# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- changes input excel files to new excel files with different content.
Input files like Pathway_in.xls and output files like Pathway_out.xls.
Run the program in an WinXP OS with python2.6 and pywin32 for python2.6 installed.
import os
import sys
import string
import operator
import win32com.client
class easyExcel:
def __init__(self, filename=None):
self.xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
if filename:
self.filename = filename
self.xlBook = self.xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)
self.xlBook = self.xlApp.Workbooks.Add()
self.filename = ''
def save(self, newfilename=None):
if newfilename:
self.filename = newfilename
def close(self):
del self.xlApp
def getCell(self, sheet, row, col):
"Get value of one cell"
sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
return sht.Cells(row, col).Value
def setCell(self, sheet, row, col, value):
"set value of one cell"
sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
sht.Cells(row, col).Value = value
def getRange(self, sheet, row1, col1, row2, col2):
"return a 2d array (i.e. tuple of tuples)"
sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
return sht.Range(sht.Cells(row1, col1), sht.Cells(row2, col2)).Value
def setRange(self, sheet, leftCol, topRow, data):
"""insert a 2d array starting at given location.
Works out the size needed for itself"""
bottomRow = topRow + len(data) - 1
rightCol = leftCol + len(data[0]) - 1
sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
sht.Cells(topRow, leftCol),
sht.Cells(bottomRow, rightCol)
).Value = data
sht.Cells(topRow, leftCol),
sht.Cells(topRow, rightCol)
).Font.Bold = True
def getContiguousRange(self, sheet, row, col):
"""Tracks down and across from top left cell until it
encounters blank cells; returns the non-blank range.
Looks at first row and column; blanks at bottom or right
are OK and return None witin the array"""
sht = self.xlBook.Worksheets(sheet)
# find the bottom row
bottom = row
while sht.Cells(bottom + 1, col).Value not in [None, '']:
bottom = bottom + 1
# right column
right = col
while sht.Cells(row, right + 1).Value not in [None, '']:
right = right + 1
return sht.Range(sht.Cells(row, col), sht.Cells(bottom, right)).Value
if __name__ == "__main__":
filename = ''
newfilename = ''
l = len(sys.argv)
if l==1:
filename = raw_input("Please enter your '.xls' file name: ")
newfilename = filename + '.out.xls'
elif l==2:
filename = sys.argv[1]
newfilename = filename + '.out.xls'
xls = easyExcel(filename)
val = xls.getContiguousRange('KEGG', 1, 1)
assert val[0] == ('PathwayName',
'InputSymbol'), 'Column structure is wrong!'
rows = [val[1]]
for row in val[2:]:
(pn, t, fmt_pv, qv, fmt_gene, fmt_ins) = row
pv = string.atof(fmt_pv)
gene = fmt_gene
ins = fmt_ins
for i in range(len(rows)):
r = rows[i]
if pn==r[0]:
gene = r[4] + ';' + fmt_gene
ins = r[5] + ';' + fmt_ins
rows.append((pn, t, pv, qv, gene, ins))
rows = sorted(rows, key=operator.itemgetter(2))
rows.insert(0, val[0])
newval = tuple(rows)
xls.setRange('KEGG', 1, 1, newval)
注意:如果没有安装Excel则self.xlApp = win32com.client.Dispatch('Excel.Application')
会报错,而没有给出文件的绝对路径self.xlBook = self.xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)有可能报错。
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