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2011-12-13 14:06:26

Glossary about font
  [ I ripped this right out of the manual I wrote for Sfware.  If you have
  comments, improvements, suggestions, please tell me... ]
       [ed: this is an 'off-the-cuff' definition, feel free to clarify it
       for me ;-) ]
       On low-resolution bitmap devices (where ragged, ugly characters
       are the norm) which support more than two colors, it is possible
       to provide the appearance of higher resolution with anti-aliasing.
       Anti-aliasing uses shaded pixels around the edges of the bitmap
       to give the appearance of partial-pixels which improves the
       apparent resolution.
       The baseline is an imaginary line upon which each character rests.
       Characters that appear next to each other are (usually) lined up so
       that their baselines are on the same level.  Some characters extend
       below the baseline ("g" and "j", for example) but most rest on it.
       A bitmap is an array of dots. If you imagine a sheet of graph paper
       with some squares colored in, a bitmap is a compact way of
       representing to the computer which squares are colored and which
       are not.
       In a bitmapped font, every character is represented as a pattern of
       dots in a bitmap. The dots are so small (300 or more dots-per-inch,
       usually) that they are indistinguishable on the printed page.
       (1) The smallest component of written language that has semantic
       value.  Character refers to the abstract idea, rather than a
       specific shape (see also glyph), though in code tables some form
       of visual representation is essential for the reader's
       understanding.  (2) The basic unit of encoding for the Unicode
       character encoding, 16 bits of information.  (3) Synonym for "code
       element".  (4) The English name for the ideographic written
       elements of Chinese origin.
       A particular collection of characters of a typeface with unique
       parameters in the 'Variation vector', a particular instance of
       values for orientation, size, posture, weight, etc., values.  The
       word font or fount is derived from the word foundry, where,
       originally, type was cast.  It has come to mean the vehicle which
       holds the typeface character collection.  A font can be metal,
       photographic film, or electronic media (cartridge, tape, disk).
       (1) The actual shape (bit pattern, outline) of a character image.
       For example, an italic 'a' and a roman 'a' are two different glyphs
       representing the same underlying character.  In this strict sense,
       any two images which differ in shape constitute different glyphs.
       In this usage, "glyph" is a synonym for "character image", or
       simply "image".  (2) A kind of idealized surface form derived from
       some combination of underlying characters in some specific
       context, rather than an actual character image.  In this broad
       usage, two images would constitute the same glyph whenever they
       have essentially the same topology (as in oblique 'a' and roman
       'a'), but different glyphs when one is written with a hooked top
       and the other without (the way one prints an 'a' by hand).  In
       this usage, "glyph" is a synonym for "glyph type," where glyph is
       defined as in sense 1.
       When a character is described in outline format the outline has
       unlimited resolution.  If you make it ten times as big, it is just
       as accurate as if it were ten times as small.
       However, to be of use, we must transfer the character outline to a
       sheet of paper through a device called a raster image processor
       (RIP). The RIP builds the image of the character out of lots of
       little squares called picture elements (pixels).
       The problem is, a pixel has physical size and can be printed only
       as either black or white. Look at a sheet of graph paper. Rows and
       columns of little squares (think: pixels). Draw a large `O' in the
       middle of the graph paper. Darken in all the squares touched by the
       O. Do the darkened squares form a letter that looks like the O you
       drew? This is the problem with low resolution (300 dpi). Which
       pixels do you turn on and which do you leave off to most accurately
       reproduce the character?
       All methods of hinting strive to fit (map) the outline of a
       character onto the pixel grid and produce the most
       pleasing/recognizable character no matter how coarse the grid is.
       (noun): That portion of a letter which extends beyond its width,
       that is, the letter shapes that overhang - the projection of a
       character beyond its sidebearings.
       (verb): To adjust the intercharacter spacing in character groups
       (words) to improve their appearance.  Some letter combinations
       ("AV" and "To", for example) appear farther apart than others
       because of the shapes of the individual letters.
       Many sophisticated word processors move these letter combinations
       closer together automatically.
  outline font/format
       See 'scalable font'
       The (more or less) original point system (Didot) did have exactly
       72 points to the inch. The catch is that it was the French
       imperial inch, somewhat longer than the English inch, and it went
       away in the French revolution. What most people now think of as
       points were established by the United States Typefounders
       Association in 1886. This measure was a matter of convenience for
       the members of the Association, who didn't want to retool any more
       than they had to, so it had no relationship to the inch. By that
       date, people realized that the inch was an archaic measure anyway;
       the point was set to be 1/12 of a pica, and an 83-pica distance
       was made equal to 35 centimeters. (Talk about arbitrary!)
       Thus the measure of 72.27/in. is just an approximation. Of course,
       when PostScript was being written, it was necessary to fit into an
       inch-measured world. For the sake of simplicity PostScript defined
       a point as exactly 1/72". With the prevalance of DTP, the
       simplified point has replaced the older American point in many
       uses. Personally, I don't see that it matters one way or the
       other; all that counts is that there's a commonly-understood unit
       of measurement that allows you to get the size you think you want.
       That is, after all, the point ;)
  scalable font
       A scalable font, unlike a bitmapped font, is defined mathematically
       and can be rendered at any requested size (within reason).
       A softfont is a bitmapped or scalable description of a typeface or
       font.  They can be downloaded to your printer and used just like
       any other printer font.  Unlike built-in and cartridge fonts,
       softfonts use memory inside your printer.  Downloading a lot of
       softfonts may reduce the printers ability to construct complex
  symbol set
       The symbol set of a font describes the relative positions of
       individual characters within the font.  Since there can only be 256
       characters in most fonts, and there are well over 256 different
       characters used in professional document preparation, there needs
       to be some way to map characters into positions within the font.
       The symbol set serves this purpose.  It identifies the "map" used
       to position characters within the font.
       The features by which a character's design is recognized, hence
       the word face.  Within the Latin language group of graphic shapes
       are the following forms: Uncial, Blackletter, Serif, Sans Serif,
       Scripts, and Decorative.  Each form characterizes one or more
       designs.  Example: Serif form contains four designs called Old
       Style, Transitional, Modern, and Slab Serif designs.  The typeface
       called Bodoni is a Modern design, while Times Roman is a
       Transitional design.
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