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2011-03-27 00:36:32

光明照耀钻石,男性和永恒 ; 的名义舍入珍珠光泽,象征恒常性的和高尚的 ;半透明碧玉象征好运、 财富和的 … … 大自然的礼物 … … 人类,人民毫无例外的物质财富的渴望。今天,随着珠宝首饰,从传统、 增值的功能的保存清单的标识和独特滋味一直视豪华、 第载体时尚珠宝鉴定科追求出现越来越多注意。


古语有云有黄金,钻石,无价的价格。价值连城的钻石是真的它根据报告,钻石应基于重量、 颜色、 透明度,与削减标准的确定,其质量和任何珠宝的价值是类司和指定的分类其他和测试该珠宝鉴定科 & # 39 ; 真实性 s 工作。Because the world has two 300 kinds of minerals, there are 23 ten common, each branch has many, such as Crystal Can be divided into Amethyst , Citrine, etc., precious stones are rubies and sapphires can be divided into shops and, the value of several thousand to tens of thousands of jewelry, as many as a million, if identified properly, a little mistake will cause irreparable damage.

Have engaged in jewelry business, Ms. Luo said that the absence of professional knowledge, their previous value Qi Cheng found jade, a look back to open, which was actually Whitehead, identification of errors to their needless loss of the last 10 million.

As jewelry diamond jewelry consumption of heating and expansion of market scale, in addition to jewelry distribution company, Gem Identification is also widely used in quality inspection stations, pawn shops, Auction Bank and other fields, such as Insurance , Mortgage loans, liquidation, Tax , Donations and other important process,确定的珠宝作用引发。

营销人才识别必须了解稀有和珍贵的首饰,投下一层神秘的产业内生产、 加工、 销售和鉴定的鉴定,它是一般较难理解和把握。因此,中国的珠宝消费者知识无处不到许多不同种类的玉饰品,消费者往往会不堪重负的这无疑影响他们购买的欲望的计数器的面孔。客户转介、 宣传珠宝知识和文化,教他们纯度和珠宝鉴定,真实性的珠宝产品珠宝营销人员已成为一个重要的责任。

中国地质大学 (武汉) 珠宝学院苏黄表示消费者现在更是合理的不才去购买的中国大学要了解,但也在易用性和给他们轻看身体珠宝鉴定检测少于要消除他们的疑虑他们需要知道如何识别纯度和珠宝的真实性。良好的营销人员只应知道如何珠宝鉴定知识,告诉客户,但也可以告诉珠宝,以及纯度、 纹理、 等的颜色。什么是应力,允许客户买不仅本身的珠宝,但还赞赏珠光宝气的知识和文化。缺乏人员

报告除了后数百名学生,近年来珠宝大学毕业生武汉,专业的珠宝鉴定宝石鉴定根据多数仍选择返回与深圳及其他沿海的城市不是很多人留在武汉。已确定缺少人员的运作经理李珠宝生意有武汉珠宝而在深圳和其他的沿海城市对人才的相对较大的市场需求的首饰厂 90%的两个主要原因,另外一方面武汉最出的珠宝行业工资不是高。 A 珠宝专业的学生说珠宝专业学生找到一份工作不是很难,但难找到理想的工作大部分为销售人员的珠宝业。因此家长的支持,他用他自己打开的专业优势珠宝匠。

行业认为珠宝应该是把好的就业机会,培养和锻炼自己,而是特别的珠宝首饰产业充分利用已确定的专业长期的视图的心态、 轻理论是不足够,必须有一个好的经验和操作技能,仅有的知识和实用技能两个质量火车估价师为了成为更好的业务经理的复杂结构。培训市场报警

在玉首饰测试工作的专业人员和技术人员参加资格测试,获得珠宝首饰质量控制部的注册证书的质量。Now because it is a two-year test, test cycle is too long, most students chose to competent professional jewelry appraisal training.

Professional jewelry appraisal training, has attracted the participation of many organizations, but because of the particularity of the jewelry industry, a number of training simply can not meet at least look at a few hundred students Stone Specimen requirements, and often lack the level of industry standard Apparatus , Coupled with the limitations of teachers, so that can not attract some of the training institutions in the transformation of biogenic then have now identified in Wuhan City in the training of the few jewels.

Su introduced, now the training division of a jewelry identification card, tuition is 8900 yuan, six hours is the course consists of three parts: foundation courses gem identification, gem identification certificate courses and Diamond Grading Certificate courses, general education high school students can enroll in the completion 的可用通过学院颁发的珠宝首饰鉴定资格证书的考试。[关键词]: 玉评论大聽聽在小

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