       Flush the selected chain (all the chains in the table  if  none
       is given).  This is equivalent to deleting all the rules one by
       -Z, --zero [chain]
       Zero the packet and byte counters in all chains. It  is legal
       to  specify  the -L,  --list (list) option as well, to see the
       counters immediately before they are cleared. (See above.)
       -N, --new-chain chain
       Create a new user-defined chain by the given name.  There  must
       be no target of that name already.
       -X, --delete-chain [chain]
       Delete  the  optional user-defined chain specified.  There must
       be no references to the chain.  If there are, you  must  delete
       or replace the referring rules before the chain can be deleted.
       If no argument is given, it will attempt to delete  every  non-
       builtin chain in the table.
       -P, --policy chain target
       Set the policy for the chain to the given target.  See the sec-
       tion TARGETS for the legal targets.  Only  built-in  (non-user-
       defined) chains can  have  policies, and neither built-in nor
       user-defined chains can be policy targets.
       -E, --rename-chain old-chain new-chain
       Rename the user specified chain  to  the user  supplied name.
       This is cosmetic, and has no effect on the structure of the ta-
       -h     Help.  Give a (currently very brief) description of the command
       The  following parameters make up a rule specification (as used in the
       add, delete, insert, replace and append commands).
       -p, --protocol [!] protocol
       The protocol of the rule or of the packet to check.  The speci-
       fied  protocol  can be one of tcp, udp, icmp, or all, or it can
       be a numeric value, representing one of these  protocols or  a
       different  one. A  protocol  name from /etc/protocols is also
       allowed. A "!" argument before the protocol inverts the test.
       The  number zero is equivalent to all.  Protocol all will match
       with all protocols and is taken as default when this option  is
       -s, --source [!] address[/mask]
       Source  specification.  Address can be either a network name, a
       hostname (please note that specifying any name to  be  resolved
       with  a  remote query such as DNS is a really bad idea), a net-
       work IP address (with /mask), or a plain IP address.  The  mask
       can  be either a network mask or a plain number, specifying the
       number of 1’s at the left side of the network  mask.   Thus,  a
       mask  of 24  is equivalent  to  A "!" argument
       before the address  specification  inverts  the  sense  of  the
       address. The flag --src is an alias for this option.
       -d, --destination [!] address[/mask]
       Destination  specification.   See  the  description  of  the -s
       (source) flag for a detailed description of  the syntax.   The
       flag --dst is an alias for this option.
       -j, --jump target
       This  specifies the target of the rule; i.e., what to do if the
       packet matches it.  The target  can  be  a  user-defined chain
       (other  than  the  one  this  rule  is  in), one of the special
       builtin targets which decide the fate  of  the  packet  immedi-
       ately,  or an extension (see EXTENSIONS below).  If this option
       is omitted in a rule, then  matching  the  rule  will  have  no
       effect  on the packet’s fate, but the counters on the rule will
       be incremented.
       -i, --in-interface [!] name
       Name of an interface via which a packet was received (only  for
       packets  entering  the  INPUT,  FORWARD and PREROUTING chains).
       When the "!" argument is used before the interface  name,  the
       sense  is  inverted.  If the interface name ends in a "+", then
       any interface which begins with this name will match.  If  this
       option is omitted, any interface name will match.
       -o, --out-interface [!] name
       Name  of an  interface  via which a packet is going to be sent
       (for packets  entering  the  FORWARD,  OUTPUT  and  POSTROUTING
       chains).  When  the  "!" argument is used before the interface
       name, the sense is inverted.  If the interface name ends in  a
       "+", then any interface which begins with this name will match.
       If this option is omitted, any interface name will match.
       [!]  -f, --fragment
       This means that the rule only  refers  to  second  and  further
       fragments of fragmented packets. Since there is no way to tell
       the source or destination ports  of  such  a  packet  (or  ICMP
       type),  such  a  packet  will not match any rules which specify
       them.  When the "!" argument precedes the "-f" flag,  the  rule
       will only match head fragments, or unfragmented packets.
       -c, --set-counters PKTS BYTES
       This  enables  the  administrator  to initialize the packet and
       byte counters of a rule (during INSERT, APPEND, REPLACE  opera-
       The following additional options can be specified:
       -v, --verbose
       Verbose  output.  This  option makes the list command show the
       interface name, the rule options (if any), and the  TOS  masks.
       The  packet  and byte counters are also listed, with the suffix
       ’K’, ’M’ or ’G’ for 1000, 1,000,000 and 1,000,000,000 multipli-
       ers  respectively  (but  see  the -x flag to change this).  For
       appending, insertion, deletion  and  replacement,  this  causes
       detailed information on the rule or rules to be printed.
       -n, --numeric
       Numeric  output. IP addresses and port numbers will be printed
       in numeric format.  By default, the program will try to display
       them as host names, network names, or services (whenever appli-
       -x, --exact
       Expand numbers.  Display the exact value of the packet and byte
       counters,  instead of only the rounded number in K’s (multiples
       of 1000) M’s (multiples of 1000K) or G’s (multiples of  1000M).
       This option is only relevant for the -L command.
       When  listing  rules, add line numbers to the beginning of each
       rule, corresponding to that rule’s position in the chain.
       When adding or inserting rules into a  chain,  use  command  to
       load any necessary modules (targets, match extensions, etc).
       iptables  can  use extended packet matching modules.  These are loaded
       in two ways: implicitly, when -p or --protocol is specified,  or  with
       the -m or --match options, followed by the matching module name; after
       these, various extra command line options become available,  depending
       on  the specific module.  You can specify multiple extended match mod-
       ules in one line, and you can use the -h or --help options  after  the
       module has been specified to receive help specific to that module.
       The  following are included in the base package, and most of these can
       be preceded by a !  to invert the sense of the match.
       This module matches packets based  on  their  address  type.   Address
       types  are  used  within  the  kernel  networking stack and categorize
       addresses into various groups.  The exact  definition  of  that group
       depends on the specific layer three protocol.
       The following address types are possible:
       UNSPEC an  unspecified  address (i.e.  UNICAST  an  unicast
       address LOCAL a local address  BROADCAST a  broadcast  address
       ANYCAST  an anycast packet MULTICAST a multicast address BLACK-
       HOLE a blackhole address UNREACHABLE  an  unreachable  address
       PROHIBIT a  prohibited  address THROW FIXME NAT FIXME XRESOLVE
       --src-type type
       Matches if the source address is of given type
       --dst-type type
       Matches if the destination address is of given type
       This module matches the SPIs in AH header of IPSec packets.
       --ahspi [!] spi[:spi]
       This is an experimental module. It matches on whether the  packet  is
       part  of a master connection or one of its children (or grandchildren,
       etc).  For instance, most packets are level 0.  FTP data  transfer  is
       level 1.
       --childlevel [!] level
       This matches if a specific /proc filename is ’0’ or ’1’.
       --condition [!] filename
       Match  on boolean value stored in /proc/net/ipt_condition/file-
       name file
       This module matches the netfilter mark field associated with a connec-
       tion (which can be set using the CONNMARK target below).
       --mark value[/mask]
       Matches  packets in connections with the given mark value (if a
       mask is specified, this is logically ANDed with the mark before
       the comparison).
       This module matches the current transfer rate in a connection.
       --connrate [!] [from]:[to]
       Match against the current connection transfer rate being within
       ’from’ and ’to’ bytes per second. When the "!" argument is used
       before the range, the sense of the match is inverted.
       This  module, when combined with connection tracking, allows access to
       more connection tracking information than the  "state"  match. (this
       module  is  present  only if iptables was compiled under a kernel sup-
       porting this feature)
       --ctstate state
       Where state is a comma separated list of the connection  states
       to  match.  Possible states are INVALID meaning that the packet
       is associated with no  known  connection,  ESTABLISHED  meaning
       that  the packet is associated with a connection which has seen
       packets in both directions, NEW meaning  that  the  packet  has
       started  a  new connection, or otherwise associated with a con-
       nection which has not seen  packets  in  both  directions,  and
       RELATED  meaning that the packet is starting a new connection,
       but is associated with an existing connection, such as  an  FTP
       data  transfer, or an ICMP error.  SNAT A virtual state, match-
       ing if the original source address differs from the reply  des-
       tination.   DNAT A virtual state, matching if the original des-
       tination differs from the reply source.
       --ctproto proto
       Protocol to match (by number or name)
       --ctorigsrc [!] address[/mask]
       Match against original source address
       --ctorigdst [!] address[/mask]
       Match against original destination address
       --ctreplsrc [!] address[/mask]
       Match against reply source address
       --ctrepldst [!] address[/mask]
       Match against reply destination address
       --ctstatus [NONE|EXPECTED|SEEN_REPLY|ASSURED][,...]
       Match against internal conntrack states
       --ctexpire time[:time]
       Match remaining lifetime in  seconds  against  given  value  or
       range of values (inclusive)
       This  module  matches the 6 bit DSCP field within the TOS field in the
       IP header.  DSCP has superseded TOS within the IETF.
       --dscp value
       Match against a numeric (decimal or hex) value [0-32].
       --dscp-class DiffServ Class
       Match the DiffServ class. This value may be any of the BE,  EF,
       AFxx  or CSx  classes. It  will  then be converted into it’s
       according numeric value.
       This module allows you to limit the packet per second (pps) rate on  a
       per  destination  IP  or per destination port base.  As opposed to the
       ‘limit’ match, every destination ip / destination port  has  it’s  own
       --dstlimit avg
       Maximum  average match rate (packets per second unless followed
       by /sec /minute /hour /day postfixes).
       --dstlimit-mode mode
       The limiting hashmode.   Is  the specified  limit  per  dstip,
       dstip-dstport  tuple, srcip-dstip tuple, or per srcipdstip-dst-
       port tuple.
       --dstlimit-name name
       Name for /proc/net/ipt_dstlimit/* file entry
       [--dstlimit-burst burst]
       Number of packets to match in a burst.  Default: 5
       [--dstlimit-htable-size size]
       Number of buckets in the hashtable
       [--dstlimit-htable-max max]
       Maximum number of entries in the hashtable
       [--dstlimit-htable-gcinterval interval]
       Interval between garbage collection runs of the  hashtable  (in
       miliseconds).  Default is 1000 (1 second).
       [--dstlimit-htable-expire time
       After  which  time  are idle entries expired from hashtable (in
       miliseconds)?  Default is 10000 (10 seconds).
       This allows you to match the ECN bits of the IPv4 and TCP header.  ECN
       is  the Explicit  Congestion  Notification  mechanism as specified in
       This matches if the TCP ECN CWR  (Congestion  Window  Received)
       bit is set.
       This matches if the TCP ECN ECE (ECN Echo) bit is set.
       --ecn-ip-ect num
       This matches a particular IPv4 ECT (ECN-Capable Transport). You
       have to specify a number between ‘0’ and ‘3’.
       This module matches the SPIs in ESP header of IPSec packets.
       --espspi [!] spi[:spi]
       This module matches a rate limit based on  a  fuzzy  logic  controller
       --lower-limit  number"
       Specifies the lower limit (in packets per second).
       --upper-limit number
       Specifies the upper limit (in packets per second).
       This module matches packets related to a specific conntrack-helper.
       --helper string
       Matches packets related to the specified conntrack-helper.
       string  can  be  "ftp"  for packets related to a ftp-session on
       default port.  For other ports append -portnr to the value, ie.
       Same rules apply for other conntrack-helpers.
       This  extension is loaded if ‘--protocol icmp’ is specified.  It pro-
       vides the following option:
       --icmp-type [!] typename
       This allows specification of the ICMP  type,  which  can be  a
       numeric  ICMP  type, or one of the ICMP type names shown by the
        iptables -p icmp -h
       This matches on a given arbitrary range of IPv4 addresses
       [!]--src-range ip-ip
       Match source IP in the specified range.
       [!]--dst-range ip-ip
       Match destination IP in the specified range.
       This module matches the length of a packet against a specific value or
       range of values.
       --length length[:length]
       This  module matches at a limited rate using a token bucket filter.  A
       rule using this extension will  match  until  this  limit  is  reached
       (unless the ‘!’ flag is used).  It can be used in combination with the
       LOG target to give limited logging, for example.
       --limit rate
       Maximum average matching rate: specified as a number,  with  an
       optional ‘/second’,  ‘/minute’, ‘/hour’, or ‘/day’ suffix; the
       default is 3/hour.
       --limit-burst number
       Maximum initial number of packets to match:  this  number  gets
       recharged  by  one  every time the limit specified above is not
       reached, up to this number; the default is 5.
       --mac-source [!] address
       Match  source  MAC  address.   It   must  be   of   the  form
       XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX.  Note that this only makes sense for packets
       coming from an Ethernet device  and  entering  the  PREROUTING,
       FORWARD or INPUT chains.
       This  module matches the netfilter mark field associated with a packet
       (which can be set using the MARK target below).
       --mark value[/mask]
       Matches packets with the given unsigned mark value (if  a  mask
       is  specified, this is logically ANDed with the mask before the
       This module matches a set of source or destination ports.   Up  to  15
       ports  can  be  specified.  It can only be used in conjunction with -p
       tcp or -p udp.
       --source-ports port[,port[,port...]]
       Match if the source port is one of the given ports.   The  flag
       --sports is a convenient alias for this option.
       --destination-ports port[,port[,port...]]
       Match  if  the destination port is one of the given ports.  The
       flag --dports is a convenient alias for this option.
       --ports port[,port[,port...]]
       Match if the both the source and destination ports are equal to
       each other and to one of the given ports.
       This  module  matches  a set of source or destination ports.  Up to 15
       ports can be specified. It can only be used in conjunction  with  -p
       tcp or -p udp.
       --source-ports port[,port[,port...]]
       Match  if  the source port is one of the given ports.  The flag
       --sports is a convenient alias for this option.
       --destination-ports port[,port[,port...]]
       Match if the destination port is one of the given  ports.   The
       flag --dports is a convenient alias for this option.
       --ports port[,port[,port...]]
       Match if the both the source and destination ports are equal to
       each other and to one of the given ports.
       This module matches every ‘n’th packet
       --every value
       Match every ‘value’ packet
       [--counter num]
       Use internal counter number ‘num’.  Default is ‘0’.
       [--start num]
       Initialize the counter at the  number  ‘num’  insetad  of  ‘0’.
       Most between ‘0’ and ‘value’-1.
       [--packet num]
       Match on ‘num’ packet.  Most be between ‘0’ and ‘value’-1.
       This  module  attempts  to match various characteristics of the packet
       creator, for locally-generated packets. It is only valid in the  OUT-
       PUT  chain,  and  even this some packets (such as ICMP ping responses)
       may have no owner, and hence never match.
       --uid-owner userid
       Matches if the packet was created by a process with  the given
       effective user id.
       --gid-owner groupid
       Matches  if  the packet was created by a process with the given
       effective group id.
       --pid-owner processid
       Matches if the packet was created by a process with  the given
       process id.
       --sid-owner sessionid
       Matches  if  the packet was created by a process in the given
       session group.
       --cmd-owner name
       Matches if the packet was created by a process with  the given
       command  name.   (this  option  is present only if iptables was
       compiled under a kernel supporting this feature)
       This module matches on  the  bridge  port  input  and  output  devices
       enslaved  to a bridge device. This module is a part of the infrastruc-
       ture that enables a transparent bridging IP firewall and is only  use-
       ful for kernel versions above version 2.5.44.
       --physdev-in name
       Name  of a bridge port via which a packet is received (only for
       packets entering the INPUT, FORWARD and PREROUTING chains).  If
       the  interface  name  ends  in  a "+", then any interface which
       begins with this name will match. If the packet  didn’t  arrive
       through  a  bridge device, this packet won’t match this option,
       unless ’!’ is used.
       --physdev-out name
       Name of a bridge port via which a packet is going  to  be  sent
       (for  packets  entering  the  FORWARD,  OUTPUT  and POSTROUTING
       chains). If the interface name ends in a "+", then any  inter-
       face  which  begins with this name will match. Note that in the
       nat and mangle OUTPUT chains one cannot  match  on  the  bridge
       output port, however one can in the filter OUTPUT chain. If the
       packet won’t leave by a bridge device or it is yet unknown what
       the  output  device  will  be, then the packet won’t match this
       option, unless
       Matches if the packet has entered through a bridge interface.
       Matches if the packet will leave through a bridge interface.
       Matches if the packet is being bridged  and  therefore  is  not
       being routed.  This is only useful in the FORWARD and POSTROUT-
       ING chains.
       This module matches the link-layer packet type.
       --pkt-type [unicast|broadcast|multicast]
       This module randomly matches a certain percentage of all packets.
       --average percent
       Matches the given percentage.  If omitted, a probability of 50%
       is set.
       This  matches  the  routing realm.  Routing realms are used in complex
       routing setups involving dynamic routing protocols like BGP.
       --realm [!]value[/mask]
       Matches a given realm number (and optionally mask).
       This module, when combined with connection tracking, allows access  to
       the connection tracking state for this packet.
       --state state
       Where  state is a comma separated list of the connection states
       to match.  Possible states are INVALID meaning that the  packet
       could  not be identified for some reason which includes running
       out of memory and ICMP errors which  don’t  correspond  to  any
       known  connection, ESTABLISHED meaning that the packet is asso-
       ciated with a connection which has seen packets in both  direc-
       tions,  NEW  meaning  that the packet has started a new connec-
       tion, or otherwise associated with a connection which  has  not
       seen  packets  in both directions, and RELATED meaning that the
       packet is starting a new connection, but is associated with  an
       existing connection,  such as an FTP data transfer, or an ICMP
       These extensions are loaded if ‘--protocol tcp’ is specified. It  pro-
       vides the following options:
       --source-port [!] port[:port]
       Source  port  or port range specification. This can either be a
       service name or a port number. An inclusive range can  also  be
       specified,  using  the  format port:port.  If the first port is
       omitted, "0" is assumed; if the last  is omitted,  "65535"  is
       assumed.  If  the second port greater then the first they will
       be swapped.  The flag --sport is a convenient  alias  for  this
       --destination-port [!] port[:port]
       Destination port or port range specification.  The flag --dport
       is a convenient alias for this option.
       --tcp-flags [!] mask comp
       Match when the TCP flags are as specified.  The first  argument
       is  the  flags  which  we  should  examine, written as a comma-
       separated list, and the second argument  is  a  comma-separated
       list  of flags  which must be set.  Flags are: SYN ACK FIN RST
       URG PSH ALL NONE.  Hence the command
        iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK,FIN,RST SYN
       will only match packets with the SYN flag set, and the ACK, FIN
       and RST flags unset.
       [!] --syn
       Only match TCP packets with the SYN bit set and the ACK and RST
       bits cleared.  Such packets are used to request TCP  connection
       initiation;  for example,  blocking  such packets coming in an
       interface will prevent incoming TCP connections, but  outgoing
       TCP connections will be unaffected.  It is equivalent to --tcp-
       flags SYN,RST,ACK SYN.  If the "!" flag precedes the  "--syn",
       the sense of the option is inverted.
       --tcp-option [!] number
       Match if TCP option set.
       --mss value[:value]
       Match  TCP  SYN or SYN/ACK packets with the specified MSS value
       (or range), which control the maximum packet size for that con-
       This  matches  the  TCP MSS  (maximum  segment size) field of the TCP
       header. You can only use this on TCP SYN or  SYN/ACK  packets, since
       the  MSS  is  only  negotiated  during the TCP handshake at connection
       startup time.
       [!] --mss value[:value]"
       Match a given TCP MSS value or range.
       This matches if the packet arrival time/date is within a given  range.
       All options are facultative.
 --timestart value
       Match  only  if it is after ‘value’ (Inclusive, format: HH:MM ;
       default 00:00).
       --timestop  value
       Match only if it is before ‘value’ (Inclusive, format: HH:MM  ;
       default 23:59).
       --days listofdays
       Match  only  if  today  is  one  of  the given  days. (format:
       Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun ; default everyday)
       --datestart date
       Match  only  if  it  is  after   ‘date’ (Inclusive,   format:
       YYYY[:MM[:DD[:hh[:mm[:ss]]]]] ; h,m,s start from 0 ; default to
       --datestop date
       Match  only  if  it  is  before  ‘date’ (Inclusive,   format:
       YYYY[:MM[:DD[:hh[:mm[:ss]]]]] ; h,m,s start from 0 ; default to
       This module matches the 8 bits of Type of  Service  field  in  the  IP
       header (ie. including the precedence bits).
       --tos tos
       The argument is either a standard name, (use
        iptables -m tos -h
       to see the list), or a numeric value to match.
       This module matches the time to live field in the IP header.
       --ttl-eq ttl
       Matches the given TTL value.
       --ttl-gt ttl
       Matches if TTL is greater than the given TTL value.
       --ttl-lt ttl
       Matches if TTL is less than the given TTL value.
       These extensions are loaded if ‘--protocol udp’ is specified.  It pro-
       vides the following options:
       --source-port [!] port[:port]
       Source port or port range specification. See  the  description
       of the --source-port option of the TCP extension for details.
       --destination-port [!] port[:port]
       Destination port or port range specification.  See the descrip-
       tion of the --destination-port option of the TCP extension  for
       This module takes no options, but attempts to match packets which seem
       malformed or unusual.  This is regarded as experimental.
       iptables can use extended target modules: the following are  included
       in the standard distribution.
       This  allows you to DNAT connections in a round-robin way over a given
       range of destination addresses.
       --to-destination ipaddr-ipaddr
       Address range to round-robin over.
       This module allows you to set the skb->priority value (and thus clas-
       sify the packet into a specific CBQ class).
       --set-class MAJOR:MINOR
       Set the major and minor class value.
       This  module  allows  you  to configure a simple cluster of nodes that
       share a certain IP and MAC address without an explicit  load  balancer
       in  front of them.  Connections are statically distributed between the
       nodes in this cluster.
       --new  Create a new ClusterIP.  You always have to  set this  on  the
       first rule for a given ClusterIP.
       --hashmode mode
       Specify the hashing mode.  Has to be one of sourceip, sourceip-
       sourceport, sourceip-sourceport-destport
       --clustermac mac
       Specify the ClusterIP MAC address.  Has to be a link-layer mul-
       ticast address
       --total-nodes num
       Number of total nodes within this cluster.
       --local-node num
       Local node number within this cluster.
       --hash-init rnd
       Specify the random seed used for hash initialization.
       This module sets the netfilter mark value associated with a connection
       --set-mark mark[/mask]
       Set connection mark. If a mask is  specified  then  only those
       bits set in the mask is modified.
       --save-mark [--mask mask]
       Copy the netfilter packet mark value to the connection mark. If
       a mask is specified then only those bits are copied.
       --restore-mark [--mask mask]
       Copy the connection mark value to the  packet.  If  a  mask  is
       specified  then  only those bits are copied. This is only valid
       in the mangle table.
       This target is only valid in the nat table, in the PREROUTING and OUT-
       PUT  chains,  and user-defined chains which are only called from those
       chains. It specifies that  the destination  address  of  the  packet
       should  be  modified  (and  all future packets in this connection will
       also be mangled), and rules should cease being examined.  It takes one
       type of option:
       --to-destination ipaddr[-ipaddr][:port-port]
       which  can  specify  a  single  new  destination IP address, an
       inclusive range of IP addresses, and optionally, a  port range
       (which  is  only valid if the rule also specifies -p tcp or -p
       udp).  If no port range is specified, then the destination port
       will never be modified.
       You  can add several --to-destination options.  If you specify
       more than one destination address, either via an address range
       or multiple --to-destination options, a simple round-robin (one
       after another in cycle)  load  balancing takes  place  between
       these adresses.
       This  target allows to alter the value of the DSCP bits within the TOS
       header of the IPv4 packet.  As this manipulates a packet, it can  only
       be used in the mangle table.
       --set-dscp value
       Set the DSCP field to a numerical value (can be decimal or hex)
       --set-dscp-class class
       Set the DSCP field to a DiffServ class.
       This target allows to selectively work around  known  ECN  blackholes.
       It can only be used in the mangle table.
       Remove  all  ECN bits  from the TCP header.  Of course, it can
       only be used in conjunction with -p tcp.
       Turn on kernel logging of matching packets.  When this option  is  set
       for a rule, the Linux kernel will print some information on all match-
       ing packets (like most IP header fields) via the kernel log (where  it
       can  be read  with  dmesg or syslogd(8)).  This is a "non-terminating
       target", i.e. rule traversal continues at the next rule.   So  if  you
       want  to  LOG  the packets you refuse, use two separate rules with the
       same matching criteria, first using target LOG then DROP (or  REJECT).
       --log-level level
       Level of logging (numeric or see syslog.conf(5)).
       --log-prefix prefix
       Prefix log messages with the specified prefix; up to 29 letters
       long, and useful for distinguishing messages in the logs.
       Log TCP sequence numbers. This is a security risk if the log is
       readable by users.
       Log options from the TCP packet header.
       Log options from the IP packet header.
       This  is  used  to  set the  netfilter mark value associated with the
       packet. It is only valid in the mangle table.  It can for example  be
       used in conjunction with iproute2.
       --set-mark mark
       This  target is only valid in the nat table, in the POSTROUTING chain.
       It should only be used with dynamically assigned IP  (dialup)  connec-
       tions:  if  you have a static IP address, you should use the SNAT tar-
       get.  Masquerading is equivalent to specifying a  mapping  to  the  IP
       address of  the  interface  the packet is going out, but also has the
       effect that connections are forgotten when the  interface  goes down.
       This  is the correct behavior when the next dialup is unlikely to have
       the same interface address (and hence any established connections  are
       lost anyway).  It takes one option:
       --to-ports port[-port]
       This  specifies  a range of source ports to use, overriding the
       default SNAT  source  port-selection  heuristics (see  above).
       This is only valid if the rule also specifies -p tcp or -p udp.
       This is an experimental demonstration target which inverts the  source
       and  destination  fields  in the IP header and retransmits the packet.
       It is only valid in the INPUT,  FORWARD and  PREROUTING  chains,  and
       user-defined  chains  which  are  only called from those chains.  Note
       that the outgoing packets are NOT seen by any packet filtering chains,
       connection tracking or NAT, to avoid loops and other problems.
       This  target allows you to statically map a whole network of addresses
       onto another network of addresses.  It can only be used from rules  in
       the nat table.
       --to address[/mask]
       Network  address to map to.  The resulting address will be con-
       structed in the following way: All ’one’ bits in the  mask  are
       filled  in  from the new ‘address’.  All bits that are zero in
       the mask are filled in from the original address.
       This target disables connection tracking for all packets matching that
       It can only be used in the
       raw table.
       This target is only valid in the nat table, in the PREROUTING and OUT-
       PUT chains, and user-defined chains which are only called  from those
       chains.  It  alters  the destination IP address to send the packet to
       the machine  itself  (locally-generated packets  are  mapped  to  the address).  It takes one option:
       --to-ports port[-port]
       This  specifies  a  destination  port or range of ports to use:
       without this, the destination port is never altered.   This  is
       only valid if the rule also specifies -p tcp or -p udp.
       This  is  used to send back an error packet in response to the matched
       packet: otherwise it is equivalent to DROP so it is a terminating TAR-
       GET,  ending  rule traversal.  This target is only valid in the INPUT,
       FORWARD and OUTPUT chains, and  user-defined  chains  which  are  only
       called from those chains.  The following option controls the nature of
       the error packet returned:
       --reject-with type
       The type given can be
        icmp-host-prohibited or
        icmp-admin-prohibited (*)
       which return the appropriate ICMP error message  (port-unreach-
       able  is the  default).  The  option tcp-reset can be used on
       rules which only match the TCP protocol: this causes a TCP  RST
       packet  to  be  sent  back.  This is mainly useful for blocking
       ident (113/tcp) probes which frequently occur when sending mail
       to  broken mail hosts (which won’t accept your mail otherwise).
       (*) Using icmp-admin-prohibited with kernels that do  not  support  it
       will result in a plain DROP instead of REJECT
       This is used to explicitly override the core network  stack’s  routing
       decision.  mangle table.
       --oif ifname
       Route the packet through ‘ifname’ network interface
       --iif ifname
       Change the packet’s incoming interface to ‘ifname’
       --gw IP_address
       Route the packet via this gateway
       Behave  like  a  non-terminating target and continue traversing
       the rules.  Not valid in combination with ‘--iif’
       This target is only valid in the nat table, in the POSTROUTING  chain.
       It  specifies that the source address of the packet should be modified
       (and all future packets in this connection will also be mangled),  and
       rules should cease being examined.  It takes one type of option:
       --to-source  ipaddr[-ipaddr][:port-port]
       which  can specify a single new source IP address, an inclusive
       range of IP addresses, and optionally, a port range  (which  is
       only valid if the rule also specifies -p tcp or -p udp). If no
       port range is specified, then source ports below 512  will  be
       mapped  to  other  ports below 512: those between 512 and 1023
       inclusive will be mapped to ports below 1024, and  other ports
       will be mapped to 1024 or above. Where possible, no port alter-
       ation will occur.
       You can add several --to-source options. If you specify  more
       than  one source address, either via an address range or multi-
       ple  --to-source options,  a  simple  round-robin  (one after
       another in cycle) takes place between these adresses.
       This  target allows to alter the MSS value of TCP SYN packets, to con-
       trol the maximum size for that connection (usually limiting it to your
       outgoing interface’s MTU minus 40).  Of course, it can only be used in
       conjunction with -p tcp.
       This target is used to overcome criminally braindead ISPs  or  servers
       which  block  ICMP Fragmentation Needed packets.  The symptoms of this
       problem are  that  everything  works  fine  from  your Linux fire-
       wall/router, but machines behind it can never exchange large packets:
 1) Web browsers connect, then hang with no data received.
 2) Small mail works fine, but large emails hang.
 3) ssh works fine, but scp hangs after initial handshaking.
       Workaround:  activate this option and add a rule to your firewall con-
       figuration like:
 iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN \
      -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
       --set-mss value
       Explicitly set MSS option to specified value.
       Automatically clamp MSS value to (path_MTU - 40).
       These options are mutually exclusive.
       This is used to set the 8-bit Type of Service field in the IP  header.
       It is only valid in the mangle table.
       --set-tos tos
       You can use a numeric TOS values, or use
        iptables -j TOS -h
       to see the list of valid TOS names.
       This  target  has no options.  It just turns on packet tracing for all
       packets that match this rule.
       This is used to modify the IPv4 TTL  header  field.   The  TTL field
       determines  how many  hops (routers) a packet can traverse until it’s
       time to live is exceeded.
       Setting or incrementing the TTL field can potentially be very  danger-
       so it should be avoided at any cost.
       Don’t ever set or increment the value on packets that leave your local
       mangle table.
       --ttl-set value
       Set the TTL value to ‘value’.
       --ttl-dec value
       Decrement the TTL value ‘value’ times.
       --ttl-inc value
       Increment the TTL value ‘value’ times.
       This target provides userspace logging of matching packets.  When this
       target  is set for a rule, the Linux kernel will multicast this packet
       through a netlink socket. One or more  userspace  processes  may  then
       subscribe  to  various multicast groups and receive the packets.  Like
       LOG, this is a "non-terminating target", i.e. rule traversal continues
       at the next rule.
       --ulog-nlgroup nlgroup
       This  specifies the netlink group (1-32) to which the packet is
       sent.  Default value is 1.
       --ulog-prefix prefix
       Prefix log messages with the specified prefix; up to 32 charac-
       ters  long, and useful for distinguishing messages in the logs.
       --ulog-cprange size
       Number of bytes to be copied to userspace.  A value of 0 always
       copies  the  entire packet, regardless of its size.  Default is
       --ulog-qthreshold size
       Number of packet to queue inside kernel.  Setting  this value
       to,  e.g.  10  accumulates  ten  packets inside the kernel and
       transmits them as one netlink multipart message  to  userspace.
       Default is 1 (for backwards compatibility).
       Various error  messages are printed to standard error. The exit code
       is 0 for correct functioning.  Errors which appear  to  be  caused  by
       invalid or abused command line parameters cause an exit code of 2, and
       other errors cause an exit code of 1.
       Bugs?  What’s this? ;-) Well... the  counters  are  not  reliable  on
       This  iptables is very similar to ipchains by Rusty Russell.  The main
       difference is that the chains INPUT and OUTPUT are only traversed  for
       packets coming into the local host and originating from the local host
       respectively.  Hence every packet only passes through one of the three
       chains  (except loopback traffic, which involves both INPUT and OUTPUT
       chains); previously a forwarded packet would pass through all three.
       The other main difference is that -i refers to the input interface; -o
       refers  to  the output interface, and both are available for packets
       entering the FORWARD chain.
       iptables is a pure packet filter when using the default ‘filter’  ta-
       ble,  with  optional  extension modules.  This should simplify much of
       the previous confusion over the combination  of IP  masquerading  and
       packet  filtering  seen previously.  So the following options are han-
       dled differently:
 -j MASQ
 -M -S
 -M -L
       There are several other changes in iptables.
       iptables-save(8),   iptables-restore(8),   ip6tables(8),    ip6tables-
       save(8), ip6tables-restore(8).
       The  packet-filtering-HOWTO  details iptables usage for packet filter-
       ing, the NAT-HOWTO details NAT, the netfilter-extensions-HOWTO details
       the extensions that are not in the standard distribution, and the net-
       filter-hacking-HOWTO details the netfilter internals.
       See .
       Rusty Russell wrote iptables, in early consultation with Michael Neul-
       Marc  Boucher  made  Rusty  abandon ipnatctl by lobbying for a generic
       packet selection framework in iptables, then wrote the  mangle  table,
       the  owner  match,  the mark  stuff,  and ran around doing cool stuff
       James Morris wrote the TOS target, and tos match.
       Jozsef Kadlecsik wrote the REJECT target.
       Harald Welte wrote the ULOG target, TTL, DSCP, ECN  matches  and  tar-
       The  Netfilter  Core  Team  is: Marc Boucher, Martin Josefsson, Jozsef
       Kadlecsik, Patrick McHardy, James Morris, Harald Welte and Rusty  Rus-
       Man page written by Herve Eychenne <>.
     Mar 09, 2002     IPTABLES(8)
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