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2017-06-09 10:24:18

网上搜索 group by,结果一大堆,千篇一律 ……

现在从浅入深的讲一下 group by的应用

  • 1、group by的作用

        group by 简单来讲,就是分组,配合计算使用,计算方法如SUM、count、avg、max、min等…

        应用举例 : 从交易表中查询出今天有交易的商户账户。

  • 2、使用 group by 完成一个简单的应用

        查询order_amount表中,是否有指定的账户  : 使用group by 就能做到 : select account_id from order_amount group by account_id;

        同样distinct 也能做到 : 使用 distinct 也能做到 : select distinct account_id from order_amount ;

        如上使用 group by 和 distinct 的效率是一样的,如果是查找是否存在,建议使用 order by + limit 1,扫描到第一条数据就完成,效率最高

        select account_id from order_amount where account_id = xxx limit 1,

  • group by 和 distinct 使用上的差异

        举例1:select count(distinct account_id) from order_amount ;

        举例2:select count(account_id) from order_amount group by account_id;



            group by : 先分组,再计算

            distinct :先去重,再计算,distinct 只是去重,不太适合条件和计算类查找

  • 复杂应用,通过两个条件锁定一条记录



            1、select * from (select * from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz) as sel group by xy


            2、select * from  order_amount group by xy having id = (select max(id) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz)

        注 distinct 无法完成本类需求,只能静静的看着 group by 表演了。

  • 方法1分析:涉及子查询,子查询空间和效率的问题都暴露出来了。

        select * from (select * from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz) as sel group by xy




            1、group by 中的,除了算法使用的字段和group by 以外的字段,其它字段的值是随机的,默认获取的是选择查询索引(where或者group by)的第一条符合分组的记录填充的。





  • 方法2分析:

        select * from  order_amount group by xy having id = (select max(id) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz)


            可以实现功能,合理的利用了having 语句,查询结果集很小,无临时表空间占满的问题



  • 方法3:

        select * from order_amount where id in (select max(id) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz group by xy)





  • 更复杂的需求
        step 1:先定位出唯一记录的ID或者索引信息
            需求1:12点到15点之间,最后完成,且最后创建的订单select max(concat(complete_time,create_time)) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz group by xy
            需求2:12点到15点之间,最后完成,且最先创建的订单:select max(concat(complete_time,2000000000-create_time)) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz group by xy
            需求3:12点到15点之间,最先完成,且最后创建的订单:select min(concat(complete_time,2000000000-create_time)) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz group by xy
            需求4:12点到15点之间,最先完成,且最先创建的订单:select min(concat(complete_time,create_time)) from order_amount where xxx yyy zzz group by xy
        step 2:通过如上唯一信息,查询唯一数据

        如上只是个举例,总的来讲,还是通过 max/min(concat(xxx,yyy,bbb,...)) 等方式完成按需查找,找到符合条件的唯一记录, 其中 xxx,yyy,bbb 可以是字段,也可以是一种运算,如2000000000-create_time,总的原则来讲,就是想通过max或者min搜索出想要的唯一信息。

        如果觉得数据量不是很大,则可以使用 select * from (select * from order_amount order by complete_time desc, create_time asc where xxx yyy zzz) as sel group by xy,zz,dd,通过内查询按要求排序,通过group by筛选出第一条记录。
  • group by 总结

        1、group by 非计算列,非group by列,如何自行控制?


            select * from (select * from order_amount order by complete_time desc, create_time asc where xxx yyy zzz) as sel group by xy

        2、group by 也是优先使用索引。

        3、group by 一次可以完成多个函数,可以通过多个字段进行分组

            select count(amount) as cnt, SUM(amount) as total_amount, avg(amount) as avg_amount, max(id) as max_id, min(id) as min_id, xy, za, hs from order_amount group by xy, za,hs

        4、同时可以使用 with rollup再获取上级汇总

            select count(amount) as cnt, SUM(amount) as total_amount, avg(amount) as avg_amount, max(id) as max_id, min(id) as min_id, xy, za, hs from order_amount group by xy, za,hs with rollup

        5、group by 之后的结果也可以排序,并非select的条件,且不影响select的结果。

            select count(amount) as cnt, SUM(amount) as total_amount, avg(amount) as avg_amount, max(id) as max_id, min(id) as min_id, xy, za, hs from order_amount group by xy asc, za desc,hs asc

        6、使用 group by 的时候,难免会用到子查询,一定要严格审视子查询结果的大小和性

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