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2012-03-12 16:46:05




  1. #!/usr/bin/python
  2. #encoding=utf-8
  3. #===============================================================================
  4. #
  5. # FILE: pdic
  6. #
  7. # USAGE: pdic [word]
  8. #
  9. # DESCRIPTION: The dictionary based on Terminal
  10. #
  11. # OPTIONS: ---
  12. # REQUIREMENTS: ---
  13. # BUGS: ---
  14. # NOTES: ---
  15. # AUTHOR: Eric Yu ,
  16. # LICENCE: GPL
  17. # CREATED:
  18. # REVISION: ---
  19. #===============================================================================

  20. from xml.etree import ElementTree
  21. import threading
  22. import re
  23. import os
  24. import sys
  25. import urllib2

  26. '''The word you want to search\
  27.         and the place thar stored the word directory'''
  28. word = ''
  29. word_dir = r'word_dir'

  30. #content = urllib2.urlopen(r'%s'% word)

  31. #mean =

  32. #file = open('file','w+')
  33. #file.write(mean)
  34. #file.close()

  35. '''Use to replace , '''
  36. parleft = re.compile(r'')
  37. parright = re.compile(r'')

  38. def print_node(node):
  39.     '''Show the meaning of the word\
  40.             and replace , '''
  41.     string = re.sub(parleft,'<',node.text)
  42.     text = re.sub(parright,'>',string)
  43.     print '%s'% text

  44. #read_xml(mean)

  45. def Judge():
  46.     '''判断是否存在字典文件夹,不存在建立'''
  47.     global word_dir
  48.     if os.path.exists(word_dir):
  49.         if os.path.isdir(word_dir):
  50.             pass
  51.         else:
  52.             print "There is file named %s"% word_dir
  53.             return 0
  54.     else:
  55.         try:
  56.             os.mkdir(word_dir)
  57.         except:
  58.             print "Fail to create the directory"
  59.             return 0
  60.         else:
  61.             print "First Use:Created the directory"
  62.             return 1

  63. def Usage():
  64.     '''判断输入是否正确'''
  65.     if len(sys.argv) != 2:
  66.         print "Usage: %s [word]"% sys.argv[0]
  67.         return 0
  68.     else:
  69.         global word
  70.         word = sys.argv[1]

  71. class Word:
  72.     def __init__(self,word):
  73.         self.word = word
  74.         self.url = r'%s'% self.word

  75.     def GetUrl(self):
  76.         global word_dir
  77.         file = word_dir + '/' + self.word + '.xml'
  78.         try:
  79.             content = urllib2.urlopen(self.url)
  80.         except:
  81.             print "Fail to download"
  82.             return 0
  83.         self.mean =
  84.         if'|Not Found',self.mean):
  85.             return 1
  86.         else:
  87.             wf = open(file,'w')
  88.             wf.write(self.mean)
  89.             wf.close()
  90.             if self.mean == '':
  91.                 print "Fail to download"
  92.                 return 0

  93.     def Read_xml(self):
  94.         root = ElementTree.fromstring(self.mean)
  95.         '''root.find() 返回的为None。'''
  96.         node_find = root.getiterator('def')
  97.         if not node_find:
  98.             pass
  99.         else:
  100.             for i in node_find:
  101.                 print_node(i)

  102.         lst_node = root.getiterator("sent")
  103.         if not lst_node:
  104.             pass
  105.         else:
  106.             for i in lst_node:
  107.                 child = i.getchildren()
  108.                 for j in child:
  109.                     lst_node_child = j
  110.                     print_node(lst_node_child)

  111.         node_sugg = root.getiterator('sugg')
  112.         if not node_sugg:
  113.             pass
  114.         else:
  115.             for i in node_sugg:
  116.                 print_node(i)

  117.     def local_xml(self):
  118.         '''Read the word file local'''
  119.         global word_dir
  120.         file = word_dir + '/' + self.word + '.xml'
  121.         if os.path.exists(file) and os.path.isfile(file):
  122.             wf = open(file)
  123.             self.mean =
  124.             if not len(self.mean):
  125.                 return 0
  126.             wf.close()
  127.             return 1
  128.         return 0

  129. def main():
  130.     if Usage() == 0:
  131.         sys.exit()
  132.     if Judge() == 0:
  133.         sys.exit()
  134.     tran = Word(word)
  135.     if tran.local_xml() == 0:
  136.         if tran.GetUrl() == 0:
  137.             print 'Error'
  138.             sys.exit()
  139.         else:
  140.             tran.Read_xml()
  141.     else:
  142.         tran.Read_xml()
  143.     return 1

  144. if __name__ == '__main__':
  145.     main()

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