extern int etext,edata,end;
int main(int argc,char* argv[])
int shm_size;
int prj_id;
key_t key;
int shm_id;
int pid;
char *addr,*shm_addr;
if(argc != 3)
printf("Usage: %s shm_size message.\n",argv[0]);
return 1;
shm_size = atoi(argv[1]);
//generate IPC key_word,还是从这个步骤开始。
prj_id = 2;
key = ftok("/home/gaolu",prj_id);
if(-1 == key)
perror("Can't generate the IPC key.\n");
return 1;
//creat sh_memory,size is argv[1]
shm_id = shmget(key,shm_size,IPC_CREAT|0660);
if(-1 == shm_id)
perror("Can't creat a shared memory segment.\n");
return 1;
addr = (char*)shmat(shm_id,NULL,0);
if(addr == (char*)(-1))
perror("Can't attech the memory to process.\n");
return 1;
shm_addr = addr;
//print the information of process
printf("==========address information==============\n");
printf("etext address: 0x%x.\n",&etext);
printf("edata address: 0x%x.\n",&edata);
printf("end address: 0x%x.\n",&end);
printf("shared memroy segment address: 0x%x.\n",shm_addr);
printf("The input message is: %s.\n",argv[2]);
printf("Before fork,the message in shared memeroy is: %s.\n",shm_addr);
//creat child process
pid = fork();
if(-1 == pid)
perror("Fail to creat child process.\n");
return 1;
else if(pid == 0)
//for child process
printf("In child process,the message is: %s.\n",shm_addr);
printf("Now modify the message in shared memory segment.\n");
//for parent process
printf("In parent process, we can read the message in shared memory is %s.\n",shm_addr);
perror("Fail to release the memroy.\n");
return 1;
//delete the shared memory segment
perror("Can't delete the shared memory segment.\n");
return 1;
return 0;
gcc -o shm systemcall2.c
./shm 1024 ABCDEFG
==========address information==============
etext address: 0x80489b8.
edata address: 0x804a044.
end address: 0x804a04c.
shared memroy segment address: 0xb7f6e000.
The input message is: ABCDEFG.
Before fork,the message in shared memeroy is: ABCDEFG.
In child process,the message is: ABCDEFG.
Now modify the message in shared memory segment.
In parent process, we can read the message in shared memory is BBCDEFG.
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